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Kaggle Plant Seedlings Classification Kernel


This is the kernel of Kaggle Competition - Plant Seedlings Classification where I trained my model on Google Cloud Platform and I constructed this kernel by using Keras with transferred Inception V3 pre-trained model.

Compute Engine Instance Configuration

  • 4 CPUS (26 GB memory)
  • 1 NVIDIA Tesla K80 GPU
  • 150 GB bootdisk
  • Ubuntu 16.04 LTS environment.

Software requirement

Documents included in the repository

  • Plant_Classifier_Keras_tuning_InceptionV3.ipynb

Memo to Google Cloud Platform beginner

In case you are new to Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and you do not know how to create a GCP bucket and instance, my Medium blog post is here to help:


  1. Start your GCP instance
  2. Start the SSH terminal
  3. Activate your environment
  4. Run jupyter-notebook --no-browser --port=<port_number>
  5. Type this url in your browser http://<external_IP_address_of_instance>:<port_number>/


We would us the data provide by Kaggle and there are 3 folders.

  3. sample_submission.csv

There are twevle classes in the train data directory

  1. Black-grass
  2. Charlock
  3. Cleavers
  4. Common Chickweed
  5. Common wheat
  6. Fat Hen
  7. Loose Silky-bent
  8. Maize
  9. Scentless Mayweed
  10. Shepherds Purse
  11. Small-flowered Cranesbill
  12. Sugar beet

Kernel Structure

1. Data Exploration

The number of category is 12

Here are the training data intel: -Black-grass 263 images -Charlock 390 images -Cleavers 287 images -Common Chickweed 611 images -Common wheat 221 images -Fat Hen 475 images -Loose Silky-bent 654 images -Maize 221 images -Scentless Mayweed 516 images -Shepherds Purse 231 images -Small-flowered Cranesbill 496 images -Sugar beet 385 images

The Data is slightly imbalance that the minimum classes (Common wheat, Maize) have 221 images only and the maximum class (Loose Silky-bent) has 654 images.

2. Create Training and Testing Data Frame and Shuffle Data

Example Format:

Image Show

Example Image: Image Show

3. Read Data and Preprocess the Data by Removing the background

Training Data Size: 4750 Testing Data Size: 794 Train Valid Split: 0.2

  • training_size: 3800
  • valid_size: 950
  • test_size: 794

Image resized to 299x299

Input Tensor Shape: (299, 299 ,3)

Example Image: Image Show

4. Create FScore Function

from keras import backend as K

def precision(y_true, y_pred):
    true_positives = K.sum(K.round(K.clip(y_true * y_pred, 0, 1)))
    predicted_positives = K.sum(K.round(K.clip(y_pred, 0, 1)))
    precision = true_positives / (predicted_positives + K.epsilon())
    return precision

def recall(y_true, y_pred):
    true_positives = K.sum(K.round(K.clip(y_true * y_pred, 0, 1)))
    possible_positives = K.sum(K.round(K.clip(y_true, 0, 1)))
    recall = true_positives / (possible_positives + K.epsilon())
    return recall

def fscore(y_true, y_pred):
    if K.sum(K.round(K.clip(y_true, 0, 1))) == 0:
        return 0

    p = precision(y_true, y_pred)
    r = recall(y_true, y_pred)
    f_score = 2 * (p * r) / (p + r + K.epsilon())
    return f_score

5. Transfer Learning with Pre-trained Inception V3 Model

Model Summary:

model loading and compilation finished succesfully
Layer (type)                 Output Shape              Param #   
inception_v3 (Model)         (None, 2048)              21802784  
dense_1 (Dense)              (None, 12)                24588     
Total params: 21,827,372
Trainable params: 21,792,940
Non-trainable params: 34,432

6. Model Training and Result



Batch Size: 64
EpochL 25
Optimizer: SGD
learning_rate: 25e-4
decay_rate: 0.0001 
momentum: 0.9
nesterovL True
Earlystop: Patience = 7
ReduceLROnPlateau: monitor='val_loss', factor=0.85, patience=3, min_lr=0.0001  

The best result was located at epoch 16 with

  • training_loss: 0.0085
  • training_accuracy: 0.9982
  • training_fscore: 0.9987
  • validating_loss: 0.1177
  • validating_accuracy: 0.9642
  • validating_fscore:: 0.9651

It took 3211.38s to training 23 epochs (Early Stopped) for 4750 image (train and valid) with batch size 64 on a single NVIDIA Tesla K80 GPU where each epoch took less then 140s. I trained it without GPU before which took around 6000s for an epoch.

Epoch 16/25
3800/3800 [==============================] - 138s 36ms/step - loss: 0.0085 - acc: 0.9982 - fscore: 0.9987 - val_loss: 0.1177 - val_acc: 0.9642 - val_fscore: 0.9651


Epoch 00022: val_acc did not improve from 0.96421
Epoch 23/25
3800/3800 [==============================] - 138s 36ms/step - loss: 0.0058 - acc: 0.9984 - fscore: 0.9987 - val_loss: 0.1098 - val_acc: 0.9611 - val_fscore: 0.9646

Epoch 00023: val_acc did not improve from 0.96421

7. Predict the Test set and Create Submission.csv

8. Create Error Analysis

Run the by only changing this line according to the file you would like to analysis

data = pd.read_csv("error_analysis_inceptionV3_masked_sgd_25e4lr_1e4dc_9e1f_30e_64b_.csv")


Masked Result:
Black-grass:  {'Positive': 29, 'Negative': 22} -- 56.86%
Charlock:  {'Positive': 70, 'Negative': 1} -- 98.59%
Cleavers:  {'Positive': 55, 'Negative': 0} -- 100.00%
Common Chickweed:  {'Positive': 115, 'Negative': 2} -- 98.29%
Common wheat:  {'Positive': 39, 'Negative': 4} -- 90.70%
Fat Hen:  {'Positive': 91, 'Negative': 7} -- 92.86%
Loose Silky-bent:  {'Positive': 136, 'Negative': 4} -- 97.14%
Maize:  {'Positive': 41, 'Negative': 3} -- 93.18%
Scentless Mayweed:  {'Positive': 111, 'Negative': 5} -- 95.69%
Shepherds Purse:  {'Positive': 41, 'Negative': 2} -- 95.35%
Small-flowered Cranesbill:  {'Positive': 95, 'Negative': 0} -- 100.00%
Sugar beet:  {'Positive': 75, 'Negative': 2} -- 97.40%
{'Black-grass': 29, 'Charlock': 0, 'Cleavers': 0, 'Common Chickweed': 0, 'Common wheat': 2, 'Fat Hen': 0, 'Loose Silky-bent': 19, 'Maize': 0, 'Scentless Mayweed': 0, 'Shepherds Purse': 0, 'Small-flowered Cranesbill': 0, 'Sugar beet': 1}
{'Black-grass': 0, 'Charlock': 70, 'Cleavers': 0, 'Common Chickweed': 0, 'Common wheat': 0, 'Fat Hen': 1, 'Loose Silky-bent': 0, 'Maize': 0, 'Scentless Mayweed': 0, 'Shepherds Purse': 0, 'Small-flowered Cranesbill': 0, 'Sugar beet': 0}
{'Black-grass': 0, 'Charlock': 0, 'Cleavers': 55, 'Common Chickweed': 0, 'Common wheat': 0, 'Fat Hen': 0, 'Loose Silky-bent': 0, 'Maize': 0, 'Scentless Mayweed': 0, 'Shepherds Purse': 0, 'Small-flowered Cranesbill': 0, 'Sugar beet': 0}
Common Chickweed
{'Black-grass': 0, 'Charlock': 0, 'Cleavers': 0, 'Common Chickweed': 115, 'Common wheat': 0, 'Fat Hen': 0, 'Loose Silky-bent': 0, 'Maize': 0, 'Scentless Mayweed': 1, 'Shepherds Purse': 1, 'Small-flowered Cranesbill': 0, 'Sugar beet': 0}
Common wheat
{'Black-grass': 0, 'Charlock': 0, 'Cleavers': 0, 'Common Chickweed': 0, 'Common wheat': 39, 'Fat Hen': 0, 'Loose Silky-bent': 2, 'Maize': 0, 'Scentless Mayweed': 1, 'Shepherds Purse': 0, 'Small-flowered Cranesbill': 0, 'Sugar beet': 1}
Fat Hen
{'Black-grass': 0, 'Charlock': 0, 'Cleavers': 1, 'Common Chickweed': 1, 'Common wheat': 3, 'Fat Hen': 91, 'Loose Silky-bent': 1, 'Maize': 1, 'Scentless Mayweed': 0, 'Shepherds Purse': 0, 'Small-flowered Cranesbill': 0, 'Sugar beet': 0}
Loose Silky-bent
{'Black-grass': 3, 'Charlock': 0, 'Cleavers': 0, 'Common Chickweed': 0, 'Common wheat': 0, 'Fat Hen': 0, 'Loose Silky-bent': 136, 'Maize': 1, 'Scentless Mayweed': 0, 'Shepherds Purse': 0, 'Small-flowered Cranesbill': 0, 'Sugar beet': 0}
{'Black-grass': 0, 'Charlock': 0, 'Cleavers': 0, 'Common Chickweed': 1, 'Common wheat': 0, 'Fat Hen': 0, 'Loose Silky-bent': 1, 'Maize': 41, 'Scentless Mayweed': 1, 'Shepherds Purse': 0, 'Small-flowered Cranesbill': 0, 'Sugar beet': 0}
Scentless Mayweed
{'Black-grass': 0, 'Charlock': 0, 'Cleavers': 1, 'Common Chickweed': 1, 'Common wheat': 0, 'Fat Hen': 0, 'Loose Silky-bent': 0, 'Maize': 0, 'Scentless Mayweed': 111, 'Shepherds Purse': 2, 'Small-flowered Cranesbill': 0, 'Sugar beet': 1}
Shepherds Purse
{'Black-grass': 0, 'Charlock': 0, 'Cleavers': 0, 'Common Chickweed': 0, 'Common wheat': 0, 'Fat Hen': 0, 'Loose Silky-bent': 0, 'Maize': 0, 'Scentless Mayweed': 2, 'Shepherds Purse': 41, 'Small-flowered Cranesbill': 0, 'Sugar beet': 0}
Small-flowered Cranesbill
{'Black-grass': 0, 'Charlock': 0, 'Cleavers': 0, 'Common Chickweed': 0, 'Common wheat': 0, 'Fat Hen': 0, 'Loose Silky-bent': 0, 'Maize': 0, 'Scentless Mayweed': 0, 'Shepherds Purse': 0, 'Small-flowered Cranesbill': 95, 'Sugar beet': 0}
Sugar beet
{'Black-grass': 0, 'Charlock': 0, 'Cleavers': 0, 'Common Chickweed': 1, 'Common wheat': 0, 'Fat Hen': 0, 'Loose Silky-bent': 1, 'Maize': 0, 'Scentless Mayweed': 0, 'Shepherds Purse': 0, 'Small-flowered Cranesbill': 0, 'Sugar beet': 75}


Basic Keras Inception V3 trasfering learning






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