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Gabe Johnson edited this page Feb 23, 2018 · 21 revisions
Ramda Sanctuary
add(a, b) add(a, b)
addIndex(f) ``
adjust(f, i, xs) ``
all(f, xs) ``
allPass(fs, x) allPass(fs, x)
always(x) K(x)
and(a, b) and(a, b)
any(f, x) ``
anyPass(f, xs) anyPass(f, xs)
ap(a, b) ap(a, b)
aperture() ``
append(x, xs) append(x, xs)
apply() ``
applySpec() ``
ascend() ``
assoc(s, x, o) insert(s, x, o)
assocPath() ``
binary(f) curry2(f)
bind() ``
both(f, g) allPass([f, g])
call(f, x) A(f, x)
chain(a, b) chain(a, b)
clamp(a, b) ``
clone() ``
comparator() ``
complement(f) complement(f)
compose(f, g) compose(f, g)
composeK(f, g) compose(chain(f), g)
composeP() ``
concat(xs, ys) concat(xs, ys)
cond() ``
construct() ``
constructN() ``
contains() ``
converge() ``
countBy() ``
curry(f) curry<n>(f)
curryN(f) curry<n>(f)
dec(x) sub(1)(x)
defaultTo(x, y) compose(fromMaybe(x), toMaybe, y)
descend() ``
difference() ``
differenceWith() ``
dissoc(s, o) remove(s, o)
dissocPath() ``
divide(x, y) div(x, y)
drop(i, xs) fromMaybe([], drop(i, xs))
dropLast() fromMaybe([], dropLast(i, xs))
dropLastWhile() ``
dropRepeats() ``
dropRepeatsWith() ``
dropWhile(f, xs) dropWhile(f, xs)
either(f, g) anyPass([f, g])
empty(x) empty(x.constructor)
eqBy(f, a, b) on(equals, f, a, b)
eqProps(x, a, b) on(equals, prop(x), a, b)
equals(a, b) equals(a, b)
evolve(a, b) ap(b, a)
F(x) K(false, x)
filter(f, xs) filter(f, xs)
find(f, xs) find(f, xs)
findIndex() findIndex(f, xs)
findLast() ``
findLastIndex() ``
flatten(xs) ``
flip(f) flip(f)
forEach() ``
forEachObjIndexed() ``
fromPairs(xs) fromPairs(xs)
groupBy() ``
groupWith() ``
gt(x, y) gt_(x, y)
gte(x, y) gte_(x, y)
has() ``
hasIn() ``
head(xs) head(xs) returns Maybe
identical() ``
identity(x) I(x)
ifElse() ``
inc(x) add(1)(x)
indexBy() ``
indexOf() ``
init(xs) init(xs) returns Maybe
insert() ``
insertAll() ``
intersection() ``
intersectionWith() ``
intersperse() ``
into() ``
invert() ``
invertObj() ``
invoker() ``
is(X, x) is(X, x)
isArrayLike() ``
isEmpty() ``
isNil() ``
join() ``
juxt() ``
keys(o) keys(o)
keysIn() ``
last(xs) last(xs) returns Maybe
lastIndexOf() ``
length(xs) size(xs) generalized over Foldable
lens() ``
lensIndex() ``
lensPath() ``
lensProp() ``
lift() ``
liftN() ``
lt(x, y) lt(x, y)
lte(x, y) lte(x, y)
map(f, xs) map(f, xs)
mapAccum() ``
mapAccumRight() ``
mapObjIndexed() ``
match() ``
mathMod() ``
max(x, y) max(x, y)
maxBy() ``
mean() ``
median() ``
memoize() ``
merge(o1, o2) concat(o1, o2)
mergeAll() ``
mergeWith() ``
mergeWithKey() ``
min(x, y) min(x, y)
minBy() ``
modulo() ``
multiply(x, y) mult(x, y)
nAry() ``
negate(x) mult(-1)(x)
none() ``
not(b) not(b)
nth(n, xs) at(n, xs) returns Maybe
nthArg() ``
objOf(s, x) singleton(s, x)
of(x) of(typeRep, x)
omit() ``
once() ``
or(x, y) or(x, y)
over() ``
pair() ``
partial() ``
partialRight() ``
partition() ``
path(p, o) props(p, o)
pathEq() ``
pathOr() ``
pathSatisfies() ``
pick() ``
pickAll() ``
pickBy() ``
pipe(f1, f2, ...) pipe([f1, f2, ...])
pipeK() ``
pipeP() ``
pluck(p, xs) map(prop(p), xs)
prepend(x, xs) prepend(x, xs)
product(xs) product(xs)
project() ``
prop(s, o) prop(s, o)
propEq() ``
propIs() ``
propOr(x, y z) compose(fromMaybe(x), get(K(true), y))(z)
props ``
propSatisfies() ``
range(n, m) range(n, m)
reduce(f, d, xs) reduce(f, d, xs)
reduceBy() ``
reduced() ``
reduceRight() ``
reduceWhile() ``
reject() ``
remove() ``
repeat() ``
replace() ``
reverse(xs) reverse(xs)
scan() ``
sequence(f, xs) sequence(F, xs) takes a type representative
set() ``
slice(n, m, xs) slice(n, m, xs) returns Maybe
sort(xs) sort(xs)
sortBy(f, xs) sortBy(f, xs)
sortWith() ``
split(str, s) splitOn(str, s)
split(regex, s) splitOnRegex(regex, s)
splitAt() ``
splitEvery() ``
splitWhen() ``
subtract(x, y) sub(x, y)
sum(xs) sum(xs)
symmetricDifference() ``
symmetricDifferenceWith() ``
T(x) K(true)(x)
tail(xs) tail(xs) returns Maybe
take(n, xs) take(n, xs) returns Maybe
takeLast(n, xs) takeLast(n, xs) returns Maybe
takeLastWhile() ``
takeWhile(f, xs) takeWhile(f, xs) returns Maybe, doesn't work with String
tap() ``
test(r, s) test(r, s)
times() ``
toLower(s) toLower(s)
toPairs(o) pairs(o)
toPairsIn() ``
toString(x) toString(x)
toUpper(s) toUpper(s)
transduce() ``
transpose() ``
traverse(f, g, xs) traverse(F, g, xs)
trim(s) trim(s)
tryCatch() ``
type(s) type(x).name
unapply() ``
unary() ``
uncurryN() ``
unfold(f :: b -> [a], d) unfoldr(f :: b -> Maybe (Pair a b), d)
union() ``
unionWith() ``
uniq() ``
uniqBy() ``
uniqWith() ``
unless(f, g, x) unless(f, g, x)
unnest() ``
until() ``
update() ``
useWith() ``
values(o) values(o) all values must be of the same type
valuesIn() ``
view() ``
when(f, g, x) when(f, g, x)
where() ``
whereEq() ``
without() ``
xprod(xs, ys) lift2(x => y => [x, y], xs, ys)
zip() ``
zipObj() ``
zipWith() ``