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Mariusz Dziemianowicz edited this page Oct 9, 2013 · 16 revisions


Szurubooru is a Danbooru-style board, a gallery where users can upload, browse, tag and comment images, video clips and flash animations.

Szurubooru is powered by chibi, a lightweight PHP framework.

Quick Start Guide

Szurubooru differs from standard web applications. It has no installation wizard and has uncommon directory structure. Due to this, setting up szurubooru requires some explanation.


  • A web server running PHP 5.5+ with SQLite extension enabled
  • Some experience with web servers, installing web applications and/or git.


  1. Clone this repository somewhere or unpack downloaded repository archive.

    Notice: Recursive git clone will download all required linked libraries automatically, otherwise you will need to download each of them manually. In git these are called submodules and you will find them in the lib/ directory.

  2. Setup your szurubooru installation.

    1. Method 1: Change your web server configuration file to point at public_html/ directory (change DocumentRoot in httpd.conf on Apache web server or change it from server provider administration panel). If it's not possible or you don't want to do that, use the second method.

    If you cloned this repository directly where you set your root directory to, this method will allow you to perform instant updates with no additional configuration required.

    1. Method 2 (not recommended): Deploy public_html directory into your web server and rest of these files in a safe place. Then you will need to edit paths in config.ini and chdir path in public_html/dispatch.php on the web server, either with relative or absolute paths.

    Keep note that this method will make updating your szurubooru more difficult.

  3. TODO: file permissions and security information

  4. If all done correctly, you should be able to see your szurubooru loading with no major issues. However, you need some more dependencies to be downloaded, such as javascript libraries etc. This can be done by running init.php script.

If you're using default path structure, run init.php script from command line if possible: php init.php. If not, init.php must be called from http request - place it in your web server directory and edit destination paths accordingly, invoke init.php from your browser, then delete or rename it.

As a last resort all these files can be downloaded manually. Open init.php in your text editor and figure out how it works. It doesn't need a further explanation.

  1. szurubooru should be ready to use now.
