- finish python library -- RR
- publish python library v0.0.1alpha -- RR
- move test vectors as JSON -- RR
- write some examples --RR
- check() for offers -- RR
- check() for invoice_request -- RR
- check() for invoices -- RR
- move js into javascript/ dir -- AS
- use tools/generate-code.py (merge changes from generate-js.py) -- AS
- javascript/Makefile should generate code -- AS
- test against lightning-rfc/bolt12/format-string-test.json
- run test vectors in JS -- AS
- write some examples -- AS
- make v0.0.1alpha of NPM -- AS
- fetchinvoice creation support, sending via bootstrap.bolt12.org -- AS
- Check signatures -- AS
- check() for offers -- AS
- check() for invoice_request -- AS
- check() for invoices -- AS
- Implement recurrence class -- AS
- Native fetchinvoice -- AS
- connect via ws to LN node. -- AS
- Implement Noise XK protocol as per BOLT 8 -- AS
- send /receive init msgs -- AS
- create onionmessage (big subproject) -- AS
- use it instead of bootstrap.bolt12.org API -- AS
- rename repo to bolt12 -- RR
- generate specs/ from lightning-rfc --RR
- add more test vectors -- RR
- bootstrap.bolt12.org/fetchinvoiceraw/HEX -- RR
- add BOLT12 quote checking to repo -- RR
- bootstrap.bolt12.org offer a WS proxy -- RR