You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.Dismiss alert
at nxt.util.ThreadPool.runAll(
at nxt.util.ThreadPool.start(
at nxt.Nxt$Init.<clinit>(
at nxt.Nxt.init(
at nxt.Nxt.main(
Initializing Coinfianza server version 1.11.13
Runtime mode nxt.env.CommandLineMode
User home folder /home/elnene/Proof-of-Stake-Cryptocurrency-generator/Coinfianza
Loading from classpath
Loading from classpath
2019-01-18 01:40:21 INFO: nxt.enableStackTraces = "true"
2019-01-18 01:40:21 INFO: nxt.enableLogTraceback = "false"
2019-01-18 01:40:21 INFO: logging enabled
2019-01-18 01:40:21 INFO: socksProxyHost not defined
2019-01-18 01:40:21 INFO: socksProxyPort not defined
2019-01-18 01:40:21 FINE: java.version = 1.8.0_201
2019-01-18 01:40:21 FINE: java.vm.version = 25.201-b09
2019-01-18 01:40:21 FINE: = Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM
2019-01-18 01:40:21 FINE: java.vendor = Oracle Corporation
2019-01-18 01:40:21 FINE: java.vm.vendor = Oracle Corporation
2019-01-18 01:40:21 FINE: java.home = /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre
2019-01-18 01:40:21 FINE: java.library.path = /usr/java/packages/lib/i386:/lib:/usr/lib
2019-01-18 01:40:21 FINE: java.class.path = classes:lib/tika-core-1.13.jar:lib/jetty-continuation-9.3.22.v20171030.jar:lib/jetty-proxy-9.3.22.v20171030.jar:lib/slf4j-jdk14-1.7.22.jar:lib/lucene-core-5.5.5.jar:lib/websocket-client-9.3.22.v20171030.jar:lib/javax.servlet-api-3.1.0.jar:lib/bcprov-jdk15on-159.jar:lib/jetty-server-9.3.22.v20171030.jar:lib/h2-1.4.196.jar:lib/websocket-common-9.3.22.v20171030.jar:lib/lucene-analyzers-common-5.5.5.jar:lib/jetty-client-9.3.22.v20171030.jar:lib/jetty-http-9.3.22.v20171030.jar:lib/weupnp-0.1.4.jar:lib/jetty-servlet-9.3.22.v20171030.jar:lib/websocket-servlet-9.3.22.v20171030.jar:lib/lucene-queries-5.5.5.jar:lib/lucene-backward-codecs-5.5.5.jar:lib/core-3.3.0.jar:lib/slf4j-api-1.7.22.jar:lib/jetty-io-9.3.22.v20171030.jar:lib/jetty-security-9.3.22.v20171030.jar:lib/jetty-servlets-9.3.22.v20171030.jar:lib/json-simple-1.1.1.jar:lib/websocket-api-9.3.22.v20171030.jar:lib/tika-parsers-1.13.jar:lib/lucene-queryparser-5.5.5.jar:lib/javase-3.3.0.jar:lib/websocket-server-9.3.22.v20171030.jar:lib/jetty-util-9.3.22.v20171030.jar:conf:addons/classes:addons/lib/*
2019-01-18 01:40:21 FINE: os.arch = i386
2019-01-18 01:40:21 FINE: = 32
2019-01-18 01:40:21 FINE: = Linux
2019-01-18 01:40:21 FINE: file.encoding = UTF-8
2019-01-18 01:40:21 FINE: = null
2019-01-18 01:40:21 FINE: = null
2019-01-18 01:40:21 FINE: nxt.runtime.mode = null
2019-01-18 01:40:21 FINE: nxt.runtime.dirProvider = null
2019-01-18 01:40:21 FINE: availableProcessors = 2
2019-01-18 01:40:21 FINE: maxMemory = 934019072
2019-01-18 01:40:21 FINE: processId = 551
2019-01-18 01:40:21 INFO: nxt.isTestnet = "false"
2019-01-18 01:40:21 INFO: nxt.isOffline = "false"
2019-01-18 01:40:21 INFO: nxt.isLightClient = "false"
2019-01-18 01:40:21 INFO: nxt.customLoginWarning not defined
2019-01-18 01:40:21 INFO: nxt.maxNumberOfTransactions not defined or not numeric, using default value 255
2019-01-18 01:40:21 INFO: nxt.maxRollback = "800"
2019-01-18 01:40:21 INFO: nxt.forgingDelay = "20"
2019-01-18 01:40:21 INFO: nxt.forgingSpeedup = "3"
2019-01-18 01:40:21 INFO: nxt.batchCommitSize = "100"
2019-01-18 01:40:21 INFO: nxt.maxPrunableLifetime = "7776000"
2019-01-18 01:40:21 INFO: nxt.includeExpiredPrunable = "true"
2019-01-18 01:40:21 INFO: nxt.correctInvalidFees = "false"
2019-01-18 01:40:21 INFO: nxt.statementLogThreshold = "10000"
2019-01-18 01:40:21 INFO: nxt.transactionLogThreshold = "15000"
2019-01-18 01:40:21 INFO: nxt.transactionLogInterval = "15"
2019-01-18 01:40:21 INFO: nxt.dbCacheKB = "0"
2019-01-18 01:40:21 INFO: nxt.dbUrl not defined
2019-01-18 01:40:21 INFO: nxt.dbType = "h2"
2019-01-18 01:40:21 INFO: nxt.dbDir = "./nxt_db/nxt"
2019-01-18 01:40:21 INFO: nxt.dbParams = "DB_CLOSE_ON_EXIT=FALSE;MVCC=TRUE;MV_STORE=FALSE"
2019-01-18 01:40:21 INFO: nxt.dbUsername = "sa"
2019-01-18 01:40:21 INFO: nxt.dbPassword = "{not logged}"
2019-01-18 01:40:21 INFO: nxt.maxDbConnections = "30"
2019-01-18 01:40:21 INFO: nxt.dbLoginTimeout = "70"
2019-01-18 01:40:21 INFO: nxt.dbDefaultLockTimeout = "60"
2019-01-18 01:40:21 INFO: nxt.dbMaxMemoryRows = "1000000"
2019-01-18 01:40:21 FINE: Database jdbc url set to jdbc:h2:./nxt_db/nxt;DB_CLOSE_ON_EXIT=FALSE;MVCC=TRUE;MV_STORE=FALSE;CACHE_SIZE=262144 username sa
2019-01-18 01:40:21 INFO: nxt.useStrongSecureRandom = "false"
2019-01-18 01:40:24 FINE: Database connection pool current size: 1
2019-01-18 01:40:24 INFO: Database update may take a while if needed, current db version 237...
2019-01-18 01:40:24 INFO: nxt.enableTransactionRebroadcasting = "true"
2019-01-18 01:40:24 INFO: nxt.testUnconfirmedTransactions not defined, using default false
2019-01-18 01:40:24 INFO: nxt.maxUnconfirmedTransactions = "2000"
2019-01-18 01:40:24 INFO: nxt.trimDerivedTables = "true"
2019-01-18 01:40:24 INFO: nxt.numberOfForkConfirmations = "2"
2019-01-18 01:40:24 INFO: nxt.simulateEndlessDownload not defined, using default false
2019-01-18 01:40:24 INFO: nxt.trimFrequency = "1000"
2019-01-18 01:40:24 INFO: nxt.disableGetMoreBlocksThread not defined, using default false
2019-01-18 01:40:24 INFO: nxt.disableProcessTransactionsThread not defined, using default false
2019-01-18 01:40:24 INFO: nxt.disableRebroadcastTransactionsThread not defined, using default false
2019-01-18 01:40:24 INFO: nxt.disableRemoveUnconfirmedTransactionsThread not defined, using default false
2019-01-18 01:40:24 INFO: nxt.disableProcessWaitingTransactionsThread not defined, using default false
2019-01-18 01:40:24 INFO: nxt.enablePublicKeyCache = "true"
2019-01-18 01:40:24 INFO: nxt.ledgerTrimKeep = "30000"
2019-01-18 01:40:24 INFO: nxt.ledgerAccounts = "*"
2019-01-18 01:40:24 INFO: Account ledger is tracking all accounts
2019-01-18 01:40:24 INFO: nxt.ledgerLogUnconfirmed = "2"
2019-01-18 01:40:24 INFO: nxt.processPolls = "true"
2019-01-18 01:40:24 INFO: nxt.deleteFinishedShufflings = "false"
2019-01-18 01:40:24 INFO: nxt.maxPeerRequestSize not defined or not numeric, using default value 1048576
2019-01-18 01:40:24 INFO: nxt.maxPeerResponseSize not defined or not numeric, using default value 1048576
2019-01-18 01:40:24 INFO: nxt.maxPeerMessageSize not defined or not numeric, using default value 10485760
2019-01-18 01:40:24 INFO: nxt.hideErrorDetails = "false"
2019-01-18 01:40:24 INFO: nxt.myPlatform not defined
2019-01-18 01:40:24 INFO: nxt.myAddress not defined
2019-01-18 01:40:24 INFO: nxt.peerServerPort = "7874"
2019-01-18 01:40:24 INFO: nxt.shareMyAddress = "true"
2019-01-18 01:40:24 INFO: nxt.enablePeerUPnP = "true"
2019-01-18 01:40:24 INFO: nxt.myHallmark not defined
2019-01-18 01:40:24 INFO: nxt.adminPassword not defined
2019-01-18 01:40:24 INFO: nxt.maxAPIRecords = "100"
2019-01-18 01:40:24 INFO: nxt.enableAPIUPnP = "false"
2019-01-18 01:40:24 INFO: nxt.apiServerIdleTimeout = "30000"
2019-01-18 01:40:24 INFO: nxt.apiServerCORS = "true"
2019-01-18 01:40:24 INFO: nxt.forwardedForHeader not defined
2019-01-18 01:40:24 INFO: nxt.disabledAPIs not defined
2019-01-18 01:40:24 INFO: nxt.disabledAPITags not defined
2019-01-18 01:40:24 INFO: nxt.allowedBotHosts = "; localhost; [0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1];"
2019-01-18 01:40:24 INFO: nxt.enableAPIServer = "true"
2019-01-18 01:40:24 INFO: nxt.apiServerPort = "7876"
2019-01-18 01:40:24 INFO: nxt.apiServerSSLPort = "7876"
2019-01-18 01:40:24 INFO: nxt.apiServerHost = ""
2019-01-18 01:40:24 INFO: nxt.disableAdminPassword = "false"
2019-01-18 01:40:24 INFO: nxt.apiSSL = "false"
2019-01-18 01:40:24 INFO: API server using HTTP port 7876
2019-01-18 01:40:24 INFO: nxt.apiResourceBase = "./html/www"
2019-01-18 01:40:24 INFO: nxt.apiWelcomeFile = "index.html"
2019-01-18 01:40:24 INFO: nxt.javadocResourceBase = "./html/doc"
2019-01-18 01:40:24 INFO: nxt.maxUploadFileSize not defined or not numeric, using default value 0
2019-01-18 01:40:24 INFO: nxt.maxUploadFileSize not defined or not numeric, using default value 0
2019-01-18 01:40:24 INFO: nxt.enableAPIServerGZIPFilter not defined, using default false
2019-01-18 01:40:24 INFO: nxt.apiFrameOptionsSameOrigin = "true"
2019-01-18 01:40:24 FINE: My peer info:
{"application":"Coinfianza","services":"0","version":"1.11.13","platform":"Linux i386","shareAddress":true}
2019-01-18 01:40:24 INFO: nxt.defaultPeers not defined
2019-01-18 01:40:24 INFO: nxt.wellKnownPeers not defined
2019-01-18 01:40:24 INFO: nxt.knownBlacklistedPeers not defined
2019-01-18 01:40:24 INFO: nxt.maxNumberOfInboundConnections = "2000"
2019-01-18 01:40:24 INFO: nxt.maxNumberOfOutboundConnections = "50"
2019-01-18 01:40:24 INFO: nxt.maxNumberOfConnectedPublicPeers = "20"
2019-01-18 01:40:24 INFO: nxt.maxNumberOfKnownPeers = "2000"
2019-01-18 01:40:24 INFO: nxt.minNumberOfKnownPeers = "1000"
2019-01-18 01:40:24 INFO: nxt.connectTimeout = "10000"
2019-01-18 01:40:24 INFO: nxt.readTimeout = "20000"
2019-01-18 01:40:24 INFO: nxt.enableHallmarkProtection = "true"
2019-01-18 01:40:24 INFO: nxt.pushThreshold = "0"
2019-01-18 01:40:24 INFO: nxt.pullThreshold = "0"
2019-01-18 01:40:24 INFO: nxt.useWebSockets = "true"
2019-01-18 01:40:24 INFO: nxt.webSocketIdleTimeout = "900000"
2019-01-18 01:40:24 INFO: nxt.enablePeerServerGZIPFilter = "true"
2019-01-18 01:40:24 INFO: nxt.blacklistingPeriod = "600000"
2019-01-18 01:40:24 INFO: nxt.communicationLoggingMask = "0"
2019-01-18 01:40:24 INFO: nxt.sendToPeersLimit = "10"
2019-01-18 01:40:25 INFO: nxt.usePeersDb = "true"
2019-01-18 01:40:25 INFO: nxt.savePeers = "true"
2019-01-18 01:40:25 INFO: nxt.getMorePeers = "true"
2019-01-18 01:40:25 INFO: nxt.cjdnsOnly = "false"
2019-01-18 01:40:25 INFO: nxt.ignorePeerAnnouncedAddress = "false"
2019-01-18 01:40:25 INFO: nxt.disablePeerConnectingThread not defined, using default false
2019-01-18 01:40:25 INFO: nxt.disablePeerUnBlacklistingThread not defined, using default false
2019-01-18 01:40:25 INFO: nxt.disableGetMorePeersThread not defined, using default false
2019-01-18 01:40:25 INFO: nxt.peerServerHost = ""
2019-01-18 01:40:25 INFO: nxt.peerServerIdleTimeout = "30000"
2019-01-18 01:40:25 INFO: nxt.enablePeerServerDoSFilter = "true"
2019-01-18 01:40:25 INFO: nxt.peerServerDoSFilter.maxRequestsPerSec = "30"
2019-01-18 01:40:25 INFO: nxt.peerServerDoSFilter.delayMs = "1000"
2019-01-18 01:40:25 INFO: nxt.peerServerDoSFilter.maxRequestMs = "300000"
2019-01-18 01:40:25 INFO: nxt.enableAPIProxy = "true"
2019-01-18 01:40:25 INFO: nxt.apiProxyBlacklistingPeriod = "1800000"
2019-01-18 01:40:25 INFO: nxt.forceAPIProxyServerURL not defined
2019-01-18 01:40:25 INFO: nxt.disableAPIProxyPeersUpdateThread not defined, using default false
2019-01-18 01:40:25 INFO: nxt.maxNumberOfForgers = "100"
2019-01-18 01:40:25 INFO: nxt.enableFakeForging not defined, using default false
2019-01-18 01:40:25 INFO: nxt.disableGenerateBlocksThread not defined, using default false
2019-01-18 01:40:25 INFO: nxt.addOns not defined
2019-01-18 01:40:25 INFO: nxt.debugTraceQuote = """
2019-01-18 01:40:25 INFO: nxt.debugTraceSeparator = " "
2019-01-18 01:40:25 INFO: nxt.debugLogUnconfirmed = "false"
2019-01-18 01:40:25 INFO: nxt.debugTraceAccounts not defined
2019-01-18 01:40:25 INFO: nxt.debugTraceLog = "nxt-trace.csv"
2019-01-18 01:40:25 FINE: Running 2 tasks...
2019-01-18 01:40:25 INFO: Genesis block not in database, starting from scratch
2019-01-18 01:40:25 FINE: Loading known peers from the database...
2019-01-18 01:40:25 FINE: Database connection pool current size: 2
2019-01-18 01:40:25 FINE: Average database transaction time is 0,018 seconds
Exception in thread "Thread-3" java.lang.NullPointerException
at sun.nio.cs.StreamDecoder.readBytes(
at sun.nio.cs.StreamDecoder.implRead(
at org.json.simple.parser.Yylex.zzRefill(
at org.json.simple.parser.Yylex.yylex(
at org.json.simple.parser.JSONParser.nextToken(
at org.json.simple.parser.JSONParser.parse(
at org.json.simple.parser.JSONParser.parse(
at org.json.simple.JSONValue.parseWithException(
at nxt.Genesis.loadGenesisAccountsJSON(
at nxt.Genesis.newGenesisBlock(
at nxt.BlockchainProcessorImpl.addGenesisBlock(
at nxt.BlockchainProcessorImpl.lambda$new$5(
at nxt.util.ThreadPool.lambda$runAll$1(
Suppressed: java.lang.NullPointerException
at sun.nio.cs.StreamDecoder.implClose(
at sun.nio.cs.StreamDecoder.close(
at nxt.Genesis.loadGenesisAccountsJSON(
... 5 more
2019-01-18 01:40:25 SEVERE: Errors running startup tasks:
java.lang.RuntimeException: Errors running startup tasks:
2019-01-18 01:40:25 INFO: Shutting down...
2019-01-18 01:40:25 INFO: nxt.maxNumberOfMonitors = "100"
2019-01-18 01:40:25 INFO: shutting down networkService
2019-01-18 01:40:25 INFO: shutting down sendingService
2019-01-18 01:40:25 INFO: shutting down peersService
2019-01-18 01:40:25 INFO: Database shutdown completed
2019-01-18 01:40:25 INFO: Coinfianza server 1.11.13 stopped.
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: