This documentation will show how to install and use SakaiPlus on the same server. This is a loop-back scenario - often used for testing. You can do this with different servers if you like. In this document, I will use a nightly server and loop back to itself.
The issuer for a Sakai system is the base URL of the system without a trailing slash:
For testing you might use and issuer like:
http://localhost:8080 (for a local instance of Sakai)
In both cases do not include a trailing slash.
Log in to the admin account then go to Administration Workspace -> Plus Admin.
For fresh installs, Plus Admin is automatically added to Administration Workspace. If this is an upgraded server, you may need to add the Plus Admin ( tool to the Administration Workspace using the Sites tool.
Add a tenant, give it a title and set the issuer, set "Trust Email", set "Verbose Logging", and Registration Lock to 42.
Save the Tenant - it is "draft" because it is missing a lot of fields that will be set when LTI Dynamic Provisioning runs.
If you don't set "trust email", each plus launch will log you out of the window you launched from. This is only weird when we run both the main site and the plus site on the same server (i.e. loop back testing). If these are different servers and URLs, the logout at launch will not be a problem.
Once the draft tenant is saved, view the tenant and grab the Dynamic Registration URL like:
Go into Administration Workspace -> External Tools -> LTI Advantage Auto Provision, give the new tool a title like "LMS End of Sakai Plus" and press "Auto-Provision". Then press "Use LTI Advantage Auto Configuration" and paste in the Dynamic Registration URL from the Tenant, and run the process. Make sure to enable:
- Send email
- Send name
- Give access to services
- Tool Supports LTI 1.3
- Allow popup to be changed
before saving the external tool.
You can select thees types of launches:
- The tool URL can receive an LTI launch
- Tool supports the privacy launch message (experimental)
Do not set:
- The tool can receive a Content-Item or Deep-Link launch
In terms of placements, the best placement is site level navigation.
- Allow the tool to be placed in site-level navigation
Once the tool (or tools) are configured, save the tool.
We have a simple outline of how to testing SakaiPlus from Sakai. It is a little weird because you end up with two tabs - one tab from the "main site" and another tab for the "plus site". The easiest way to keep them separate it has different tools in the sites or edit the Overview message.