A minimal vimrc, set of plugins, with minimal non-vim dependencies.
You must have at least vim 8, curl, and git on your system to build.
Clone the repository:
$ git clone https://github.com/sammcmahon/vim-settings.git
Run the build script by using $ ./build.sh
from the root folder of the
repository. You may have to use $ chmod +x build.sh
to make the script
The dotfiles are then installed with the old dotfiles copied and given a ".bak" suffix.
Once the plugins have been installed by running vim in the background, the plugin installation status and this readme will open in a split.
vim-plug is used as the plugin manager here. vim-sensible is used to provide very basic settings, the vimrc itself only really relates to settings managing plugins, personal settings, etc.
- vim-sensible: Default vim settings
- vim-fugitive: Git wrapper
- vim-airline: Status bar
- vim-airline-themes: Airline theme pack
- vim-bufferline: Airline plugin
- vim-polyglot: Language pack
- vim-gutentags: Tagfile generator
- fzf: Fuzzy finder
- fzf.vim: fzf vim integration
- ale: Syntax checker and LSP client
- vim-noctu Color theme
By default, the <Leader> key in vim is the backslash. The full listing of keybindings in the vimrc:
Binding | Command | Comment |
<Leader>c | :lclose | Closes loclist (where syntax error messages show up) |
<Leader>o | :lopen | Opens loclist |
<Leader>f | :Files | fzf window to open a new file |
<Leader>b | :Buffers | fzf window to go to open buffer |
<Leader>n | :bn | Switch to next buffer |
<Leader>p | :bp | Switch to previous buffer |
This repository released under the MIT License, all plugins are released under their respective licenses.