- Pham Sy Minh
- Valerio Rico
- Damian Strobel
- mzfr
- Random Robbie
- Christian
- Sjoerd Langkemper
- Liam O
- Tonimir Kisasondi
- Dustin
- 4shen0ne
- Bo0om
- Simon
- P R
- Christian Mehlmauer
- eur0pa
- vlohacks
- J Savage
- A888R
- Serhat Sönmez
- Ricardo
- Anon Exploiter
- ColdFusionX
- gdattacker
- Gaurav Yadav
- Wyatt Dahlenburg
- Alexandre ZANNI
- Andrea Draghetti
- Mohd Shahril
- Houziaux Mike
- Jannik Vieten
- MiawOren
- sysEvil
- s-hamann
- Ramin Farajpour Cami
- Mazin Ahmed
- pyaterki
- Edoardo Rosa
- kazet
- marcan2020
- Jonas Lejon
- shubs
- JC GreenMind
- dgaavl
- Amal Murali
- D@rkR4y
- danritter
- Cervoise
- Artiom Mocrenco
- Alex Leahu
- act1on3
- Isla Mukheef
- Dodain
- Binit Ghimire
- Knowledge-Wisdom-Understanding
- catmandx
- Kyle Nweeia
- Xib3rR4dAr
- Rohit Soni
- Maxime Peim
- Christian Clauss
- Dipak Panchal
- Ivan Fedotov
- Manuel Poisson
- XinRoom
- godspeedcurry
- 0x08
- Weltolk
- at0m
- junmoka
- Akshay Ravi
- kosyan62
- Maxence Zolnieurck
- Giorgos Drosos
- huyphan
- Sean Wei
- FantasqueX
- Ovi3
- u21h2
- Valentijn Scholten
- ajcriado
Special thanks to all the people who are named here!
- Bug fixes
- Code contribution
- Documentation improvement
- Wordlist improvement
- Feature requests