Make network information available to JavaScript
This is a service-worker script that allows a client page to read network bandwidth information in real time as fetches are occurring. This allows for real-time decisions to be made around what resources to fetch from the network.
Network bandwidth is made available in two forms to the client browser:
- The current real-time bandwidth (currentBandwidth). This is measured as the sum of the average transfer rate of all current in-flight requests
- The maximum bandwidth of the last set of requests made (lastLoadEventBandwidth). This is the maximum transfer rate achieved measured during the last set of fetches i.e. a period of network activity surrounded on both sides by periods in which no activity took place.
The bandwidth details are made available via messages posted by the service worker.
navigator.serviceWorker.addEventListener('message', function(event) {
// check if any ongoing requests
if ( == 0) {
'Stats since service worker initialized: '
+ bytesToKb( + ' KB, '
+ + ' reqs. '
} else {
'B/W: ' +
( +
' KB/s ' + + ' reqs');