Here's a table listing some of the best React Native UI Components Packages in August 2023, sorted by popularity / GitHub stars, and maintainability:
Rank | Popularity / GitHub Stars | Package | Maintainability | Description |
1 | ⭐ 23.9k | React Native Elements | ✅ | A highly customizable set of UI components for React Native applications. It provides a variety of components like buttons, cards, icons, and more. |
2 | ⭐ 19.6k | NativeBase | ✅ | A comprehensive library that provides essential cross-platform UI components with a focus on efficiency and performance. It includes a wide range of components and themes. |
3 | ⭐ 11.1k | React Native Paper | ✅ | A Material Design-inspired set of components for React Native. It offers a clean and elegant look and is known for its ease of customization. |
4 | ⭐ 9.8k | UI Kitten | ✅ | UI Kitten is a framework for building high-quality, customizable, and accessible UIs in React Native. It's built on top of Eva Design System and includes beautiful, interactive components. |
5 | ⭐ 4.8k | Shoutem UI Toolkit | ✅ | This toolkit offers a set of pre-designed, highly customizable UI components for React Native. It comes with themes and layouts for creating visually appealing apps. |
6 | ⭐ 4.8k | React Native Material Kit | ❌ latest 2016 | A Material Design-inspired library that includes components like cards, buttons, and sliders. It aims to bring the Material Design experience to React Native apps. |
7 | ⭐ 3k | Galio | ✅ | A lightweight framework for building apps in React Native. It provides a set of components and styles that are easy to use and customize. |