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Securing the Network with Network Policies


  1. Secure application and database traffic


  1. Cluster running with Cilium installed

Setup Steps

  1. Deploy EKS Cluster

  2. Deploy Pods and Services for testing

  3. Test Connectivity

  4. Deploy Network Policies


1. Deploy EKS Cluster

If the cluster from Lecture 4 is not running, walk through the Deployment from Ch03_L04 - Setting up an overlay network

Delete the connectivity Test if you deployed it from the previous lab

kubectl delete deployment echo-a echo-b host-to-b-multi-node-clusterip host-to-b-multi-node-headless pod-to-a \
pod-to-a-allowed-cnp pod-to-a-external-1111 pod-to-a-l3-denied-cnp pod-to-a-l3-denied-cnp pod-to-b-intra-node \
pod-to-b-multi-node-clusterip pod-to-b-multi-node-headless pod-to-external-fqdn-allow-google-cnp
kubectl delete svc echo-a echo-b echo-b-headless
kubectl delete ciliumnetworkpolicy pod-to-a-allowed-cnp pod-to-a-l3-denied-cnp pod-to-external-fqdn-allow-google-cnp

2. Deploy Pods and Services for testing

2.1 Deploy Database pods

kubectl apply -f database.yml 

2.2 Deploy Application Pods

kubectl apply -f app.yml 

2.3 Deploy Dns Utils pod

kubectl apply -f dnsutils.yml

2.4 Check to make sure the app and database came up

kubectl get pods


○ → kubectl get pods
NAME                   READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
app-5fc49498f6-wdzfj   1/1     Running   0          2m12s
dnsutils               1/1     Running   0          6m6s
postgres-0             1/1     Running   0          13m

3. Test Connectivity

Layer 3 Test

Get Pod IP's

○ → kubectl get pods -o wide
NAME                   READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE     IP                NODE                                           NOMINATED NODE   READINESS GATES
app-5fc49498f6-wdzfj   1/1     Running   0          2m51s    <none>           <none>
dnsutils               1/1     Running   0          6m45s    <none>           <none>
postgres-0             1/1     Running   0          14m   <none>           <none>

Ping test

kubectl exec -it dnsutils -- ping

Using Netcat let's scan the App and Admin Port

kubectl exec -it dnsutils -- nc -z -vv 8080 ( open
sent 0, rcvd 0

kubectl exec -it dnsutils -- nc -z -vv 8090 ( open
sent 0, rcvd 0

Test connectivity to App API ping

kubectl exec -it dnsutils -- wget -qO- app:80/ping

Test connectivity to App API secret

kubectl exec -it dnsutils -- wget -qO- app:80/secret
{"message":"You should not see this"} 

Test connectivity to Database

kubectl exec -it dnsutils -- nc -z -vv postgres 5432
postgres ( open
sent 0, rcvd 0

Test connection to App to Database

kubectl exec -it dnsutils -- wget -qO- app:80/data
{"message":"Database Connected"}

Test connectivity to App API Admin

kubectl exec -it dnsutils -- wget -qO- app:8090/admin
{"message":"Admin Sections"} 

3. Deploy Network Policies

Deploy cilium Layer 3 policy

kubectl apply -f layer_3_netpol.yml

Test connectivity Direct access to the database again

kubectl exec -it dnsutils -- nc -w 5 -z -vv postgres 5432
nc: postgres ( Operation timed out
sent 0, rcvd 0
command terminated with exit code 1

But the app still works

kubectl exec -it dnsutils -- wget -qO- app:80/data
{"message":"Database Connected"}

Deploy cilium Layer 4 policy

kubectl apply -f layer_4_netpol.yml

8080 is still open but not 8090

kubectl exec -it dnsutils -- nc -z -vv 8080 ( open
sent 0, rcvd 0

kubectl exec -it dnsutils -- nc -w 5 -z -vv 8090
nc: ( Operation timed out
command terminated with exit code 1

Deploy cilium Layer 7 policy

kubectl apply -f layer_7_netpol.yml

Test connectivity to app api pong and slash

kubectl exec -it dnsutils -- wget -qO- -T 5 app:80/
{"message":"Default Page"}
kubectl exec -it dnsutils -- wget -qO- -T 5 app:80/ping

Test connectivity to app api data endpoint

kubectl exec -it dnsutils -- wget -qO- -T 5 app:80/data
wget: download timed out
command terminated with exit code 1


We will use this Cluster for the Troubleshooting DNS Lab in Lecture 7