- Android 4.1+ / API 16+ ("JellyBean" or above)
- "Normal" screen size or higher
- "High Density (hdpi)" or better
See Android versions dashboard for more information:
The application was designed and tested on "Nexus 4".
Install Java JDK version 1.7 or higher from http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html
Install Android SDK from https://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html or homebrew with the command:
brew install android-sdk
Make sure to install the latest android SDK using the following command:
android update sdk
The project is based on
and the new Android Studio IDE. It will NOT work with the legacy eclipse IDE. You can downloaded Android Studio IDE from https://developer.android.com/sdk/installing/studio.html
file to your android folder with the following values:# Google Analytics Tracking ID systemProp.GA_TRACKING_ID = "UA-XXXXXXXX-X" # Email address to send user feedback systemProp.FEEDBACK_EMAIL = "[email protected]" # AWS Cognito Identity Pool ID # # Taurus uses the Amazon Cognito Identity service and AWS Security Token Service to create # temporary, short-lived sessions used for authentication # DynamoDB Tables accessible by Taurus should be given read access to the roles associated # with the cognito pool id # For more information on how to setup these roles please refer to AWS Cognito documentation systemProp.COGNITO_POOL_ID = "us-east-1:xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxx" # Keystore password systemProp.BUILD_PASSWORD = "CHANGEME"
file to your android folder with the following values:sdk.dir=/usr/local/opt/android-sdk
This project includes the gradle wrapper so there is no need to install
separately. -
To build execute
gradlew build
To test, launch the emulator first or plug your device in via USB, then execute:
gradlew connectedCheck
The test reports will be generated in build/outputs/reports folder:
See tests/behavioral/TaurusMobileApp/README.md
In order to run the pipeline, you need to ensure a couple things are setup properly locally.
- Ensure the Products repo is on your
- Run
pip install -r pipeline/requirements.txt
- Your Application Signing keystore file must be located at
. See mobile-core/android/common.gradle for ways to override the default location. ANDROID_HOME
environment variable should be set to the location of your Android SDK (alternatively, set this inlocal.properties
environment variable must be set properly- Run an Android device locally. You can get a list of devices using
android list avd
and launch one usingemulator -avd <avd_name>
. To create a new device useandroid avd
environment variable must be set to Saucelabs usernameSAUCE_KEY
environment variable must be set to Saucelabs key- Set the
variable in your environment to match the location of your Java installation.
Docker container
from https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads -
from http://www.vagrantup.com/downloads.html or homebrew:brew install vagrant
client from http://docs.docker.com/installation or homebrew:brew install docker
container:vagrant up
Docker image
Copy your Application Signing keystore file to
directory:mkdir .keys cp /etc/numenta/products/keys/grok.keystore .key/grok.keystore
Build docker image:
docker build -t taurus-mobile .
Run default build on docker mapping your repository root directory to
, for example:docker run --name taurus-mobile --rm -v `pwd`/..:/opt/numenta/products taurus-mobile
Run custom build on docker:
docker run --name taurus-mobile --rm -v `pwd`/..:/opt/numenta/products taurus-mobile ./gradlew clean assembleQa