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Using GraphViz to create clickable navigation maps

This document explores the use of viz.js, which provides Graphviz capability in the browser. Specifically, we explore the use of the URL attribute and the ability have clickable nodes, edges, and graphs.

Inline Diagrams with Clickable Nodes

The following example demonstrates the use of an inline Graphviz playable, and the use of the URL attribute to attach link behaviors to nodes.

  • URL=#README will use Smartdown tunneling to load the document
  • URL=#Markdown#philosophy will load, and then go to the philosophy anchor within that document
  • URL=#GraphvizClickable#gallery-digraph-with-clusters will go to the gallery-digraph-with-clusters anchor within this document.
  • URL=javascript:alert('You clicked Hello'); will put up a Hello alert
  • URL=javascript:smartdown.setVariable('Goodbye', true); will set the Smartdown variable Goodbye to true, and a Javascript playable will react to this change by displaying Goodbye in its div.

Can we do inline graphviz? Let's see...

digraph "unix" {
  rankdir=LR; // Left to Right, instead of Top to Bottom
  graph [
    size = "4,1",

  node [
    fontsize = 30,
    color = lightblue,
    style = filled,

  "Readme" [URL="#README"];
  "Markdown" [URL="#Markdown#philosophy"];
  "Math" [URL="#Math"];
  "Clustered Digraph" [URL="#GraphvizClickable#gallery-digraph-with-clusters"];

  "Readme" -> "Markdown";
  "Markdown" -> "Math";
  "Math" -> "Clustered Digraph";

and here is another one...

digraph "unix" {
  rankdir=LR; // Left to Right, instead of Top to Bottom
  graph [
    size = "3,1",

  node [
    fontsize = 30,
    color = lightyellow,
    style = filled,

  "Hello" [URL="javascript:alert('Hello'); smartdown.setVariable('Goodbye', false);"];
  "Goodbye" [URL="javascript:smartdown.setVariable('Goodbye', true);"];
  "Hello" -> "Goodbye";

It appears that we can do inline Graphviz playables.

The Goodbye playable is below, and will react to changes in the Goodbye variable.

this.dependOn.Goodbye = () => {
  this.div.innerHTML = env.Goodbye ? `<h1>Goodbye</h1>` : '';

Gallery Digraph

A first attempt at displaying the various Gallery examples in a more graphical format. Clicking on a node should tunnel to that node's content.

digraph "unix" {
  rankdir=LR; // Left to Right, instead of Top to Bottom
  graph [
    fontname = "Helvetica-Oblique",
    fontsize = 36,
    label = "\n\n\n\nSmartdown Gallery Map",
    size = "12,12",

  node [
    shape = polygon,
    sides = 6,
    distortion = "0.0",
    orientation = "0.0",
    skew = "0.0",
    color = lightblue,
    style = filled,
    fontname = "Helvetica-Outline",
    fontsize = "36"

  "Media" [color=pink, shape=circle];
  "Readme" [URL="#README"];
  "Markdown" [URL="#Markdown"];
  "Math" [URL="#Math"];
  "Images" [URL="#Images"];
  "Multicards" [URL="#Multicards"];
  "Video" [URL="#Video"];
  "GIF/Audio" [URL="#GIFAndAudio"];
  "Decorations" [URL="#Decorations"];
  "Cells" [URL="#Cells"];
  "Disclosables" [URL="#Disclosables"];
  "SVG" [URL="#SVG"];
  "Disclosables++" [URL="#DisclosablesPlus"];
  "Tweets" [URL="#Tweets"];

  "Media" -> "Readme";
  "Media" -> "Markdown";
  "Media" -> "Math";
  "Media" -> "Images";
  "Media" -> "Multicards";
  "Media" -> "Video";
  "Media" -> "GIF/Audio";
  "Media" -> "Decorations";
  "Media" -> "Cells";
  "Media" -> "Disclosables";
  "Media" -> "SVG";
  "Media" -> "Disclosables++";
  "Media" -> "Tweets";

  "Data/Science" [color=pink, shape=circle];
  "Graphviz" [URL="#Graphviz"];
  "Graphviz Maps" [URL="#GraphvizClickable"];
  "D3" [URL="#D3"];
  "Data" [URL="#Data"];
  "Plotly" [URL="#Plotly"];
  "Maps" [URL="#Maps"];
  "Stdlib" [URL="#Stdlib"];
  "Processes" [URL="#Processes"];
  "ThreeJS" [URL="#Three"];
  "P5JS" [URL="#P5JS"];
  "Mermaid" [URL="#Mermaid"];
  "jsPsych" [URL="#JSPsych"];
  "Sankey" [URL="#Sankey"];
  "Crossword" [URL="#Crossword"];

  "Data/Science" -> "Graphviz";
  "Data/Science" -> "Graphviz Maps";
  "Data/Science" -> "D3";
  "Data/Science" -> "Data";
  "Data/Science" -> "Plotly";
  "Data/Science" -> "Maps";
  "Data/Science" -> "Stdlib";
  "Data/Science" -> "Processes";
  "Data/Science" -> "ThreeJS";
  "Data/Science" -> "P5JS";
  "Data/Science" -> "Mermaid";
  "Data/Science" -> "jsPsych";
  "Data/Science" -> "Sankey";
  "Data/Science" -> "Crossword";

  "Toys" [color=pink, shape=circle];
  "MadLibs" [URL="#MadLibs"];
  "Cuneiform" [URL="#Cuneiform"];
  "Mobius" [URL="#Mobius"];
  "Temperature" [URL="#Temperature"];
  "Vector Field" [URL="#VectorField"];
  "Tree" [URL="#Tree"];
  "Conic" [URL="#Conic"];
  "Vector Tree" [URL="#VectorTree"];
  "Dungeon" [URL="#Dungeon"];
  "Dungeon3D" [URL="#Games"];
  "Music" [URL="#Music"];
  "WordCloud" [URL="#WordCloud"];
  "Mathigon" [URL="#Mathigon"];
  "JSXGraph" [URL="#JSXGraph"];

  "Toys" -> "MadLibs";
  "Toys" -> "Cuneiform";
  "Toys" -> "Mobius";
  "Toys" -> "Temperature";
  "Toys" -> "Vector Field";
  "Toys" -> "Tree";
  "Toys" -> "Conic";
  "Toys" -> "Vector Tree";
  "Toys" -> "Dungeon";
  "Toys" -> "Dungeon3D";
  "Toys" -> "Music";
  "Toys" -> "WordCloud";
  "Toys" -> "Mathigon";
  "Toys" -> "JSXGraph";

  "Advanced" [color=pink, shape=circle];
  "Typescript" [URL="#Typescript"];
  "Javascript" [URL="#Javascript"];
  "Gists" [URL="#Gists"];
  "Extensions" [URL="#Extensions"];
  "Brython" [URL="#Brython"];
  "YouTube" [URL="#YouTube"];
  "ES6" [URL="#ES6"];
  "Mandelbrot" [URL="#Mandelbrot"];
  "LDF" [URL="#LDF"];
  "OpenJSCAD" [URL="#OpenJSCAD"];
  "Inlines" [URL="#Inlines"];
  "Kiosk" [URL="#Kiosk"];
  "React" [URL="#React"];

  "Media" -> "Data/Science" -> "Toys" -> "Advanced" [style=invis];

  "Advanced" -> "Typescript";
  "Advanced" -> "Javascript";
  "Advanced" -> "Gists";
  "Advanced" -> "Extensions";
  "Advanced" -> "Brython";
  "Advanced" -> "YouTube";
  "Advanced" -> "ES6";
  "Advanced" -> "Mandelbrot";
  "Advanced" -> "LDF";
  "Advanced" -> "OpenJSCAD";
  "Advanced" -> "Inlines";
  "Advanced" -> "Kiosk";
  "Advanced" -> "React";

  "P5JS" -> "Conic";
  "P5JS" -> "Mobius";
  "P5JS" -> "Tree";
  "P5JS" -> "Vector Field";
  "P5JS" -> "Vector Tree";
  "P5JS" -> "Dungeon3D";
  "P5JS" -> "Mandelbrot";

  "D3" -> "Processes";
  "D3" -> "Maps";


Gallery Digraph with Clusters

Here, I took the original Gallery table of examples and structured it using Graphviz clusters instead of table columns.

digraph "unix" {
  rankdir=LR; // Left to Right, instead of Top to Bottom
  graph [
    fontname = "Helvetica-Oblique",
    fontsize = 36,
    label = "\n\n\n\nSmartdown Gallery Map",
    size = "20,12",

  node [
    shape = polygon,
    sides = 6,
    distortion = "0.0",
    orientation = "0.0",
    skew = "0.0",
    color = lightblue,
    style = filled,
    fontname = "Helvetica-Outline",
    fontsize = "36"

  subgraph cluster_1 {
    "top1" [style=invis];

    "Readme" [URL="#README"];
    "Markdown" [URL="#Markdown"];
    "Math" [URL="#Math"];
    "Images" [URL="#Images"];
    "Multicards" [URL="#Multicards"];
    "Video" [URL="#Video"];
    "GIF/Audio" [URL="#GIFAndAudio"];
    "Decorations" [URL="#Decorations"];
    "Cells" [URL="#Cells"];
    "Disclosables" [URL="#Disclosables"];
    "SVG" [URL="#SVG"];
    "Disclosables++" [URL="#DisclosablesPlus"];
    "Tweets" [URL="#Tweets"];

  subgraph cluster_2 {

    "top2" [style=invis];

    "Graphviz" [URL="#Graphviz", sides=9, color=lemonchiffon];
    "Graphviz Maps" [URL="#GraphvizClickable", sides=9, color=aquamarine2];
    "D3" [URL="#D3"];
    "Data" [URL="#Data"];
    "Plotly" [URL="#Plotly"];
    "Maps" [URL="#Maps"];
    "Stdlib" [URL="#Stdlib"];
    "Processes" [URL="#Processes"];
    "ThreeJS" [URL="#Three"];
    "P5JS" [URL="#P5JS"];
    "Mermaid" [URL="#Mermaid"];
    "jsPsych" [URL="#JSPsych"];
    "Sankey" [URL="#Sankey"];
    "Crossword" [URL="#Crossword"];

  subgraph cluster_3 {

    "top3" [style=invis];

    "MadLibs" [URL="#MadLibs"];
    "Cuneiform" [URL="#Cuneiform"];
    "Mobius" [URL="#Mobius"];
    "Temperature" [URL="#Temperature"];
    "Vector Field" [URL="#VectorField"];
    "Tree" [URL="#Tree"];
    "Conic" [URL="#Conic"];
    "Vector Tree" [URL="#VectorTree"];
    "Dungeon" [URL="#Dungeon"];
    "Dungeon3D" [URL="#Games"];
    "Music" [URL="#Music"];
    "WordCloud" [URL="#WordCloud"];
    "Mathigon" [URL="#Mathigon"];
    "JSXGraph" [URL="#JSXGraph"];

  subgraph cluster_4 {

    "top4" [style=invis];

    "Typescript" [URL="#Typescript"];
    "Javascript" [URL="#Javascript"];
    "Gists" [URL="#Gists"];
    "Extensions" [URL="#Extensions"];
    "Brython" [URL="#Brython"];
    "YouTube" [URL="#YouTube"];
    "ES6" [URL="#ES6"];
    "Mandelbrot" [URL="#Mandelbrot"];
    "LDF" [URL="#LDF"];
    "OpenJSCAD" [URL="#OpenJSCAD"];
    "Inlines" [URL="#Inlines"];
    "Kiosk" [URL="#Kiosk"];
    "React" [URL="#React"];

  "top1" -> "top2" -> "top3" -> "top4"  [style=invis];

  "P5JS" -> "Conic";
  "P5JS" -> "Mobius";
  "P5JS" -> "Tree";
  "P5JS" -> "Vector Field";
  "P5JS" -> "Vector Tree";
  "P5JS" -> "Dungeon3D";
  "P5JS" -> "Mandelbrot";

  "D3" -> "Processes";
  "D3" -> "Maps";


Gallery Home