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% Android Reverse Engineering 101 % FIXME Hackerspace % Jean-Baptiste (Rorist) Aubort - \today

Inside the Droid


  • Introduction to APK format
  • Static analysis
    • Dalvik bytecode and Smali
    • Decompress resources and decompile to Smali
    • Modify Smali code
    • Repackage application (compile, sign)
    • What to exploit ?
      • Use tcpdump
      • Use Dalvik Debug Monitor Server (DDMS)
  • Dynamic analysis
    • Introduction to Dynamic Dalvik Instrumentation (DDI)
    • Attacks
      • Code Injection using hijack
      • Android API method hooks

Skating droids

Introduction to APK format

  • APK is basically a ZIP file, with some optimization (see zipalign)
  • Structure
 AndroidManifest.xml...Definitions of the application
 classes.dex...........Java class compiled to Dalvik bytecode
 resources.asc.........Resources index (generated from
 res...................Compressed resources (xml, images)
 lib...................Architecture dependent binaries
 META-INF..............Signatures and checksums
  • aapt is an sdk tool to APKs (package, extract information, ..)
$ aapt dump strings example-app-debug.apk #dump strings from the resources table
$ aapt dump permissions example-app-debug.apk
$ aapt dump resources example-app-debug.apk

Introduction to the Dalvik VM


  • Dalvik is a town in Iceland, Smali means assembler in Icelandic :)
  • It has been developed by Android Inc. which was aquired by Google in 2007


  • Dalvik has some optimisations with memory consumption in mind
  • No stack, register based VM -> Less instructions but bigger filesize
  • Java source code is compiled to Java bytecode (with javac) and then compiled to Dalvik bytecode (with dx)
  • Dex is compressed (code reuse)
  • Zygote model:
    • Zygote process is spawned after boot time, instancating a DVM
    • This VM loads core libraries from Android
    • When an app is started, it forks from Zygote
    • App share core libraries, and copy-on-write to their own process when needed

Introduction to Smali

Smali is based on the DEX format obtained with dexdump

  • Invoke a (private) method
invoke-direct {p0}, Lch/fixme/workshop2/MainActivity;->checkSerial()Z
  • v0 is a local register, p0 is a parameter register
  • local registers are reset when invoke is called
  • The first parameter of a method is always a reference to its object
  • The method signature is constructed like this: Lpackage/name/ObjectName;
  • Types in brakets one after the other: (ILjava/lang/String) = (int, String)

Valid types:

  • V = void - can only be used for return types
  • Z = boolean, B = byte, S = short, C = char
  • I = int, J = long (64 bits), F = float, D = double (64 bits)

Introduction to Smali

Example of a test() method extracted with dexdump

$ SDKPATH='/opt/android-sdk/build-tools/17.0.0'
$ $SDKPATH/dexdump -d ./bin/classes.dex | less

[00045c] ch.fixme.workshop.MainActivity.test:()V
0000: iget-boolean v0, v2, Lch/fixme/workshop/MainActivity;.valid:Z
0002: if-eqz v0, 0011 // +000f
0004: const/high16 v0, #int 2131099648 // #7f06
0006: invoke-virtual {v2, v0}, L..;.findViewById:(I)Landroid/view/View;
0009: move-result-object v0
000a: check-cast v0, Landroid/widget/TextView; // type@0004
000c: const-string v1, "CONGRATZ!" // string@0004
000e: invoke-virtual {v0, v1}, L..;.setText:(Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V
0011: return-void

Introduction to Smali

Example of the same test() method in Smali

$ java -jar ~/android-dev/baksmali-2.0.3.jar ./bin/classes.dex
$ less out/ch/fixme/workshop/MainActivity.smali

.method private test()V
.registers 3
.line 19
iget-boolean v0, p0, Lch/fixme/workshop/MainActivity;->valid:Z
if-eqz v0, :cond_11
.line 20
const/high16 v0, 0x7f060000
invoke-virtual {p0, v0}, L..;->findViewById(I)Landroid/view/View;
move-result-object v0
check-cast v0, Landroid/widget/TextView;
const-string v1, "CONGRATZ!"
invoke-virtual {v0, v1}, L..;->setText(Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V
.line 22
.end method

Use apktool

  • Install the latest apktool, which does everything in one go
$ cd ~; mkdir apktool; cd apktool
$ wget -O apktool.jar
$ wget
$ chmod +x apktool
$ ln -s ~/apktool/apktool /usr/local/bin/apktool
  • Use apktool to extract resources and code
$ cd ~/apps/example-app
$ ant debug #This generates debug certificate
$ apktool decode ./bin/example-app-debug.apk

Modify and repackage the application

Example 1

  • Open and edit the Main class
  • Find where to modify the "valid" field in MainActivity.smali:7 to true
  • Repackage and sign
$ apktool build example-app-debug
$ cd example-app-debug/dist
# Install opendjk-7-jdk and use jarsigner from it
# update-alternative --config jarsigner #on debian
$ jarsigner -digestalg SHA1 -sigalg MD5withRSA -verbose \
    -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore ./example-app-debug.apk \
    -storepass android androiddebugkey
$ adb install ./example-app-debug.apk

Example 2

  • Decompile to smali
  • Print the key somewhere, using this debug code (you also have to modify the .locals directive to match the number of local register accessible in the method
const-string v0, "KEY"
const-string v1, "TEST"
invoke-static {v0, v1}, Landroid/util/Log;
  • Repackage and test

What to exploit ?

Use tcpdump

  • Start the emulator from the CLI, saving all of its traffic in a pcap file
android -avd MyEmulator -tcpdump /tmp/android.cap
wireshark /tmp/android.cap

Use Dalvik Debug Monitor Server (DDMS)

  • DDMS is part of the Android SDK
  • Start DDMS, select the application and starts monitoring
  • You can monitor threads activity, memory allocation and method calls
  • As well as send the emulator some event (call, network change, etc)

Look at the code with jd-gui (Java Decompiler) and dex2jar

$ cd ~/apps/example-app
$ ant debug
$ ./bin/example-app-debug.apk
$ jd-gui example-app-debug_dex2jar.jar

Introduction to Dynamic Dalvik Instrumentation (DDI)

JNI/NDK introduction

  • NDK provides tools to work with native code
    • Full access to Android SDK
    • Cross compilation for ARM
    • Performances of native code is now balanced since JIT appeared (Froyo)
  • JNI is an interface between native code and Java
    • Call JAVA methods from C and vice-versa

How does DDI work ?

  • Based on ADBI (Android Dynamic Binary Instrumentation)
    • Injects binary at run time
    • Hijack: library (shared object) injection to a running PID
    • LibBase: Hook/unhook
  • ADBI transforms Dalvik method to native code using JNI (java native interface)
  • DDI provides helpers for hooking dalvik methods, importing dex classes at run time
  • Then it calls the original method from C
  • You have access to everything in C (there is no private/protected method)
  • Injects an .so library to a running Dalvik VM
    • Since all DVM are forked from the Zygot process, that is were you want to be

Introduction to Dynamic Dalvik Instrumentation (DDI)

Code Injection using hijack

  • Steps
    • Push library (.so) and Dalvik code (.dex) to /data/local/tmp
    • Enable dex loading: chmod 777 /data/dalvik-cache/
    • ./hijack -p PID -l /data/local/tmp/
  • This injects the library into the running process with PID
  • But we want to inject before app is loaded, that is why we inject into Zygote!
PID=$(adb shell ps | grep zygote | awk '{print $2}')
adb shell "/data/local/tmp/hijack -p $PID -l /data/local/tmp/ \

Introduction to Dynamic Dalvik Instrumentation (DDI)

I am hooking, they are hating

  • Hooking and calling the original function, using LibDalvikHook
struct dalvik_hook_t h;   // hook data, remembers stuff for you
static struct dexstuff_t libdhook;
// setup the hook
   &h,                                  // hook data
   "Lch/fixme/workshop3/MainActivity;", // class name
   "test",                              // method name
   "()Ljava/lang/String;",              // method signature
   1,                                   // insSize
   hook_func_test                       // hook function
// place hook
dalvik_hook(&libdhook, &h);

Introduction to Dynamic Dalvik Instrumentation (DDI)

Place the hooking function

static jstring hook_func_test(JNIEnv *env, jobject this) {
    return (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, "IM HOOKING");

I am hooking, they are hating

  • Compile and exploit
cd jni
cd ..
ant debug install
adb push libs/armeabi/ /data/local/tmp/
PID=$(adb shell ps | grep workshop3 | awk '{print $2}')
adb shell "/data/local/tmp/hijack -p $PID -l /data/local/tmp/"

Introduction to Dynamic Dalvik Instrumentation (DDI)

Android API method hooks

  • Find and load the Class
cls = dvmFindLoadedClass("Ljava/lang/String;");
met = dvmFindVirtualMethodHierByDescriptor(cls, 
    "compareTo", "(Ljava/lang/String;)I");
  • Create a hook function and bind String.compareTo() to it
int dalvik_func_hook(JNIEnv *env, jobject this, jobject str) {
    /* evil code */
dvmUseJNIBridge(met, dalvik_func_hook);






Dynamic instrumentation