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File metadata and controls

264 lines (173 loc) · 8.42 KB

export const meta = { "title": "Standalone", "description": "Learn how to install Repman on your server with Docker or Ansible playbooks.", "order": 5 };


Repman is an open-source project under the MIT license. This means that you can use it without restrictions for your own use, or in your organizations. There are two ways to install Repman on your server:

  1. Docker installation
  2. Ansible playbooks installation

ℹ️ Before the installation, make sure to configure a domain for Repman.

Domain configuration

Due to the PHP Composer architecture, Repman requires domain configuration to work properly. You can do it in two ways:

  1. Change /etc/hosts on your local machine
  2. Add a DNS record

Hosts file

Add the following lines with your IP address to your /etc/hosts file:

$IP repman.local
$IP repo.repman.local

Add this line for every organization created in Repman:

$IP organization.repo.repman.local

DNS records

Add the following A records to your DNS:

A repman.local
A repo.repman.local
A *.repo.repman.local



First, you need to clone the repository from

$ git clone

To start all containers, run:

$ docker-compose up


  • Override with docker-compose.override.yml if needed.
  • Set your domain (APP_HOST) in .env.docker.


  • PHP_URL - app container (php-fpm) URL with port
  • APP_HOST - your domain
  • APP_URL_SCHEME - https or http
  • APP_ALLOWED_PACKAGE_TYPES - list of allowed packages types
  • APP_GITLAB_API_URL - self-hosted GitLab instance URL
  • APP_ENV - application environment - prod or dev
  • APP_DEBUG - 0 - debugging disabled, 1 - debugging enabled
  • APP_SECRET - should be unique to your application
  • DATABASE_URL - database URL
  • TRUSTED_PROXIES - configuration behind a Load Balancer or a Reverse Proxy
  • MAILER_DSN - mailer DSN
  • MAILER_SENDER - mailer sender
  • SENTRY_DSN - Sentry DSN
  • OAUTH_GITHUB_CLIENT_ID - GitHub OAuth app Client ID
  • OAUTH_GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET - GitHub OAuth app Client Secret
  • OAUTH_GITLAB_CLIENT_ID - GitLab OAuth app Client ID
  • OAUTH_GITLAB_CLIENT_SECRET - GitLab OAuth app Client Secret
  • OAUTH_BITBUCKET_CLIENT_ID - Bitbucket OAuth app Client ID
  • OAUTH_BITBUCKET_CLIENT_SECRET - Bitbucket OAuth app Client Secret
  • OAUTH_BUDDY_CLIENT_ID - Buddy OAuth app Client ID
  • OAUTH_BUDDY_CLIENT_SECRET - Buddy OAuth app Client Secret
  • GA_TRACKING - Google Analytics Tracking Code
  • PROXY_DIST_DIR - absolute path to proxy distributions directory
  • PACKAGES_DIST_DIR - absolute path to packages distributions directory
  • SECURITY_ADVISORIES_DB_DIR - absolute path to advisories database directory


If you wish to use your own certificate, put the key and the certificate in:

  • docker/nginx/ssl/private/server.key
  • docker/nginx/ssl/certs/server.crt

Otherwise, a self-signed certificate will be generated.


To make sure that all unnecessary cache volumes are removed and restored, it is best to update as follows:

$ docker-compose down
$ git pull
$ docker-compose up -d

Otherwise, make sure the "/app/var/cache" volume will be cleared between each update.

Ansible Playbooks installation

You can use two Ansible (at least version 2.8 is required) playbooks to set up and deploy Repman:

  • ansible/setup.yml
  • ansible/deploy.yml

First, you need to clone the repository from

$ git clone

Then, install Ansible and create you inventory in the inventories dir, for example ansible/inventories/local:

localhost ansible_connection=local

Once created, all you need to do is run your Ansible playbook and overwrite the server_hostname variable:

ansible-playbook ansible/setup.yml -i ansible/inventories/local --extra-vars '{"server_hostname":"repman.local"}'

To update your working instance, use the deploy playbook:

ansible-playbook ansible/deploy.yml -i ansible/inventories/local --extra-vars '{"server_hostname":"repman.local"}'

CLI commands

  • bin/console repman:metadata:clear-cache - clear packages metadata cache (json files)
  • bin/console repman:create:admin <email> [<password>] - create a new user with admin privileges
  • bin/console repman:create:user <email> [<password>] - create a new (normal) user
  • bin/console repman:proxy:sync-releases - sync proxy releases with
  • bin/console repman:security:scan-all - scan all synchronized packages
  • bin/console repman:security:update-db - update security advisories database, scan all packages if updated
  • bin/console repman:package:synchronize <packageId> - synchronize given package



GitHub OAuth Documentation

Authorization callback URL:

  • https://your-domain.local


  • registration: user:email
  • repositories: read:org, repo


GitLab OAuth Documentation

Callback URLs:

  • https://your-domain.local/auth/gitlab/check
  • https://your-domain.local/register/gitlab/check
  • https://your-domain.local/user/token/gitlab/check


  • registration: read_user
  • repositories: api


Bitbucket OAuth documentation

Callback URL:

  • https://your-domain.local


  • registration: email
  • repositories: repository, webhook


Buddy OAuth documentation

Authorization Callback URL:

  • https://your-domain.local


  • registration: USER_EMAIL

Self-hosted GitLab

To integrate with self-hosted GitLab, enter the instance url in the APP_GITLAB_API_URL environment variable:


Instance configuration

Admin menu


Using administrator account, under Configuration you can change following settings:

  • Local authentication

    • allow login and registration
    • allow login, disable registration
    • disabled
  • toggle OAuth registration

  • toggle Telemetry - allow for sending anonymous usage statistic (read below what data is collected)

  • add or remove Technical email - allow for receiving emails with software updates


ℹ️ Telemetry feature works from version 0.5.0

In order to improve Repman, we have introduced a possibility to send over anonymous statistics for the standalone version. If you wish to support our efforts in developing this package, administrators can turn this option on in the instance settings.

What data is collected

  • proxy and private package download count
  • user count
  • organization: members count and type, token count
  • package: type, release dates, last scan results (only status), download count, last error (only bool status)
  • instance: id, version, OS version, PHP version, configuration

Repman is an open-source project so you can check what data is collected and sent directly in the code: TelemetryEndpointTest