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CMake on multiple platforms #17

CMake on multiple platforms

CMake on multiple platforms #17

# This starter workflow is for a CMake project running on multiple platforms. There is a different starter workflow if you just want a single platform.
# See:
name: CMake on multiple platforms
branches: [ "main", "dev" ]
# branches: [ "main" ]
- "docs/**"
# Allows you to run this workflow manually from the Actions tab
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
# Set fail-fast to false to ensure that feedback is delivered for all matrix combinations. Consider changing this to true when your workflow is stable.
fail-fast: false
# Set up a matrix to run the following 3 configurations:
# 1. <Windows, Release, latest MSVC compiler toolchain on the default runner image, default generator>
# 2. <Linux, Release, latest GCC compiler toolchain on the default runner image, default generator>
# 3. <Linux, Release, latest Clang compiler toolchain on the default runner image, default generator>
# To add more build types (Release, Debug, RelWithDebInfo, etc.) customize the build_type list.
os: [ubuntu-latest] # windows-latest
build_type: [Release]
c_compiler: [gcc] # , clang, cl
#- os: windows-latest
# c_compiler: cl
# cpp_compiler: cl
- os: ubuntu-latest
c_compiler: gcc
cpp_compiler: g++
#- os: ubuntu-latest
# c_compiler: clang
# cpp_compiler: clang++
- os: windows-latest
c_compiler: gcc
- os: windows-latest
c_compiler: clang
- os: ubuntu-latest
c_compiler: cl
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Set reusable strings
# Turn repeated input strings (such as the build output directory) into step outputs. These step outputs can be used throughout the workflow file.
id: strings
shell: bash
run: |
echo "build-output-dir=${{ github.workspace }}/build" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
- name: Setup Node.js environment
uses: actions/[email protected]
# Set always-auth in npmrc.
always-auth: # optional, default is false
# Version Spec of the version to use. Examples: 12.x, 10.15.1, >=10.15.0.
node-version: # optional
# File containing the version Spec of the version to use. Examples: package.json, .nvmrc, .node-version, .tool-versions.
node-version-file: # optional
# Target architecture for Node to use. Examples: x86, x64. Will use system architecture by default.
architecture: # optional
# Set this option if you want the action to check for the latest available version that satisfies the version spec.
check-latest: # optional
# Optional registry to set up for auth. Will set the registry in a project level .npmrc and .yarnrc file, and set up auth to read in from env.NODE_AUTH_TOKEN.
registry-url: # optional
# Optional scope for authenticating against scoped registries. Will fall back to the repository owner when using the GitHub Packages registry (
scope: # optional
# Used to pull node distributions from node-versions. Since there's a default, this is typically not supplied by the user. When running this action on, the default value is sufficient. When running on GHES, you can pass a personal access token for if you are experiencing rate limiting.
token: # optional, default is ${{ github.server_url == '' && github.token || '' }}
# Used to specify a package manager for caching in the default directory. Supported values: npm, yarn, pnpm.
cache: # optional
# Used to specify the path to a dependency file: package-lock.json, yarn.lock, etc. Supports wildcards or a list of file names for caching multiple dependencies.
cache-dependency-path: # optional
- name: Configure CMake
# Configure CMake in a 'build' subdirectory. `CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE` is only required if you are using a single-configuration generator such as make.
# See
run: >
cmake -B ${{ }}
-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=${{ matrix.cpp_compiler }}
-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=${{ matrix.c_compiler }}
-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=${{ matrix.build_type }}
-S ${{ github.workspace }}
- name: Build
# Build your program with the given configuration. Note that --config is needed because the default Windows generator is a multi-config generator (Visual Studio generator).
run: cmake --build ${{ }} --config ${{ matrix.build_type }}
- name: Test
working-directory: ${{ }}
# Execute tests defined by the CMake configuration. Note that --build-config is needed because the default Windows generator is a multi-config generator (Visual Studio generator).
# See for more detail
run: ctest --build-config ${{ matrix.build_type }}