- Getting started
- Routes and Controllers
- Rails Views
- Rails Auth
- Rails Auth II
- Testing with Rails
- Rails and CSS
- Advanced Rails Forms
- Rails Lite
Rails is the third module in the App Academy Full Stack Developer Curriculum.
As with all future modules, any "Bonus" projects are to be completed after the standard projects for each day are completed. Sometimes that could mean going back to previous day's "Bonus" projects if you otherwise finish early. Additional Resources are readings, videos, or articles that are not required, but will serve to deepen your understanding of a topic. They will be denoted with a specific icon in your task menu.
- 1. Rails Setup
- 2. Rails API (api.rubyonrails.org)
- 3. Rails Guides (guides.rubyonrails.org)
- 4. Diagram of Rails
- 5. Rails 4 vs Rails 5
- 1. What is an API?
- 2. HTTP Request/Response
- 3. Rails Routing
- 4. Routes Demo
- 5. Basic Controller Demo
- 6. RESTful Controller Demo
- 7. Routing I: Basics
- 8. Basic Controllers and Strong Params
- 9. Callbacks
- 10. Delegation
- 11. Contextual Overview of DNS
- 12. Testing Routes with Postman
- 13. Routes and Controllers Quiz
- 14. True Diversity is Intersectional
- 15. 6-Year-Old Girls Already Have Gendered Beliefs About Intelligence
- 16. VCs and Female Entrepreneurs
- 17. Elephant in the Valley
- 18. When Bias in Product Design Means Life or Death
- 19. Basic JSON API
- 20. Routing II: Nested Collections
- 21. Routing III: Adding non-default routes
- 22. (cc) 03-basic-rails-routing
- 23. (cc) 04-strong-params
- 24. (cc) 05-nested-resources
- 25. (cc) 06-erb-and-views
- 26. (cc) 07-basic-forms
- 27. (cc) 08-form-request-cycle
- 28. (cc) 09-select
- 29. (cc) 10-form-partial
- 30. (cc) 11-form-encoding
- 31. Code from Rails demos (Intro Rails Video Demo)
- 32. Rails Routing Intro
- 33. First Route & Controller Action
- 34. Show Controller Action
- 35. Create & New Controller Actions
- 36. Update & Destroy Controller Actions
- 37. First Routes and Controllers
- 38. Art Share API
- 39. CSS Friends Part 1
- 40. Art Share API (Part Two)
- 41. Art Share API Solutions
- 1. Rails Views: Intro
- 2. Rails Views: Forms
- 3. Rails Views: Partials
- 4. Debugging a Rails Project
- 5. Code from Rails demos (Library Demo)
- 6. Rails Views Quiz
- 7. Partials
- 8. ERB
- 9. Rails Parameter Conventions
- 10. Debugging
- 11. Easy Forms Demo
- 12. Ternary Logic in SQL
- 13. Rails Views - BleatsController#index
- 14. Rails Views - BleatsController#show
- 15. Rails Views - BleatsController#new & #create
- 16. Rails Views - BleatsController#edit & #update
- 17. Partials Lecture
- 18. Rails Views - BleatsController#destroy
- 19. 99 Cats
- 1. Secure State
- 2. Cookies and Authentication
- 3. Encoding and Encryption
- 4. Hashing for Authentication
- 5. Salting
- 6. BCrypt
- 7. Session and Flash
- 8. Auth Pattern
- 9. (cc) 06 CSRF Attack
- 10. (cc) 07 CSRF Protection
- 11. (cc) 08 CSRF Methods
- 12. Singular resource
- 13. Rails Auth Quiz
- 14. Cookies, JSON
- 15. Encrypted Cookies & #session
- 16. #flash & #flash.now
- 17. Rails Auth
- 18. Cookies
- 19. Controllers and State
- 20. CSRF and Forms
- 21. Displaying validation errors; flash
- 22. Auth I: Creating Users
- 23. Auth II: Sessions
- 24. Common User Auth Questions
- 25. 99Cats pt. 1 Solution
- 26. User Password Functionality & User Signup
- 27. Auth Intro, Log In on Signup, #current_user
- 28. SessionsController
- 29. Authorization (before_action)
- 30. 99 Cats II: Auth
- 1. (cc) 14-radio-and-textarea
- 2. (cc) 15-helpers
- 3. layouts
- 4. ActionMailer
- 5. View helpers
- 6. View layouts
- 7. Nontechnical Overview of Rails
- 8. Helpers, Layouts, and Partials
- 9. Action Mailer Demo
- 10. CSRF Attacks & Protection
- 11. Auth Review
- 12. Music App
- 13. Helpers Layouts Mailers
- 1. Rails Testing: Intro
- 2. Rails Testing: Setup
- 3. Rails Testing: Models
- 4. Rails Testing: Factories
- 5. Rails Testing: Controllers
- 6. Rails Testing: Capybara
- 7. Code from Rails Testing demo (Capybara Party
- 8. RSpec View Testing
- 9. Capybara
- 10. Integration Testing
- 11. RSpec and Rails Setup
- 12. Testing Models
- 13. FactoryBot and Faker Gems
- 14. Testing Controllers
- 15. Testing with Capybara
- 16. Spring and Guard Setup
- 17. Shoulda Matchers Setup
- 18. Rails Testing Intro & Model Tests
- 19. Rails Controller Testing
- 20. Rails Feature Tests
- 21. Goal App
- 22. Appacademy.io Tests (Bonus)
- 1. CSS Nontechnical Overview
- 2. CSS Responsive Design
- 3. CSS Quiz
- 4. Positioning & Media Queries
- 5. CSS Review
- 6. CSS Review Video
- 7. CSS Intro
- 8. CSS Syntax
- 9. CSS Display
- 10. CSS Box Model
- 11. CSS Margin
- 12. CSS Inheritence
- 13. CSS Reset
- 14. CSS Pseudo Content
- 15. CSS Float
- 16. CSS Grid
- 17. CSS Navbar Demo
- 18. CSS Positioning
- 19. CSS Glasses Demo
- 20. CSS Transform Property
- 21. Flexbox Froggy
- 22. Flexbox Defense
- 23. CSS Grid Garden
- 24. Intro & Boxes Demo
- 25. Display Property & Floats Demo
- 26. Flexbox Demo
- 27. Position Demo
- 28. Styling Demo with Rails
- 29. AA Times
- 30. AA Times (Part Two)
- 31. Google Homepage (Bonus)
- 32. Have You Experienced Racism in the Workplace?
- 33. Diversity in Tech Remains Elusive
- 34. Commoditization and Exploitation of Asians in Tech
- 35. The Other Side of Diversity
- 36. How AI is Learning All of Our Worst Impulses
- 1. (cc) 16-tag-ids-setter
- 2. (cc) 17-checkboxes-1
- 3. (cc) 18-checkboxes-2
- 4. (cc) 19-checkboxes-3
- 5. (cc) 20-query-string
- 6. Polymorphic Associations: Section 2.9
- 7. Rails Forms Quiz
- 8. Polymorphism and Concerns
- 9. Decorators (Bonus)
- 10. Checkboxes and Id Setters Reference
- 11. RedditClone
- 12. Goal App Refactor
- 1. Rails Lite Intro
- 2. HTTP
- 3. HTTP Demo
- 4. Rails from the Inside Out
- 5. Rack
- 6. Rack Demo
- 7. Contextual Overview of TCP/IP
- 8. RegexOne
- 9. RegexOne (Lesson 1 - 6)
- 10. RegexOne (Lesson 7 - 14)
- 11. Rails Lite Quiz
- 12. Rack Middleware
- 13. Rack Middleware Demo
- 14. Rack Middleware Demo code
- 15. TCP
- 16. DNS
- 17. (cc) 00-webserver
- 18. (cc) 01-protocols
- 19. (cc) 02-http
- 20. HTTP Reading
- 21. Rack Reading
- 22. Rack Middleware Stack
- 23. Class and Instance Eval
- 24. Rack - Intro & Basic Apps
- 25. Rack - Request & Response
- 26. Rack - Class App
- 27. Rails Lite Part 1
- 28. Rails Lite Part 2