LA-MCTS is a meta-algortihm that partitions the search space for black-box optimizations. LA-MCTS progressively learns to partition and explores promising regions in the search space, so that solvers such as Bayesian Optimizations (BO) can focus on promising subregions, mitigating the over-exploring issue in high-dimensional problems.
Please reference the following publication when using this package. ArXiv link.
title={Learning Search Space Partition for Black-box Optimization using Monte Carlo Tree Search},
author={Wang, Linnan and Fonseca, Rodrigo and Tian, Yuandong},
For 1 minute evaluation of Bayesian Optimizations (BO) and Evolutionary Algorithm (EA) v.s. LA-MCTS boosted BO, please follow the procedures below.
Here we test on Ackley or Levy in 10 dimensions; Please run multiple times to compare the average performance.
- Evaluate LA-MCTS boosted Bayesian Optimization: using GP surrogate, EI acuqusition, plus LA-MCTS.
python --func ackley --dims 10 --iterations 100
- Evaluate Bayesian Optimization: using GP surrogate, EI acuqusition.
pip install scikit-optimize
cd LA-MCTS-baselines/Bayesian-Optimization
python --func ackley --dims 10 --iterations 100
- Evaluate Evolutionary Algorithm: using NGOpt from Nevergrad.
pip install nevergrad
cd LA-MCTS-baselines/Nevergrad
python --func ackley --dims 10 --iterations 100
Please wrap your function into a class defined as follows; functions/ provides a few examples.
class myFunc:
def __init__(self, dims=1):
self.dims = dims #problem dimensions = np.ones(dims) #lower bound for each dimensions
self.ub = np.ones(dims) #upper bound for each dimensions
self.tracker = tracker('myFunc') #defined in
def __call__(self, x):
# some sanity check of x
f(x) = myFunc(x)
self.tracker.track( f(x), x )
return f(x)
After defining your function, e.g. f = func(), minimizing f(x) is as easy as passing f into MCTS.
f = myFunc()
agent = MCTS(lb =, # the lower bound of each problem dimensions
ub = f.ub, # the upper bound of each problem dimensions
dims = f.dims, # the problem dimensions
ninits = 40, # the number of random samples used in initializations
func = f # function object to be optimized
) = 100)
Please check
In this release, the codes only support optimizing continuous black box functions.
We set Cp = 0.1 * max of f(x) .
For example, if f(x) measures the test accuracy of a neural network x, Cp = 0.1. But the best performance should be tuned in specific cases. A large Cp encourages LA-MCTS to visit bad regions more often (exploration), and a small Cp otherwise. LA-MCTS degenreates to random search if Cp = 0, while LA-MCTS degenerates to a pure greedy based policy, e.g. regression tree, at Cp = 0. Both are undesired.
We set θ ∈ [20, 100] in our experiments.
the splitting threshold controls the speed of tree growth. Given the same #samples, smaller θ leads to a deeper tree. If Ω is very large, more splits enable LA-MCTS to quickly focus on a small promising region, and yields good results. However, if θ is too small, the performance and the boundary estimation of the region become more unreliable.
kernel can be 'linear', 'poly', 'rbf'
From our experiments, linear kernel is the fastest, but rbf or poly are generally producing better results. If you want to draw > 1000 samples, we suggest using linear kernel, and rbf and poly otherwise.
- Run Lunarlanding:
- Install gym and start running.
pip install gym
python --func lunar --samples 500
Copy the final "current best x" from the output to visualize your policy.
- Visualize your policy
cd functions
Replace our policy value to your learned policy from the previous step, i.e. policy = np.array([xx]).
- Run MuJoCo:
Setup mujoco-py, see here.
Download TuRBO from here. Extract and find the turbo folder.
Move revision.patch to the turbo folder,
cp revision.patch TuRBO-master/turbo
cd TuRBO-master/turbo
patch -p1 < revision.patch
cd ../..
mv TuRBO-master/turbo ./turbo_1
Open file, uncomment line 23, 343->368. Open file, change line 47, solver_type from bo to turbo.
Now it is ready to run,
python --func swimmer --iterations 1000
In line 229, the select returns a path and a leaf to bound the sampling space. We used get_sample_ratio_in_region
in to acquire samples in the selected partition. Other sampler can also be used.
LAMCTS can be used together with any value function / evaluator / cost models.