- remove
hook and instead useOpenLinkBtn
component - in
component have prop copyBtnDisabled instead rename to btnDisabled - need to use component
where it can be usable - need to use component
where it can be usable - need to use component
where it can be usable for simplicity - error in
component : development - error in
component: both - error in
component: development - remove
lib instead use locaStorageState hook if it is good option, - clear all console
- need to add image for you.com in SearchEngines Component
- need to rename link and Component name and link name in to SearchEngines Component
- need to add og:image with website name and tools availble
- make website available offline not PWA
- Need to create eco-system inside website
- like when I copy something I can paste with button any inputs
- Remove tracking of vercel:: reason - it's open-source
- Convert url link to kebeb-case for seo reasons
- if website opened in mobile show error in Banner that no good experice
- and use normal inputs instead of monaco editor
- all button need to looks like same
- need to add og:image with website name and tools availble
- some time monaco editor did't load because of server give fallback editor after specific time editor did't load
- Need to use keyboard function keys like
- Example: In TypescriptPlayground component user press
code will be run
- Example: In TypescriptPlayground component user press
- Need to use import alias @import
- Create Error Boundary for application
- If internet connection is offline and press any link page shows blank without showing error to resolve:
- see online status with navigator api if possible and show error look like -your internet is not work... give better text
- give try again button
- if still not issue resolved if 3 or more try agians give rise issue button
- Error page can be stored in localStorage
- If internet connection is offline and press any link page shows blank without showing error to resolve:
- Cache pages or to make page load faster
- Use better variable names
- Need to use comments in code
- max length of input text is how browser or system can handle
- Need to use code standard or limiting in code - if it is good: <> - or use eslint
- add author and wiki link
- Responsiveness:: create reponsive website using
,position: fixed;
andshadcn/ui Resizable
or use libreact-resizable-panels
- <>
- use manual instead of cli
- import { cn } from "@/lib/utils" ⬇️
import classNames from 'classnames';
export function cn(...classes) {
return classNames(...classes);
- Use sandbox and every security feature in every single iframe tag
- Entirely Depend on tailwindcss arbitrary feature
- example:
- example:
- example:
- example:
- example:
border radius:
- example:
grid and flexbox:
- example:
- example:
- example:
custom breakpoints:
- example:
- example:
- example:
- need to add <> in metaTagsGenrator
- add in title and meta title , live html for SEO - 06/05/24
- need open link in another tab of borser list in autoprefixer tab also check for all links - 06/05/24
- add google console in websites.jsx - 06/05/24
- delete task.todo file from repo - 06/05/24
- need to correct stringConverter component logic when [ chnage case with selector ] - 13/06/24
- in string convertor component give option convert text LowerCase and UpperCase - 13/06/24
- need to add comment in index.html file like this - 02/06/24
- minify css use
and for javascript<script></script>
and html default : COMPLETED -LiveHtml
- use precommit hook that generate just run build:styles script and wait few second
[ ] Random data generator : front-end if better
- inspired by : <>
- main :<>
- can be used faker.js
- MOCK.api: in website url
- inspired by.:<>
- <>
- <>
- we can achive by MSW or PUPPITER lib
- <>
- HTML entity encoder/decoder - <>
- need to show all entities
- html_entities - <>
- html_symbols - <>
- html_emojis - <>
- need to show all entities
- URL encoder/decoder - <> console.log("broswer support storage!!");
- ES2015 Unicode regular expression transpiler - <>
- UTF-8 string length & byte counter - <>
- HTML entity encoder/decoder - <>
- <>
- Generate Password - <>
- password complexity options
- PDF to IMG - <>
- exif-viewer <>
- generate-github-badges - <>
- Generate Password - <>
- svg editor using lib <>
- if possible better to use use <> vvveb drag and drop web editor better then grapejs
- CSV to Table inspired by this vsCode extension - <>
- and also json table
- social media id link genrator : <> : <>
- *also include instrction how find usernames in. wiki
- whatsApp - inclue two links
- likedin
- telegram group join - user link
- other apps open with a tag like - genrator
- [email protected]
- normal sms <>
- *find more
- (Browser Info) browser all api support need to show table with api name and supprt yes or no example
- screen width and height live
- device info with navigator API
// this code check localStorage api support or not
if (typeof(Storage) !== "undefined") {
// Code for yes in table
} else {
// Sorry! set no in table
keySomething | value |
height | 45 px |
width | 120 px |
localStoage Supported | yes |
ISE supported | no |
- code snippets saving block to save code snippets
- All-in-one code beautifier and minifier if possible give options
- fake data genrator using faker
- HTML and CSS basic all color names and preview with also color code need to show in code * made design
- base64 viewer what that is image or video or auto if better use selectors
- also genrate base64
- color shades genrator
- robots.txt genrator
- if user set every site allow to crow notify to use that if all pages allow not reason to add robots.txt file
- css filters
- css tools <>
- textShadow and styling spacing what can do with text - also need to support google fonts
- font *
- font-family: Specifies the font family for text.
- give toggle somthing that specify all browser supported built on fonts
- font-size: Sets the size of the font.
- font-style: Specifies the style of the font (normal, italic, oblique).
- font-weight: Sets the weight or thickness of the font (normal, bold, bolder, lighter, 100-900).
- font-variant: Controls the appearance of small caps in the font.
- font-stretch: Adjusts the width of the font.
- font: Shorthand for setting multiple font properties in one declaration (e.g., font: italic bold 12px/30px Arial, sans-serif;).
- line-height: Sets the height of lines of text.
- letter-spacing: Adjusts the spacing between characters.
- word-spacing: Controls the spacing between words.
- text-align: Specifies the horizontal alignment of text (left, right, center, justify).
- text-decoration: Adds decorations such as underline, overline, line-through, or blink to text.
- text-transform: Controls the capitalization of text (uppercase, lowercase, capitalize).
- text-indent: Sets the indentation of the first line of text.
- text-shadow: Adds a shadow to text.
- white-space: Defines how white space inside an element is handled.
- font-display: Controls how font files are loaded and displayed by the browser.
- font-feature-settings: Enables or disables specific OpenType features in fonts.
- font-kerning: Controls the use of kerning pairs in fonts.
- font-variant-caps: Specifies the capitalization of text (normal, small-caps).
- font-variant-east-asian: Controls the display of East Asian characters in fonts.
- font-variant-ligatures: Enables or disables ligatures in fonts.
- font-variant-numeric: Controls the display of numeric characters in fonts.
- font-variation-settings: Controls the variation in font styles for variable fonts.
- font-smooth: This property controls font smoothing, which is the anti-aliasing effect applied to fonts to make them appear smoother on screen. It's mostly supported in older versions of web browsers and is not commonly used anymore.
- font-size-adjust: This property adjusts the font size based on the x-height of the first-choice font, ensuring that fonts of similar x-heights appear at the same size, regardless of the font family or fallback font used. This property is useful for maintaining consistent text sizes across different fonts.
- font-optical-sizing: This property allows you to control whether font rendering should optimize for legibility or rendering speed. It's primarily used for fine-tuning the appearance of text in different contexts, such as print or digital screens.
- font-family: Specifies the font family for text.
- table *
- border*
- border-radius*
- transform *
- backgoround *
- css sprite genrator +
- css shape genrator+
- css color pallte genrator +
- css timeline editor +
- css responsive designe teste (like in developer tool devices)+
- grid builder +
- css filters also opacity
- css cursor testing
- <>
- Box Shadow
- CSS Cursor
- Border
- Border Radius
- Gradient CSS
- Transform CSS
- RGBA & Hex Color
- Multiple Columns
- Filter
- Html tables code genrater
- Send html templates from client
- add google fonts and google all developer helping products in websites component
- images
- crop
- compress
- convert format
- [ images corp and compression tool using lib react-image-file-resizer and react-image-crop ]
- more compression tools
- <>
- <>
- <>
- All-in-one Convert Tools
- as change selector need to chamge link
- link need to be; .vercel.app/toolName/html-to-jsx and .vercel.app/toolName/jsx-to-html
- and directly open that particular convertor with link
- link need to be memorable
- json-schema-to-openapi-schema.jsx ??
- toml-to-json.jsx
- toml-to-yaml.jsx
- yaml-to-json.jsx
- yaml-to-toml.jsx
- json-to-toml.jsx
- json-to-yaml.jsx
- html-to-jsx.jsx and jsx-to-html
- Convert css in js or vanilla css to tailwind css or vice versa
- Live react code - 24/05/24 : /LiveReact
- live .md editor - 25/05/24 : /MarkdownEditor
- loremIpsum genrator: <> - 24/05/24 : /LoremIpsumGenrator
- typescript play that simmilar to <> <> - /TypescriptPlayground
- html css javascript code beautifier - /LiveHtml
- electron app:: if app is good enough reponsive create electron app
- Logo Color Matcher: Recommend colors for a logo based on industry standards or psychological impact.
- featureUpdate: live preview for hugo with editor markdown file live preview of website page will look like after upload css