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Active Directory application information.

azure_application {
  allow_guests_sign_in => "allowGuestsSignIn (optional)",
  allow_passthrough_users => "allowPassthroughUsers (optional)",
  api_version => "api_version",
  app_id => "app_id (optional)",
  app_logo_url => "app_logo_url (optional)",
  app_permissions => "appPermissions (optional)",
  app_roles => $azure_app_role
  available_to_other_tenants => "availableToOtherTenants (optional)",
  display_name => "display_name (optional)",
  error_url => "error_url (optional)",
  group_membership_claims => $azure_group_membership_claims
  homepage => "homepage (optional)",
  identifier_uris => "identifierUris (optional)",
  informational_urls => $azure_informational_url
  is_device_only_auth_supported => "isDeviceOnlyAuthSupported (optional)",
  key_credentials => $azure_key_credential
  known_client_applications => "knownClientApplications (optional)",
  logout_url => "logout_url (optional)",
  oauth2_allow_implicit_flow => "oauth2AllowImplicitFlow (optional)",
  oauth2_allow_url_path_matching => "oauth2AllowUrlPathMatching (optional)",
  oauth2_permissions => $azure_o_auth2_permission
  oauth2_require_post_response => "oauth2RequirePostResponse (optional)",
  optional_claims => $azure_optional_claims
  org_restrictions => "orgRestrictions (optional)",
  parameters => "parameters",
  password_credentials => $azure_password_credential
  pre_authorized_applications => $azure_pre_authorized_application
  public_client => "publicClient (optional)",
  publisher_domain => "publisher_domain (optional)",
  reply_urls => "replyUrls (optional)",
  required_resource_access => $azure_required_resource_access
  saml_metadata_url => "saml_metadata_url (optional)",
  sign_in_audience => "sign_in_audience (optional)",
  tenant_id => "tenant_id",
  www_homepage => "www_homepage (optional)",
Name Type Required Description
allow_guests_sign_in Boolean false A property on the application to indicate if the application accepts other IDPs or not or partially accepts.
allow_passthrough_users Boolean false Indicates that the application supports pass through users who have no presence in the resource tenant.
api_version String true Client API version.
app_id String false The application ID.
app_logo_url String false The url for the application logo image stored in a CDN.
app_permissions Array false The application permissions.
app_roles AppRole false The collection of application roles that an application may declare. These roles can be assigned to users, groups or service principals.
available_to_other_tenants Boolean false Whether the application is available to other tenants.
display_name String false The display name of the application.
error_url String false A URL provided by the author of the application to report errors when using the application.
group_membership_claims GroupMembershipClaims false Configures the groups claim issued in a user or OAuth 2.0 access token that the app expects.
homepage String false The home page of the application.
identifier_uris Array false A collection of URIs for the application.
informational_urls InformationalUrl false URLs with more information about the application.
is_device_only_auth_supported Boolean false Specifies whether this application supports device authentication without a user. The default is false.
key_credentials KeyCredential false A collection of KeyCredential objects.
known_client_applications Array false Client applications that are tied to this resource application. Consent to any of the known client applications will result in implicit consent to the resource application through a combined consent dialog (showing the OAuth permission scopes required by the client and the resource).
logout_url String false the url of the logout page
oauth2_allow_implicit_flow Boolean false Whether to allow implicit grant flow for OAuth2
oauth2_allow_url_path_matching Boolean false Specifies whether during a token Request Azure AD will allow path matching of the redirect URI against the applications collection of replyURLs. The default is false.
oauth2_permissions OAuth2Permission false The collection of OAuth 2.0 permission scopes that the web API (resource) application exposes to client applications. These permission scopes may be granted to client applications during consent.
oauth2_require_post_response Boolean false Specifies whether, as part of OAuth 2.0 token requests, Azure AD will allow POST requests, as opposed to GET requests. The default is false, which specifies that only GET requests will be allowed.
optional_claims OptionalClaims false
org_restrictions Array false A list of tenants allowed to access application.
parameters Hash true The parameters for creating an application.
password_credentials PasswordCredential false A collection of PasswordCredential objects
pre_authorized_applications PreAuthorizedApplication false list of pre-authorized applications.
public_client Boolean false Specifies whether this application is a public client (such as an installed application running on a mobile device). Default is false.
publisher_domain String false Reliable domain which can be used to identify an application.
reply_urls Array false A collection of reply URLs for the application.
required_resource_access RequiredResourceAccess false Specifies resources that this application requires access to and the set of OAuth permission scopes and application roles that it needs under each of those resources. This pre-configuration of required resource access drives the consent experience.
saml_metadata_url String false The URL to the SAML metadata for the application.
sign_in_audience String false Audience for signing in to the application (AzureADMyOrganization, AzureADAllOrganizations, AzureADAndMicrosoftAccounts).
tenant_id String true The tenant ID.
www_homepage String false The primary Web page.


$azure_app_role = {
  allowedMemberTypes => "allowedMemberTypes (optional)",
  description => "description (optional)",
  displayName => "displayName (optional)",
  id => "id (optional)",
  isEnabled => "isEnabled (optional)",
  value => "value (optional)",
Name Type Required Description
allowedMemberTypes Array false Specifies whether this app role definition can be assigned to users and groups by setting to 'User', or to other applications (that are accessing this application in daemon service scenarios) by setting to 'Application', or to both.
description String false Permission help text that appears in the admin app assignment and consent experiences.
displayName String false Display name for the permission that appears in the admin consent and app assignment experiences.
id String false Unique role identifier inside the appRoles collection.
isEnabled Boolean false When creating or updating a role definition, this must be set to true (which is the default). To delete a role, this must first be set to false. At that point, in a subsequent call, this role may be removed.
value String false Specifies the value of the roles claim that the application should expect in the authentication and access tokens.


Configures the groups claim issued in a user or OAuth 2.0 access token that the app expects.

$azure_group_membership_claims = {
Name Type Required Description


Represents a group of URIs that provide terms of service, marketing, support and privacy policy information about an application. The default value for each string is null.

$azure_informational_url = {
  marketing => "marketing (optional)",
  privacy => "privacy (optional)",
  support => "support (optional)",
  termsOfService => "termsOfService (optional)",
Name Type Required Description
marketing String false The marketing URI
privacy String false The privacy policy URI
support String false The support URI
termsOfService String false The terms of service URI


Active Directory Key Credential information.

$azure_key_credential = {
  customKeyIdentifier => "customKeyIdentifier (optional)",
  endDate => "endDate (optional)",
  keyId => "keyId (optional)",
  startDate => "startDate (optional)",
  type => "type (optional)",
  usage => "usage (optional)",
  value => "value (optional)",
Name Type Required Description
customKeyIdentifier String false Custom Key Identifier
endDate String false End date.
keyId String false Key ID.
startDate String false Start date.
type String false Type. Acceptable values are 'AsymmetricX509Cert' and 'Symmetric'.
usage String false Usage. Acceptable values are 'Verify' and 'Sign'.
value String false Key value.


Represents an OAuth 2.0 delegated permission scope. The specified OAuth 2.0 delegated permission scopes may be requested by client applications (through the requiredResourceAccess collection on the Application object) when calling a resource application. The oauth2Permissions property of the ServicePrincipal entity and of the Application entity is a collection of OAuth2Permission.

$azure_o_auth2_permission = {
  adminConsentDescription => "adminConsentDescription (optional)",
  adminConsentDisplayName => "adminConsentDisplayName (optional)",
  id => "id (optional)",
  isEnabled => "isEnabled (optional)",
  type => "type (optional)",
  userConsentDescription => "userConsentDescription (optional)",
  userConsentDisplayName => "userConsentDisplayName (optional)",
  value => "value (optional)",
Name Type Required Description
adminConsentDescription String false Permission help text that appears in the admin consent and app assignment experiences.
adminConsentDisplayName String false Display name for the permission that appears in the admin consent and app assignment experiences.
id String false Unique scope permission identifier inside the oauth2Permissions collection.
isEnabled Boolean false When creating or updating a permission, this property must be set to true (which is the default). To delete a permission, this property must first be set to false. At that point, in a subsequent call, the permission may be removed.
type String false Specifies whether this scope permission can be consented to by an end user, or whether it is a tenant-wide permission that must be consented to by a Company Administrator. Possible values are 'User' or 'Admin'.
userConsentDescription String false Permission help text that appears in the end user consent experience.
userConsentDisplayName String false Display name for the permission that appears in the end user consent experience.
value String false The value of the scope claim that the resource application should expect in the OAuth 2.0 access token.


Specifying the claims to be included in the token.

$azure_optional_claims = {
  accessToken => $azure_optional_claim
  idToken => $azure_optional_claim
  samlToken => $azure_optional_claim
Name Type Required Description
accessToken OptionalClaim false Optional claims requested to be included in the access token.
idToken OptionalClaim false Optional claims requested to be included in the id token.
samlToken OptionalClaim false Optional claims requested to be included in the saml token.


Specifying the claims to be included in a token.

$azure_optional_claim = {
  additionalProperties => "additionalProperties (optional)",
  essential => "essential (optional)",
  name => "name (optional)",
  source => "source (optional)",
Name Type Required Description
additionalProperties Hash false
essential Boolean false Is this a required claim.
name String false Claim name.
source String false Claim source.


Active Directory Password Credential information.

$azure_password_credential = {
  customKeyIdentifier => "customKeyIdentifier (optional)",
  endDate => "endDate (optional)",
  keyId => "keyId (optional)",
  startDate => "startDate (optional)",
  value => "value (optional)",
Name Type Required Description
customKeyIdentifier String false Custom Key Identifier
endDate String false End date.
keyId String false Key ID.
startDate String false Start date.
value String false Key value.


Contains information about pre authorized client application.

$azure_pre_authorized_application = {
  appId => "appId (optional)",
  extensions => $azure_pre_authorized_application_extension
  permissions => $azure_pre_authorized_application_permission
Name Type Required Description
appId String false Represents the application id.
extensions PreAuthorizedApplicationExtension false Collection of extensions from the resource application.
permissions PreAuthorizedApplicationPermission false Collection of required app permissions/entitlements from the resource application.


Representation of an app PreAuthorizedApplicationExtension required by a pre authorized client app.

$azure_pre_authorized_application_extension = {
  conditions => "conditions (optional)",
Name Type Required Description
conditions Array false The extension's conditions.


Contains information about the pre-authorized permissions.

$azure_pre_authorized_application_permission = {
  accessGrants => "accessGrants (optional)",
  directAccessGrant => "directAccessGrant (optional)",
Name Type Required Description
accessGrants Array false The list of permissions.
directAccessGrant Boolean false Indicates whether the permission set is DirectAccess or impersonation.


Specifies the set of OAuth 2.0 permission scopes and app roles under the specified resource that an application requires access to. The specified OAuth 2.0 permission scopes may be requested by client applications (through the requiredResourceAccess collection) when calling a resource application. The requiredResourceAccess property of the Application entity is a collection of RequiredResourceAccess.

$azure_required_resource_access = {
  resourceAccess => $azure_resource_access
  resourceAppId => "resourceAppId (optional)",
Name Type Required Description
resourceAccess ResourceAccess true The list of OAuth2.0 permission scopes and app roles that the application requires from the specified resource.
resourceAppId String false The unique identifier for the resource that the application requires access to. This should be equal to the appId declared on the target resource application.


Specifies an OAuth 2.0 permission scope or an app role that an application requires. The resourceAccess property of the RequiredResourceAccess type is a collection of ResourceAccess.

$azure_resource_access = {
  id => "id",
  type => "type (optional)",
Name Type Required Description
id String true The unique identifier for one of the OAuth2Permission or AppRole instances that the resource application exposes.
type String false Specifies whether the id property references an OAuth2Permission or an AppRole. Possible values are 'scope' or 'role'.

CRUD operations

Here is a list of endpoints that we use to create, read, update and delete the Application

Operation Path Verb Description OperationID
Create /%{tenant_id}/applications Post Create a new application. Applications_Create
List - list all ``
List - get one /%{tenant_id}/applications/%{application_object_id} Get Get an application by object ID. Applications_Get
List - get list using params /%{tenant_id}/deletedApplications Get Gets a list of deleted applications in the directory. DeletedApplications_List
Update /%{tenant_id}/deletedApplications/%{object_id}/restore Post Restores the deleted application in the directory. DeletedApplications_Restore
Delete /%{tenant_id}/deletedApplications/%{application_object_id} Delete Hard-delete an application. DeletedApplications_HardDelete