This model folder gives simple one node models for operation and Planning with application to the french case. A very similar set of models exists for the multinode : Basic_France_Germany_models
It contains 5 folders
- Consumption, with consumption time series and tools to manipulate this consumption (sector decomposition models, Electric heating models, Electric vehicles models). To see what is possible, you can check the webpage generated from notebook
- Economic_And_Tech_assumptions that allows to compute input economic and technic files for Planning and operation optimisation (e.g. with annualized cost). Also contains explanation of these computations.
- Production contains normalized production data (also called "availability") and data analysis. To see what is possible, you can check the webpage generated from notebook
- Operation_optimisation contains models, case studies and texts (with maths and introduction to pyomo) to learn step by step the optimisation of operation (in a case with one node). You can directly reach the demo web page here).
- Planning_optimisation contains models, case studies and texts (with maths and introduction to pyomo) to learn step by step the optimisation of Planning (in a case with one node). You can directly reach the demo web page here.
If you want to dig further you can go in other model folders. Feel free to add case studies for operation and Planning.