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Ruby Maintainability

NoPassword is a toolkit that makes it easy to implement temporary, secure login codes initiated from peoples' web browsers so they can login via email, SMS, CLI, QR Codes, or any other side-channel. NoPassword also comes with a pre-built "Login with Email" flow so you can start using it right away in your Rails application.


Add this line to your Rails application's Gemfile by executing:

$ bundle add nopassword

Next copy over the migrations, controllers, and views that you'll customize later:

$ bundle exec rails generate nopassword:install

Then run the migrations:

$ rake db:migrate

Finally, restart the development server and head to http://localhost:3000/email_authentication/new.


# TODO: Implement v2

Why bother?

Passwords are a huge pain. How you ask?

  1. People choose weak passwords - Most people choose weak passwords that are easy to remember and type. In a stupid game of cat and mouse, the world has fought back with password complexity validations that drive people insane and make passwords really hard to remember.

  2. People forget passwords - When people forget their passwords they have to go through a whole reset process that sends people some sort of code via Email, SMS, or any other side-channel. Why not just authenticate this way?

  3. Password fatigue - People get tired of creating passwords for a website. Its a breath of fresh air when they can plugin an email address, get a code, and not have to manage yet another password.


It's paramount to understand how your authentication systems are working so you can assess whether or not the risks they present are worth it. NoPassword is no different; it makes certain trade-offs that you need to assess for your application.

How it works

  1. User requests a login link. Rails generates a SignIn record in the database that has a uuid, and expires_at. A link of the uuid and a generated secret are sent to the user. A digest of the secret is stored in secret_digest in the users' session.

  2. The link is sent to the user out-of-band via a medium like email, SMS, or carrier pigeon.

  3. The user opens the link with the uuid and secret. There's two possible paths from here:

    1. If the link opens in the browser that the login link was initiated, Rails digests the secret to see if it matches the secret_hash in the user's session. If it matches up, the authentication succeeds. If they don't match, the authentication fails.

    2. If Rails detects there's no secret_hash in the session, but detects the correct uuid, it's because the user may be trying to sign-in from an app, but the link opened in their browser with a different session. When this happens we want to generate a code that the user can key into their other browser window.

      1. A code is generated and stored in the users session. A digest of the code is stored on the server in addition to an expires_at and remaining_attempts in a SignInCode record that's associated with the SignIn. The screen displays the code from the session and instructs the user to enter it from the browser they used to initiate sending the login link.

      2. The user enteres the code displayed on their screen on the device where they initiated the login link. The code is digested and checked against the code_digest that's persisted on the server and remaining_attempts is decremented on each attempt.

      3. If the user enters the correct code, the authentication succeeds. If the user exhausts the number of remaining_attempts or exceeds the expires_at, the authentication fails.

Worth noting; none of the steps above require a cookie to function properly.


NoPassword deploys the following features to mitigate brute force attacks:

Protect from adversaries intercepting out-of-band link

If the out-of-band link is intercepted, the adversary would open the login link. Since they don't have the secret_digest in their session, they would would be forced to through the code flow. The problem is they wouldn't have access to original session that initiated the request, and couldn't create a code to continue the authentication session. They would need to access the session that was originally used to initiate the login flow link to enter the code.

Limit the number of times a code can be entered

NoPassword ships with NoPassword::Secret#remaining_attempts, which is decremented each time the user enters a code. When there's 0 remaining attempts, the secret is destroyed and the user has to request a new, uniquely generated code. By default, NoPassword gives end-users 3 attempts to try the code.

A randomly generated salt must also be provided with the code

The salt is hidden from the user by embedding it into the form payload that's posted back to the server with the code. This means an attack would have to somehow get this salt, in addition to the code, to successfully verify the secret.

The salt is not emailed or distributed to the end-user: it is kept in the browser they're using to authenticate. If an attacker intercepted the code from the side-channel, they would also need access to the salt.

Secrets expire

In addition to the salt and remaining attempts, a secret also has NoPassword::Secret#expires_at, which limits the amount of time a user has to guess the secret. By default, NoPassword gives end-users 5 minutes to enter the code.

Does not store personally identifying information ("PII")

NoPassword makes a best effort to prevent PII from being stored on the server during the authentication & authorization process. Instead the data is persisted on the client via a data key, and is verified on each request to ensure the client did not tamper with the orignal PII for the final authentication request. The PII is revealed after the user successfully verifies their email address.

NoPassword does not prevent other pieces of your infrastructure from logging PII, so you'll need to do your dilligence to ensure nothing is logged if your goal is to provide your users with strong privacy garauntees.

No session or cookies required

NoPassword persists its state on the client and in an encrypted format on the server; thus a session or cookie is not required for the verification process. This serves two purposes:

  1. Privacy - The initial authorization and verification process doesn't use cookies, so in theory if you run a tight ship, you won't have to display cookie banners during the authorization and verification process.

  2. API compatibility - The main reason NoPassword doesn't use cookies or sessions is so it can be used to authenticate via an API. This is useful for hybrid mobile app scenarios where a user may request a login code via a native UI.


NoPassword takes a PORO approach to its architecture, meaning you can extend its behavior via compositions and inheritence. Because of this PORO approach, most of the configuration happens on the objects themselves via inheritance instead of a configuration file. This is a similar approach to how authologic implements their authentication framework for users.

Because of this modular approach, NoPassword can be used out of the box for many use cases including:

  • Login via Email
  • Verify emails for logged in users
  • Reset passwords for logged in users

NoPassword could be extended to work for other side-channel use cases too like login via SMS, QR code, etc.


Understanding why something was created is important to understanding it better.

Why was NoPassword created?

The gems I evaluated all did more than I wanted them to:

  1. passwordless - Same idea as this gem, but it tries to do too much by including current_user and all of the before_action callbacks. Ultimately this gem wasn't suitable for me because I found they way its architected makes it difficult to extend or plug into existing application code.

  2. devise-passwordless - This would be a good solution if you're already using devise, but like passwordless, I didn't want a gem that got into the business of current_user. Additionally, for new passwordless-only applications, it doesn't make sense to start with devise since it makes many assumptions about requiring a username and password.

NoPassword only worries about generating codes and creating a secure environment for end-users to validate the codes.

Why was it not built on devise, warden, or ominauth?

I initially thought this would make for a great OmniAuth strategy, but quickly realized OmniAuth has a goal of being agnostic to rails and ships Rack middleware. I needed something more integrated into Rails controllers and views so that I could more easily extend in various projects.

Devise already has devise-passwordless, but it tries to do too much for my purposes by managing user authorization. I needed something that stopped short of managing user authorization.


I'd like to build out a set of controllers, views, etc. for common use cases for codes, like SMS, QRCode, and email. If you'd like to contribute, lets talk about it at before you code anything and go over architectural principals, how to distribute, etc.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.