Rails by default generates a lot of unnecessary files
when we run rails g controller
To avoid polluting our codebase
with unnecessary files,
place this code in the application.rb
of your Rails project.
config.generators do |g|
g.helper false
g.stylesheets false
g.javascripts false
g.view_specs false
You can read more about from our blog.
Listed below are the list of development/test Gems that we commonly use.
group :development do
gem 'better_errors'
gem 'byebug'
gem 'quiet_assets'
gem 'letter_opener'
gem 'bullet'
Don't edit or remove existing migrations files. It is all right to edit migrations if it's on a branch that you're working on, but once a migration has reached staging or production, it should not be changed.
- Don't use default scope - it makes it harder to understand where a certain scope is being added.
# Bad
default_scope { order(created_at: :desc) }
# Good
scope :feed, -> { order(created_at: :desc) }
Now, instead of Post.all
you would use Post.feed
which makes it clear
what scope is being added.
- There should be no direct communication between code written here and Rails models.
- The model/controller should call this class under lib folder get the result and save it to the database, rather than the lib class saving to database directly.
Code interacting with 3rd party API
or scraping 3rd party websites
should be placed in the lib
How the contents of file should be arranged:
# A scraper to scrpe Alexa ranks
require 'nokogiri'
require 'open-uri'
module Alexa
# All the constants should be declared on top
URL = 'http://alexa.com/siteinfo/'
API_KEY = ENV['API_KEY'] # Place any key if required
#Alexa.fetch_rank(domain: 'redpanthers.co')
def self.fetch_rank domain:
# write the code to fetch results
- Always pass the arguments as keyword arguments.
- There should be no direct communication to the DB from the lib folder
- Always return the contents in the format required to be inserted into DB (as a hash).
- Do not include and use the module directly, all the module through self as it would be more redable
No matter how much we plan, there will always occur cases which we haven't expected. It mostly happen stuff that is not under our control like:
- User Input
- 3rd Party API
- Network
So while working with the above three it is always better to lead with caution.
Always use try
if you are doubtful about an object.
@person = Person.where(name: 'Panther').first
You can also pass in code blocks in try:
report = params[:search_param]
.try { |term| build_search_query(term) }
.try { |formated_term| run_search(formated_term) }
Time.parse("2015-07-04 17:05:37")
Time.strptime(string, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z")
Time.zone.parse("2015-07-04 17:05:37")
Time.strptime(string, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z").in_time_zone
Read more about it from our blog.
Place counter cache where ever necessary. Read more about on our blog.