Creates the FunctionCI application.
Login to your Slack team, navigate to, and click Start Building.
Encrypt your VerificationToken
and add it to _cim.yml.
Create a bot user.
Install your app. Then encrypt your Bot User OAuth Access Token
and add it to _cim.yml.
Create a Github personal access token with repo
and admin:repo_hook
permissions. Then encrypt the Github Token
and add it to _cim.yml.
Install the app stack using the following CIM command: cim stack-up
Deploy the Lambda using the following CIM command: cim deploy-lambda
Record the stack outputs, you will need them in the next 2 steps:
- SlackInteractiveComponentsUrl
- SlackSlashCommandsUrl
Us the SlackInteractiveComponentsUrl
from the stack output as the Request Url
Us the SlackSlashCommandsUrl
from the stack output as the Request Url
Add the following permissions to your Slack app under the Oauth & Permissions section.
- channels:read
- chat:write:bot
- groups:read
After making these changes to your Slack app you will have to reinstall it.
Now you're ready to start using your FunctionCI Slack bot.
If you want to use your bot in private channels you'll have to invite it. /invite functionci
Check out the FunctionCI Commands to get started building and deploying your Lambda's.
Here is an example project: