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Curriculum Vitae |
cv |
/cv/ |
August 2022 |
This version mostly includes publications and conference participation. To view service and other activities, download a copy of my full CV. You can also view my profile in Google Scholar.
- M.A., Liberal Studies, CUNY Graduate Center, 2016. Thesis: “Yellow Dust Abode: The Hawley-Suski Letters, 1942–45”
- M.S., Library and Information Science, Pratt Institute, with distinction, 2012. Practicum: "Processing Special Collections: Blurring Boundaries, Backlogs and Intra-Institutional Cooperation, or, What Do We Do with All This Stuff?"
- B.A., Film Studies, University of California at Berkeley, 2000
2024-present | Head of Archives and Special Collections, Associate Professor, Mina Rees Library, The Graduate Center, CUNY |
2017-2024 | Dissertation Research Librarian, Assistant Professor, Mina Rees Library, The Graduate Center, CUNY |
2019-2020 | Visiting Assistant Professor, Pratt Institute School of Information |
2016-2017 | Dissertation Research Librarian, Substitute Assistant Professor, Mina Rees Library, The Graduate Center, CUNY |
2015-2016 | Interim Dissertation Assistant, Mina Rees Library, The Graduate Center, CUNY |
- Shirazi, R. (2022). Libraries and the problem of DH discovery. In J. O’Sullivan (Ed.), The Bloomsbury Handbook to the Digital Humanities. London: Bloomsbury Academic. Forthcoming.
- Shirazi, R. and Zweibel, S. (2020). Documenting digital projects: Instituting guidelines for digital dissertations and theses in the humanities. College and Research Libraries 81(7), 1123.
- Drabinski, E., Geraci, A., and Shirazi, R. (Eds.). (2019). Labor in Academic Libraries (special issue). Library Trends 68(2).
- Shirazi, R. (2018). The doctoral dissertation and scholarly communication: Adapting to changing publication practices among graduate students. College and Research Libraries News 79(1), 34.
- Shirazi, R. (2017). Reproducing the academy: Librarianship and the question of service in the digital humanities. In J. Sayers (Ed.), Making things and drawing boundaries (pp. 86-94). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
- Shirazi, R. (2015). A “Digital Wasteland”: Modernist periodical studies, digital remediation, and copyright. In D. Mueller (Ed.), Creating Sustainable Community: The Proceedings of the ACRL 2015 Conference, March 25-28, Portland, Oregon. Paper presented at ACRL 2015, Portland, Oregon, 25-28 March (pp. 192-199). Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries.
- Coble, Z., Potvin, S., Shirazi, R. (2014). Process as product: Scholarly communication experiments in the digital humanities. Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication 2(3).
- Debates in DH Digital Project Index, with Stephen Zweibel, Patricia Belen, and Atilio Barreda. Project Co-director (2022–present).
- CUNY Digital History Archive, with Stephen Brier, Andrea Ades Vasquez, and Marco Battistella. Project Director (2022–present).
- dh+lib: where the digital humanities and librarianship meet, with Sarah Potvin, Zach Coble, Caro Pinto, John Russell, Patrick Williams, Caitlin Christian-Lamb. Founding Co-editor (2012-2018).
- "Radicalism at BMCC: Selections from the CUNY Digital History Archive." Part of the "Student Power: Radical Histories of CUNY" session, NYC Climate Justice Hub Fellowship Academy. June 18, 2024.
- "Librarianship at CUNY in the Period of Open Admissions: Notes on Reading LACUNY Journal, 1972–1977," Wasser Award Lectures, CUNY Graduate Center. March 22, 2024.
- "Reproductive Labor and Digital Technology," The Demos Project “People in Data” Webinar series. Florida State University. October 18, 2019.
- "Unseen and Unremarked Upon: The Reproductive Labor of Librarians in the Academy.” Keynote speaker, Eastern New York/ACRL Spring Conference. Siena College. May 23, 2017.
- "Digital Pasts and Disciplinary Futures: Charting the Course of Librarians in DH." 2nd Annual Digital Humanities Address. Pratt School of Information. April 6, 2017.
- "Conditions of (In)Visibility: Cultivating a Documentary Impulse in the Digital Humanities." Keynote speaker, Invisible Work in the Digital Humanities Symposium. Florida State University. November 17-18, 2016.
Papers | |
2022 | “Towards a Counter-Institutional Archive: Collecting, Preserving, and Sharing the Histories of the City University of New York.” Digital Library Federation Forum (October 10-12), Baltimore, MD. |
2018 | “Not Just Degree-Seekers: Graduate Students as Scholarly Contributors.” With J. Cirasella. Transforming Libraries for Graduate Students (March 22-23), Kennesaw, GA. Postponed due to weather; delivered as webinar in December 2018. |
2018 | “Rethinking Value in Academic Libraries.” Metropolitan New York Library Council Symposium—Libraries in the Context of Capitalism (February 1-2), New York, NY. |
2015 | “‘A Digital Wasteland’: Modernist Periodical Studies, Digital Remediation, and Copyright.” ACRL 2015 (March 25-28), Portland, OR. |
Panels | |
2024 | “Normalizing: How CUNY Unified into a Single ArchivesSpace Instance.” CUNY IT Conference (December 5-6, 2024), New York, NY. Panelist. |
2023 | “Needles in Many Haystacks: Approaches to DH Discovery.” Digital Library Federation Forum 2023 (November 12-16), St. Louis, MO. Panelist. |
2021 | “Libraries and the Work of White Supremacy.” CUNY Faculty Diversity and Inclusion Conference (April 15-16), New York, NY. Panelist |
2020 | “Ethics and Ed Tech at CUNY During and Beyond the Pandemic.” CUNY IT Conference (December 3-4, 2020), New York, NY. Panelist. |
2017 | “Amplifying CUNY Voices with CUNY Academic Works.” CUNY IT Conference (November 30-December 1), New York, NY. Panelist. |
2017 | “Who Steers the Boat? On Women in a Feminized Profession.” ACRL 2017 (March 22-25), Baltimore, MD. Panelist. |
2014 | “Experimental Scholarly Publishing: Building New Models with Distributed Communities of Practice.” Digital Library Federation Forum 2014 (October 27-29), Atlanta, GA. Panelist, in absentia. |
2014 | “Digital Humanities and Academic Libraries: Practice and Theory, Power and Privilege.” Organized by the Women and Gender Studies Section of ACRL at ALA 2014 (June 27-July 2), Las Vegas, NV. Invited panelist. |
Workshops and Other Sessions | |
2022 | “Debates in Digital Humanities Project Index.” Lightning talk, co-presenter. Digital Library Federation Forum 2022 (October 10-12), Baltimore, MD. |
2018 | “Building Capacity for Digital Library Services When They Won’t Even Hire a Metadata Librarian.” Digital Library Federation Forum 2018 (October 14-18), Las Vegas, NV. |
2016 | “Cite this Repository!” Co-organized lunchtime working session. Digital Library Federation Forum 2016 (November 7-9), Milwaukee, WI. |
2016 | “Translation Hack-a-thon!: Applying the Translation Toolkit to a Global dh+lib.” Co-organized pre-conference workshop. Digital Humanities 2016 (July 11-16), Kraków, Poland. |
Posters | |
2018 | “Snapshots, Breadcrumbs, and Coercive Documentation: Institutionalizing Digital Preservation Back-up Plans for Student Work.” Poster presented at Digital Preservation 2018 (October 18-19), Las Vegas, NV. |
2016 | “Crafting the Digital Front Matter: Guidelines for Depositing Digital Dissertations.” With S. Zweibel. Poster presented at the U.S. Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Association (USETDA) Conference 2016 (September 25-28), Columbus, OH. |
2016 | “Scaling and Diversifying at the Intersection of Digital Humanities and Libraries: An Update from dh+lib.” With S. Potvin, J. Russell, C. Pinto, C. Christian-Lamb, P. Williams, Z. Coble, T. Padilla. Poster presented at 2016 Texas Conference on Digital Libraries (May 24-26), Austin, TX. |
2015 | “PressForward Develops New Models of Scholarly Communication.” With J. Fragaszy Troyano, L. Rhody, Z. Coble, S. Potvin, C. Pinto, and K. Nguyen. Poster presented at ACRL 2015 (March 25-28), Portland, OR. |
2014 | “Enhancing Scholarly Communication and Communities with the PressForward Plugin.” With J. Troyano, L. Rhody, Z. Coble, S. Potvin, C. Pinto, and K. Nguyen. Poster presented at Digital Humanities 2014 (July 7-12), Lausanne, Switzerland. |
2013 | “dh+lib: Behind the Scenes.” With S. Potvin and Z. Coble. Poster presented at Digital Library Federation (DLF) Forum 2013 (November 4-7), Austin, TX. |
2024-2027 | Cultivating Archives and Institutional Memory at 'The People's University', Mellon Foundation ($2,000,000). Proposal co-author and advisory board member. |
2023 | Henry Wasser Award for Outstanding Research for Assistant Professors, CUNY Academy for the Humanities and Sciences |
2022 | PSC-CUNY Research Award # 65481-00 53, Traditional B. “Activist Visions: A History of Librarians at the City University of New York.” ($5905) |
2022 | Archival Needs Assessment Grant, Documentary Heritage and Preservation Services for New York (in kind) |
2015 | Director’s Scholarship, Rare Book School, University of Virginia |
2015 | Early-Career Librarian Scholarship, Rare Books & Manuscripts Section Awardee, ACRL 2015 Conference |
2015 | LACUNY Professional Development Committee Travel Grant, Library Association of the City University of New York |
2014-15 | HASTAC Scholar. Humanities, Arts, Science, and Technology Alliance and Collaboratory |
2012 | Attendance Scholarship, 53rd Annual Preconference of the Rare Books & Manuscripts Section (RBMS) of the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) |
2012 | Pratt Circle Award (for academic achievement), Pratt Institute |