- Enumerables and Debugging
- References
- Recursion
- Git
- Data Structures
- Object-Oriented Programming
- RSpec and TDD
- Big-O
- LRU Cache
Ruby is the first module in the App Academy Full Stack Developer Curriculum. All of the material that you cover in these modules will seek to build upon previous days and as such, going back to review previous readings or videos will be in your best interest when time allows.
As with all future modules, any "Bonus" projects are to be completed after the standard projects for each day are completed. Sometimes that could mean going back to previous day's "Bonus" projects if you otherwise finish early. Additional Resources are readings, videos, or articles that are not required, but will serve to deepen your understanding of a topic. They will be denoted with a specific icon in your task menu.
- 1. Nontechnical Overview of Ruby
- 2. Debugging
- 3. Common Exceptions
- 4. More Byebug Commands: display and where
- 5. Debugging Cheatsheet
- 6. Breaking Methods Into Parts
- 7. Enumerables
- 8. Ghost
- 9. Maze Solver (Bonus)
- 10. Eight Queens Puzzle (Bonus)
- 11. Project Euler (Bonus)
- 1. References Video
- 2. References
- 3. Array/Hash Defaults
- 4. Scope
- 5. DRY (Dont Repeat Yourself)
- 6. Method Decomposition & Design
- 7. Refactoring and Code Smells
- 8. Reference Quiz
- 9. VSCode Cheatsheet
- 10. Testing Small (from Memory Puzzle)
- 11. my_flatten Solution Video
- 12. my_zip Solution Video
- 13. my_rotate Solution Video
- 14. Pass by Reference Lecture
- 15. Hash Defaults Lecture
- 16. Block and Procs Lecture
- 17. Methods Lecture
- 18. Memory Puzzle
- 19. Sudoku
- 20. Hash and Equals
- 21. Swap
- 1. Recursion Intro
- 2. Recursion vs Iteration
- 3. Upcase and Reverse Demo
- 4. Quicksort Intro
- 5. Quicksort Demo
- 6. Stack Overflow Demo
- 7. The Stack
- 8. Recursion
- 9. Recursion Quiz
- 10. InDepth QuickSort Demo
- 11. Recursion Homework
- 12. Memory Puzzle Solution
- 13. Recursion Intro Lecture
- 14. Recursion exercises
- 15. Word Chains
- 16. More Recursion Questions (Bonus)
- 1. Git: Overview and Why We Use Git
- 2. Git: Mental Models
- 3. Git: Useful Commands
- 4. Git: Wrapup
- 5. Why Git
- 6. Git Summary
- 7. Git Workflow
- 8. Gems and rbenv
- 9. Nontechnical Overview of Git
- 10. Nontechnical Overview of Agile Development
- 11. Git Quiz
- 12. Git Workflow Exercises
- 13. Merge Sort Solution
- 14. bSearch Solution
- 15. Serialization (JSON and YAML)
- 16. Git add
- 17. Git Repository Clean Up
- 18. Faster Git with aliases
- 19. Fixing Git commit authorship
- 20. Git Cheatsheet
- 21. Student Github Repo Example
- 22. Git Lecture
- 23. Screwedoku
- 24. Minesweeper
- 1. Data Structures
- 2. DFS
- 3. Intro to Algorithms and Data Structures
- 4. Inspecting Complex Elements
- 5. Data Structures Quiz
- 6. Homeworks with Git
- 7. DIY ADTs
- 8. ADT - Stack & Queues Lecture
- 9. Binary Trees & DFS Lecture
- 10. Binary Trees & DFS Lecture II
- 11. Intro data structures: PolyTreeNode
- 12. Graph Intro
- 13. Graph Traversal
- 14. Graph Nodes and BFS
- 15. Knights Travails
- 16. Knights Travails (Part Two)
- 17. Tic-Tac-Toe AI
- 18. Knight's Travails Solution
- 19. TTT Solution
- 20. PolyTreeNode Solution
- 1. Inheritance
- 2. Exceptions, error handling
- 3. Decomposition into objects
- 4. Inheritance and DRY
- 5. Information hiding/encapsulation
- 6. UML
- 7. Singleton
- 8. OOP Quiz 1
- 9. Simon
- 10. Stereotype Threat
- 11. Unconscious Bias in Tech
- 12. When Algorithms Discriminate
- 13. Implicit Association Test
- 14. You're More Biased Than You Think
- 15. Seven Day Bias Cleanse
- 16. Error Handling Funtime
- 17. Class inheritance
- 18. Chess (Part One)
- 19. Chess (Part Two)
- 20. Chess (Part Three)
- 21. OOP Quiz 2
- 22. Mancala
- 23. Method Encapsulation Lecture
- 24. Inheritance & Modules Lecture
- 25. Error Handling Lecture
- 26. Modules
- 27. load/require/require_relative
- 28. public/private/protected
- 1. RSpec Syntax
- 2. subject and let
- 3. Order of RSpec methods
- 4. Test doubles
- 5. Intro to RSpec
- 6. Setup and Basic Syntax
- 7. SErrors, Equality Matchers, Subject/Let, and Doubles
- 8. Rspec: Code Demo
- 9. RSpec and TDD Quiz
- 10. RSpec
- 11. Introduction to RSpec
- 12. TDD
- 13. guard-rspec
- 14. OO Robot RSpec Example
- 15. Chess Solutions Walkthroughe
- 16. RSpec Lecture - Part One
- 17. RSpec Lecture - Part Two
- 18. Hack Academy
- 19. First TDD Projects
- 20. Poker
- 21. How RSpec works document
- 1. Motivations for Big-O
- 2. RAM Model of Computation
- 3. Asymptotic Analysis
- 4. The Worst Case
- 5. Common Classifications
- 6. Set Definition
- 7. Space Complexity
- 8. Big O Quiz
- 9. Sorting Complexity
- 10. Octopus Problems
- 11. Plain English explanation of Big O
- 12. Big O Notation
- 13. Merge Sort
- 14. Bubble Sort
- 15. Big O Cheatsheet
- 16. Big O Intro & Cat Matcher Lecture
- 17. Binary Search and BigO Lecture
- 18. Merge Sort and BigO Lecture
- 19. Execution Time Differences/Algorithms
- 20. Anagrams
- 21. Two sum problem
- 22. Windowed Max Range
- 23. Benchmarking (Bonus)
- 1. Set and Int Set
- 2. Resizing Int Set Part 1
- 3. Resizing Int Set Part 2
- 4. Hashing
- 5. Hash Set
- 6. Linked Lists and Hashmaps
- 7. Caches
- 8. LRU Cache Video
- 9. How Hashes Work
- 10. LRU Cache Reading
- 11. Dynamic Array (Wikipedia)
- 12. XOR Reading
- 13. LRU Cache Quiz
- 14. LRU Cache
- 15. Hash Map & LRU Cache
- 16. Hash Map & LRU Cache (Part Two)
- 17. Dynamic Array (Bonus)
- 18. Basic cursor input