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How LTI Roles work in Sakai

The documentation for LTI Roles is at:

LTI Role Vocabularies

Sakai has a set of roles that are very flexible and user-defined. These roles are generally unaware that LTI exists and so we need to define a mapping between the Sakai and LTI roles.

The typical roles for Project sites are maintain and access. For course sites the roles are Instructor, Student, and Teaching Assistant. But through the Sakai site and realm templating feature a school can even throw these away and start over.

There is also a realm called !site.template.lti that has a number of additional roles beyond a Sakai Course site that match the LTI roles. This template is used to create sites in the LTI providers in Sakai. Sinces these sites are coming from "LTI" sources it is good to capture these incoming LTI roles in a realm so a school can customize the security functions.

The only thing that is universal across all realms is that one (or more) roles is the "most powerful role" (a.k.a. the "Maintain role"). The maintain role can edit things, change site configuration, add and remove members, etc.

Keeping it Simple

The fall back mapping in Sakai is to mark any role that has "site.upd" powers in Sakai as the "Instructor" role in an LTI launch and all other roles are launched with the "Learner" role.

Using the fall back mapping has worked well enough for a large range of outbound LTI launches as long as the tools have a simple Instructor / Learner role split.


Some tools want to know if a "super user" / "Sakai administrator" is doing the launch. These users are more powerful than instructors so Sakai sends both the Instructor and Administrator roles. This way if a tool does not want to differentiate admins they function like instructors. In LTI 1.1, Sakai sends both the 'Instructor' and 'Administrator roles so tools that want to identify an admin - but if a tool does not check, admins are treated as Instructors.

Advanced Role Mapping

Sakai has flexible and rich role mapping for both inbound and outbound LTI Requests. For the rest of this document "outbound" means LTI launches to external LTI tools and the roles that Sakai provides via its Names and Roles Provisioning Service. When we reference "inbound" roles, we are referring to roles that are provided to Sakai when it is acting as an LTI provider.

Outbound LTI Role Mapping

In order to reduce the effort to map internal Sakai roles to LTI Roles during Launch and the Names and Roles Service, Sakai 23 introduces default role mapping that should cover most common cases.

The full default mappings are documented in But here is a copy (may be out of date) so that we can talk about them.

Teaching Assistant:TeachingAssistant,;

Newlines added to the admin entry for readibility - they are all one line, comma separated.

These roles come from all three out-of-the-box realm templates (project/site, course, lti) so this outbound mapping can be used regardless of which site type the launch is coming from.

Note that Teaching Assistant is a little weird because it maps to sub-type of Instructor. Also in Sakai, Teaching Assistant has a blank and in LTI TeachingAssistant does not have a blank. The mappings take great care to make sure this works correctly. Sakai's use of Teaching Assistant predates LTI by about a decade so we just leave it alone in Sakai and map it back and forth :)

You can add Sakai-side default mappings or override any or all of the mappings above through (you guessed it) a Sakai property:,;Friend...

These mappings in are one very long line with semicolon separator.

The precedence for applying outbound tool mappings from highest to lowest is: (a) The per-tool outbound mapping, (b) the role mapping from the and (c) the default role mapping in

In general, it should be pretty rare when you need to override the default mapping. If new use cases or new roles arise in LTI and see common use, we can add them to the default mapping over time. The overrides allow for a quick response when it might take a little while before we can fix Sakai and you get an upgraded version.

Per-Tool Outbound Role Mapping

There are special situations where a particular tool needs some very particular role mapping or your Sakai sites have additional roles beyond the out-of-the-box roles. When you are installing an LTI tool into Sakai, you have an option for mapping a particular Sakai role to a particular LTI role using a set of mapping strings, like this:

Teaching Assistant:Instructor;Librarian:Learner

These examples are using the LTI 1.1 "short form" for the LTI roles. But you can also specify the full length roles as well, and you can specify more than one LTI role be the result of the role mapping. (blanks and linebreaks added for readablility):

    Teaching Assistant:Learner,

Inbound LTI Role Mapping

When an inbound launch comes to an LTI Provider, it must create a new site and associate a realm with the site and then based on the incoming LTI role, choose a role in the new site for the incoming user. Since there are a number of quite different realm templates site.template, !site.template.course, and !site.template.lti - each external LTI role is mapped to a priority ordered list of Sakai roles from the site where the user is being placed.

These roles are checked in order and the first matching role is chosen. The priority order is from least likely (site.template.lti) and most specific to most likely and least specfic (site.template).,maintain,Instructor,maintain Assistant,Instructor,maintain,maintain,Student,access,Teaching Assistant,Learner,Student,access,Student,access,Student,access,Student,access

Note that TeachingAssistant is a little weird because it is a sub-type of Instructor and the use of a blank within Sakai and no blank in LTI.

The actual default list is stored in

You can add new default mappings or override any or all of the mappings above through Sakai property:,Student,access;http://...

These mappings in are one very long line with semicolon separator.

Legacy Role Mapping

As the LTI versions evolved over more than a decade, the role strings evolved as well. Some old role strings ended up in our code and others ended up Sakai production databases in the definition of LTI Tools. In order to modernize these older role strings Sakai provides a legacy role map.


This mapping is applied to outbound roles in the LTI tool definitions (pretty rare). This mapping is also applied to incoming LTI roles from the various LMS's.

You can add new default mappings or override any or all of the mappings above through Sakai property:;https://...

These mappings in are one very long line with semicolon separator.

Evolution Over Time

With a rich set of defaults and the ability to quickly override the defaults without needing to change code, we hopefully have made it so as new use cases arise, Sakai schools can quickly react to new situations. If there are use cases or roles that will be generally encountered, we are happy to adjust Sakai to address these use cases out-of-the-box.

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