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* All team members contributed equally.

A Multi-Model Ensemble For Robust Road Segmentation Using Staged Training


The goal of the project is to present a solution for automated segmentation of roads from satellite images, leveraging the power of Deep Learning techniques. In order to make use of such techniques vast amounts of data are require to satisfy this requirement we came up with our own algorithm of collecting correclty labeled data (described below).

Few examples of predictions from our validation dataset are:

Input Image Ground Truth Prediction

In order to achieve these results we came up with the following architecture for training and inference:


This project is based on PyTorch and trained with CUDA. We are using Segmentation Models library for the backbones to train all our models. To achieve this result we experimented with UNet++ and DeepLabV3+ with weight initialization from imagenet. The trained architectures based on the above mentioned backbones are ResNet 34, ResNet 50, ResNet 101, Inception Net, Xception, Efficient Net b3, Efficient Net b4 and Mobile Net v2.

Data augmentation is done with the help of the albumentations library for PyTorch.

Setup and Usage


For environment management we've chosen Anaconda

In order to initialize our environment with all needed requirements you have to install conda and then create the environment from requirements.yaml:

conda env create -f requirements.yaml

Our model weights

Model which were trained during the project are available on Google Drive here.

Data collection

Crawl GMAPS for curating dataset:

In order to make use of our scripts for dataset collection a valid API key has to be set in the environment of the system. The API key has to be for the Static Maps API, you can get it from the corresponding place in the Google console. Once you aquire the key you can export it in bash terminal with: export GMAPS_KEY=YOUR_API_KEY and/or add it to your ~/.bashrc and then run source ~/.bashrc.

In order to perform dataset collection specify the output directory in the script under the global variable DATA_FOLDER and run :

python data-preprocessing/

Data Merging (After GMaps Crawling)

Change the paths in scripts/

  • data_root_dir : root data directory
  • kaggle_data_dir : data directory for kaggle competiton data
  • scraped_data_dir : data directory for scraped data, (eg, subdirectories : 1_ZOOM_15, 1_ZOOM_16)
  • out_data_dir : final data directory to be used in training (do not change the name, because we have the config files setup this way)

Change the path in scripts/ - data_root_dir : root data directory

Run :

cd scripts


For the training script it is required to have a valid configuration file(examples in config\). The

seed        : 42
num_workers : 4
log_level   : INFO
data :

train :
  batch_size : batch_size_for_training
  log_every  : log_every_X_steps
  save_every : save_every_Y_epochs
  epochs: number_of_training_epocjs

  batch_size: validation_batch_size
  valid_every: validation_every_X_epochs

# Loss configuration
  loss_type: ["ce","ce+ftl", "ce+dice"] # options: ce, dice, ftl, ce+dice, ce+ftl
  epochs: [1,2,5] # [5]
  wlambda: [0.5,0.3,0.5] #[0.5]
  alpha: [0.7,0.7,0.9] #[0.7]
  gamma: [1.5,1.5,1.2] #[1.5]

# WANDB configuration for logging the model training.
  wandb: true
  entity: "cil-road-seg-2023"
  project: "trial"
  name: "trial_run_multiloss"
  group: null
  id : "trial_run_multiloss"

The loss segment of the configuration is defined as follows:

  • loss_type: possible options are- ce (cross-entropy), dice (dice loss), ftl (focal tversky loss), ce+dice (a combination of cross-entropy and dice loss) and ce+ftl (a combination of cross entropy and focal tversky loss)
  • wlambda: activated when using ce+dice or ce+ftl loss_type. wlambda is the weightage given to cross-entropy loss. weightage of the other loss will be 1-wlambda.
  • alpha: activated when using ftl or ce+ftl loss type. This is a hyperparameter required in focal tversky loss. The higher the alpha value, the more the false negatives are penalised. Weightage to false positives is 1-alpha.
  • gamma: activated when using ftl or ce+ftl loss type. This is a hyperparameter required in focal tversky loss. Gamma is a parameter that controls the non-linearity of the loss. In the case of class imbalance, the FTL becomes useful when gamma > 1. Gamme < 1 is useful towards the end of training as the model is still incentivised to learn even though it is nearing convergence.

Running the training pipline:

cd src
python --config ../configs/base.yaml


In order to evaluate the model on the provided test data we have two scripts:

  1. src/ which will evaluate single model and create submission.csv file which is ready for kaggle submission.
  2. src/ which will evaluate and ensemble of provided models with their prediction outputs averaged.

In order to run single model evaluation, configuration in the following format is required:

log_level   : INFO
log_dir    : /path/to/log/dir
test :
  test_path : /path/to/test/images
  mask_results_path : /path/to/where/prediction/masks/will/be/saved
  submission_path : /path/to/where/submission/file/will/be/saved
  model_path : /path/to/model/weights/save
  device : which_device_to_be_used(cpu/cuda)
  stride: stride_for_sliding_window
  auto_padding: if_auto_padding_should_be_applied
  padding: padding_value_for_all_sides

Before running you have to change the encoder_architecture name on line 169, encoder_name='your_model_encoder_name' Running

cd src
python --config ../configs/base_test.yaml

In order to run ensemble model evaluation, following configuration is required:

log_level   : INFO
log_dir    : /home/ivan/PycharmProjects/ETH/road-segmentation-ethz-cil-2023/results
test :
  test_path : /path/to/test/images
  test_groundtruth_path : /home/ivan/PycharmProjects/ETH/road-segmentation-ethz-cil-2023/data/seg-data/groundtruth
  mask_results_path : /path/to/where/prediction/masks/will/be/saved
  submission_path : /home/ivan/PycharmProjects/ETH/road-segmentation-ethz-cil-2023/src/output/random_test/test_submit_max_ensemble_256.csv
  model_ensemble_name: [architecture_name_01, architecture_name_02, architecture_name_03]
  model_ensemble_path : [/path/to/model_01/weights/save,/path/to/model_02/weights/save, /path/to/model_02/weights/save ]
  device : which_device_to_be_used(cpu/cuda)
  stride: stride_for_sliding_window
  auto_padding: if_auto_padding_should_be_applied
  padding: padding_value_for_all_sides

The test_groundtruth_path is an optional parameter if you want to compute F1-Score, Recall and Precision on the given dataset. If left blank, we output only masks and submission files.

cd src
python --config ../configs/base_test.yaml