Sales Forecast using Machine Learning
A web application to predict the sales of a newly launched product
Libraries Used : scikit-learn Web Framework User : Django
Using the pickle library to load and use pre trained ml models.
How does it look like when you run it?
Product Detail Input Page
How to run sales_predit_ml on your Linux/Unix System ?
Clone the repository and get inside sales_forecast_ml
git clone && cd sales_predict_ml
Installing required Python3 libraries
sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 makemigrations predict && python3 migrate
Loading the for later use
python3 ml_core/ml_process/
python3 runserver
You should now be able to access the sales_predict_ml web app in localhost:8000 in your browser
How to run sales_predit_ml on your Windows System ?
Install Linux or buy a Mac and revisit