From cb35aeab6b61375da9be42bd15ecf37f409a6169 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Simon Parten Date: Sun, 22 Sep 2024 19:41:15 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 1/8] mathml base class --- .../scala/org/scalajs/dom/MathMLElement.scala | 26 +++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 26 insertions(+) create mode 100644 dom/src/main/scala/org/scalajs/dom/MathMLElement.scala diff --git a/dom/src/main/scala/org/scalajs/dom/MathMLElement.scala b/dom/src/main/scala/org/scalajs/dom/MathMLElement.scala new file mode 100644 index 00000000..394fd358 --- /dev/null +++ b/dom/src/main/scala/org/scalajs/dom/MathMLElement.scala @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +package org.scalajs.dom + +import scala.scalajs.js +import scala.scalajs.js.annotation._ + +/** Represents a Scala.js facade for the MathML element. Documentation for MathML elements can be found at: + * + * + * All MathMl elements implement this interface. + */ +@js.native +@JSGlobal +abstract class MathMLElement extends Element { + var onclick: js.Function1[MouseEvent, _] = js.native + var onmouseover: js.Function1[MouseEvent, _] = js.native + var onmouseout: js.Function1[MouseEvent, _] = js.native + var onmousedown: js.Function1[MouseEvent, _] = js.native + var onmouseup: js.Function1[MouseEvent, _] = js.native + var onmousemove: js.Function1[MouseEvent, _] = js.native + var onload: js.Function1[Event, _] = js.native + var onfocusin: js.Function1[FocusEvent, _] = js.native + var onfocusout: js.Function1[FocusEvent, _] = js.native + + /** Corresponds to attribute xml:base on the given element. */ + var `xmlbase`: String = js.native +} From 34e3873d90af4c719b68e585a13d6bc70e933cf7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Simon Parten Date: Sun, 22 Sep 2024 19:45:39 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 2/8] prePR --- api-reports/2_12.txt | 116 ++++++++++++++++++ api-reports/2_13.txt | 116 ++++++++++++++++++ .../scala/org/scalajs/dom/MathMLElement.scala | 2 +- 3 files changed, 233 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/api-reports/2_12.txt b/api-reports/2_12.txt index b82f3df7..70ec9450 100644 --- a/api-reports/2_12.txt +++ b/api-reports/2_12.txt @@ -16495,6 +16495,122 @@ MIMEType[SO] val `application/xml` = "application/xml".asInstanceOf[MIMEType] MIMEType[SO] val `image/svg+xml` = "image/svg+xml".asInstanceOf[MIMEType] MIMEType[SO] val `text/html` = "text/html".asInstanceOf[MIMEType] MIMEType[SO] val `text/xml` = "text/xml".asInstanceOf[MIMEType] +MathMLElement[JC] var accessKey: String +MathMLElement[JC] def addEventListener[T <: Event](`type`: String, listener: js.Function1[T, _], options: EventListenerOptions): Unit +MathMLElement[JC] def addEventListener[T <: Event](`type`: String, listener: js.Function1[T, _], useCapture: Boolean?): Unit +MathMLElement[JC] def after(nodes: Node | String*): Unit +MathMLElement[JC] def append(nodes: Node | String*): Unit +MathMLElement[JC] def appendChild(newChild: Node): Node +MathMLElement[JC] def attachShadow(init: ShadowRootInit): ShadowRoot +MathMLElement[JC] def attributes: NamedNodeMap +MathMLElement[JC] def baseURI: String +MathMLElement[JC] def before(nodes: Node | String*): Unit +MathMLElement[JC] def childElementCount: Int +MathMLElement[JC] def childNodes: NodeList[Node] +MathMLElement[JC] def children: HTMLCollection[Element] +MathMLElement[JC] var classList: DOMTokenList +MathMLElement[JC] def clientHeight: Int +MathMLElement[JC] def clientLeft: Int +MathMLElement[JC] def clientTop: Int +MathMLElement[JC] def clientWidth: Int +MathMLElement[JC] def cloneNode(deep: Boolean?): Node +MathMLElement[JC] def closest(selector: String): Element +MathMLElement[JC] def compareDocumentPosition(other: Node): Int +MathMLElement[JC] def contains(otherNode: Node): Boolean +MathMLElement[JC] def dispatchEvent(evt: Event): Boolean +MathMLElement[JC] def firstChild: Node +MathMLElement[JC] def firstElementChild: Element +MathMLElement[JC] def getAttribute(name: String): String +MathMLElement[JC] def getAttributeNS(namespaceURI: String, localName: String): String +MathMLElement[JC] def getAttributeNode(name: String): Attr +MathMLElement[JC] def getAttributeNodeNS(namespaceURI: String, localName: String): Attr +MathMLElement[JC] def getBoundingClientRect(): DOMRect +MathMLElement[JC] def getClientRects(): DOMRectList +MathMLElement[JC] def getElementsByClassName(classNames: String): HTMLCollection[Element] +MathMLElement[JC] def getElementsByTagName(name: String): HTMLCollection[Element] +MathMLElement[JC] def getElementsByTagNameNS(namespaceURI: String, localName: String): HTMLCollection[Element] +MathMLElement[JC] def hasAttribute(name: String): Boolean +MathMLElement[JC] def hasAttributeNS(namespaceURI: String, localName: String): Boolean +MathMLElement[JC] def hasAttributes(): Boolean +MathMLElement[JC] def hasChildNodes(): Boolean +MathMLElement[JC] def hasPointerCapture(pointerId: Double): Boolean +MathMLElement[JC] var id: String +MathMLElement[JC] var innerHTML: String +MathMLElement[JC] var innerText: String +MathMLElement[JC] def insertAdjacentElement(position: String, element: Element): Element +MathMLElement[JC] def insertAdjacentHTML(where: String, html: String): Unit +MathMLElement[JC] def insertBefore(newChild: Node, refChild: Node): Node +MathMLElement[JC] def isConnected: Boolean +MathMLElement[JC] def isDefaultNamespace(namespaceURI: String): Boolean +MathMLElement[JC] def isEqualNode(arg: Node): Boolean +MathMLElement[JC] def isSameNode(other: Node): Boolean +MathMLElement[JC] def isSupported(feature: String, version: String): Boolean +MathMLElement[JC] def lastChild: Node +MathMLElement[JC] def lastElementChild: Element +MathMLElement[JC] def localName: String +MathMLElement[JC] def lookupNamespaceURI(prefix: String): String +MathMLElement[JC] def lookupPrefix(namespaceURI: String): String +MathMLElement[JC] def matches(selector: String): Boolean +MathMLElement[JC] def namespaceURI: String +MathMLElement[JC] def nextElementSibling: Element +MathMLElement[JC] def nextSibling: Node +MathMLElement[JC] def nodeName: String +MathMLElement[JC] def nodeType: Int +MathMLElement[JC] var nodeValue: String +MathMLElement[JC] def normalize(): Unit +MathMLElement[JC] var onclick: js.Function1[MouseEvent, _] +MathMLElement[JC] var oncompositionend: js.Function1[CompositionEvent, _] +MathMLElement[JC] var oncompositionstart: js.Function1[CompositionEvent, _] +MathMLElement[JC] var oncompositionupdate: js.Function1[CompositionEvent, _] +MathMLElement[JC] var oncopy: js.Function1[ClipboardEvent, _] +MathMLElement[JC] var oncut: js.Function1[ClipboardEvent, _] +MathMLElement[JC] var onfocusin: js.Function1[FocusEvent, _] +MathMLElement[JC] var onfocusout: js.Function1[FocusEvent, _] +MathMLElement[JC] var onfullscreenchange: js.Function1[Event, _] +MathMLElement[JC] var onfullscreenerror: js.Function1[Event, _] +MathMLElement[JC] var onload: js.Function1[Event, _] +MathMLElement[JC] var onmousedown: js.Function1[MouseEvent, _] +MathMLElement[JC] var onmousemove: js.Function1[MouseEvent, _] +MathMLElement[JC] var onmouseout: js.Function1[MouseEvent, _] +MathMLElement[JC] var onmouseover: js.Function1[MouseEvent, _] +MathMLElement[JC] var onmouseup: js.Function1[MouseEvent, _] +MathMLElement[JC] var onpaste: js.Function1[ClipboardEvent, _] +MathMLElement[JC] var outerHTML: String +MathMLElement[JC] def ownerDocument: Document +MathMLElement[JC] def parentNode: Node +MathMLElement[JC] def prefix: String +MathMLElement[JC] def prepend(nodes: Node | String*): Unit +MathMLElement[JC] def previousElementSibling: Element +MathMLElement[JC] def previousSibling: Node +MathMLElement[JC] def querySelector(selectors: String): Element +MathMLElement[JC] def querySelectorAll(selectors: String): NodeList[Element] +MathMLElement[JC] def releasePointerCapture(pointerId: Double): Unit +MathMLElement[JC] def remove(): Unit +MathMLElement[JC] def removeAttribute(name: String): Unit +MathMLElement[JC] def removeAttributeNS(namespaceURI: String, localName: String): Unit +MathMLElement[JC] def removeAttributeNode(oldAttr: Attr): Attr +MathMLElement[JC] def removeChild(oldChild: Node): Node +MathMLElement[JC] def removeEventListener[T <: Event](`type`: String, listener: js.Function1[T, _], options: EventListenerOptions): Unit +MathMLElement[JC] def removeEventListener[T <: Event](`type`: String, listener: js.Function1[T, _], useCapture: Boolean?): Unit +MathMLElement[JC] def replaceChild(newChild: Node, oldChild: Node): Node +MathMLElement[JC] def replaceChildren(nodes: Node | String*): Unit +MathMLElement[JC] def replaceWith(nodes: Node | String*): Unit +MathMLElement[JC] def requestFullscreen(options: FullscreenOptions?): js.Promise[Unit] +MathMLElement[JC] def requestPointerLock(): Unit +MathMLElement[JC] def scrollHeight: Int +MathMLElement[JC] def scrollIntoView(top: Boolean?): Unit +MathMLElement[JC] var scrollLeft: Double +MathMLElement[JC] var scrollTop: Double +MathMLElement[JC] def scrollWidth: Int +MathMLElement[JC] def setAttribute(name: String, value: String): Unit +MathMLElement[JC] def setAttributeNS(namespaceURI: String, qualifiedName: String, value: String): Unit +MathMLElement[JC] def setAttributeNode(newAttr: Attr): Attr +MathMLElement[JC] def setAttributeNodeNS(newAttr: Attr): Attr +MathMLElement[JC] def setPointerCapture(pointerId: Double): Unit +MathMLElement[JC] def shadowRoot: ShadowRoot +MathMLElement[JC] def tagName: String +MathMLElement[JC] var textContent: String +MathMLElement[JC] var xmlbase: String MediaDeviceInfo[JT] val deviceId: String MediaDeviceInfo[JT] val groupId: String MediaDeviceInfo[JT] val kind: MediaDeviceKind diff --git a/api-reports/2_13.txt b/api-reports/2_13.txt index b82f3df7..70ec9450 100644 --- a/api-reports/2_13.txt +++ b/api-reports/2_13.txt @@ -16495,6 +16495,122 @@ MIMEType[SO] val `application/xml` = "application/xml".asInstanceOf[MIMEType] MIMEType[SO] val `image/svg+xml` = "image/svg+xml".asInstanceOf[MIMEType] MIMEType[SO] val `text/html` = "text/html".asInstanceOf[MIMEType] MIMEType[SO] val `text/xml` = "text/xml".asInstanceOf[MIMEType] +MathMLElement[JC] var accessKey: String +MathMLElement[JC] def addEventListener[T <: Event](`type`: String, listener: js.Function1[T, _], options: EventListenerOptions): Unit +MathMLElement[JC] def addEventListener[T <: Event](`type`: String, listener: js.Function1[T, _], useCapture: Boolean?): Unit +MathMLElement[JC] def after(nodes: Node | String*): Unit +MathMLElement[JC] def append(nodes: Node | String*): Unit +MathMLElement[JC] def appendChild(newChild: Node): Node +MathMLElement[JC] def attachShadow(init: ShadowRootInit): ShadowRoot +MathMLElement[JC] def attributes: NamedNodeMap +MathMLElement[JC] def baseURI: String +MathMLElement[JC] def before(nodes: Node | String*): Unit +MathMLElement[JC] def childElementCount: Int +MathMLElement[JC] def childNodes: NodeList[Node] +MathMLElement[JC] def children: HTMLCollection[Element] +MathMLElement[JC] var classList: DOMTokenList +MathMLElement[JC] def clientHeight: Int +MathMLElement[JC] def clientLeft: Int +MathMLElement[JC] def clientTop: Int +MathMLElement[JC] def clientWidth: Int +MathMLElement[JC] def cloneNode(deep: Boolean?): Node +MathMLElement[JC] def closest(selector: String): Element +MathMLElement[JC] def compareDocumentPosition(other: Node): Int +MathMLElement[JC] def contains(otherNode: Node): Boolean +MathMLElement[JC] def dispatchEvent(evt: Event): Boolean +MathMLElement[JC] def firstChild: Node +MathMLElement[JC] def firstElementChild: Element +MathMLElement[JC] def getAttribute(name: String): String +MathMLElement[JC] def getAttributeNS(namespaceURI: String, localName: String): String +MathMLElement[JC] def getAttributeNode(name: String): Attr +MathMLElement[JC] def getAttributeNodeNS(namespaceURI: String, localName: String): Attr +MathMLElement[JC] def getBoundingClientRect(): DOMRect +MathMLElement[JC] def getClientRects(): DOMRectList +MathMLElement[JC] def getElementsByClassName(classNames: String): HTMLCollection[Element] +MathMLElement[JC] def getElementsByTagName(name: String): HTMLCollection[Element] +MathMLElement[JC] def getElementsByTagNameNS(namespaceURI: String, localName: String): HTMLCollection[Element] +MathMLElement[JC] def hasAttribute(name: String): Boolean +MathMLElement[JC] def hasAttributeNS(namespaceURI: String, localName: String): Boolean +MathMLElement[JC] def hasAttributes(): Boolean +MathMLElement[JC] def hasChildNodes(): Boolean +MathMLElement[JC] def hasPointerCapture(pointerId: Double): Boolean +MathMLElement[JC] var id: String +MathMLElement[JC] var innerHTML: String +MathMLElement[JC] var innerText: String +MathMLElement[JC] def insertAdjacentElement(position: String, element: Element): Element +MathMLElement[JC] def insertAdjacentHTML(where: String, html: String): Unit +MathMLElement[JC] def insertBefore(newChild: Node, refChild: Node): Node +MathMLElement[JC] def isConnected: Boolean +MathMLElement[JC] def isDefaultNamespace(namespaceURI: String): Boolean +MathMLElement[JC] def isEqualNode(arg: Node): Boolean +MathMLElement[JC] def isSameNode(other: Node): Boolean +MathMLElement[JC] def isSupported(feature: String, version: String): Boolean +MathMLElement[JC] def lastChild: Node +MathMLElement[JC] def lastElementChild: Element +MathMLElement[JC] def localName: String +MathMLElement[JC] def lookupNamespaceURI(prefix: String): String +MathMLElement[JC] def lookupPrefix(namespaceURI: String): String +MathMLElement[JC] def matches(selector: String): Boolean +MathMLElement[JC] def namespaceURI: String +MathMLElement[JC] def nextElementSibling: Element +MathMLElement[JC] def nextSibling: Node +MathMLElement[JC] def nodeName: String +MathMLElement[JC] def nodeType: Int +MathMLElement[JC] var nodeValue: String +MathMLElement[JC] def normalize(): Unit +MathMLElement[JC] var onclick: js.Function1[MouseEvent, _] +MathMLElement[JC] var oncompositionend: js.Function1[CompositionEvent, _] +MathMLElement[JC] var oncompositionstart: js.Function1[CompositionEvent, _] +MathMLElement[JC] var oncompositionupdate: js.Function1[CompositionEvent, _] +MathMLElement[JC] var oncopy: js.Function1[ClipboardEvent, _] +MathMLElement[JC] var oncut: js.Function1[ClipboardEvent, _] +MathMLElement[JC] var onfocusin: js.Function1[FocusEvent, _] +MathMLElement[JC] var onfocusout: js.Function1[FocusEvent, _] +MathMLElement[JC] var onfullscreenchange: js.Function1[Event, _] +MathMLElement[JC] var onfullscreenerror: js.Function1[Event, _] +MathMLElement[JC] var onload: js.Function1[Event, _] +MathMLElement[JC] var onmousedown: js.Function1[MouseEvent, _] +MathMLElement[JC] var onmousemove: js.Function1[MouseEvent, _] +MathMLElement[JC] var onmouseout: js.Function1[MouseEvent, _] +MathMLElement[JC] var onmouseover: js.Function1[MouseEvent, _] +MathMLElement[JC] var onmouseup: js.Function1[MouseEvent, _] +MathMLElement[JC] var onpaste: js.Function1[ClipboardEvent, _] +MathMLElement[JC] var outerHTML: String +MathMLElement[JC] def ownerDocument: Document +MathMLElement[JC] def parentNode: Node +MathMLElement[JC] def prefix: String +MathMLElement[JC] def prepend(nodes: Node | String*): Unit +MathMLElement[JC] def previousElementSibling: Element +MathMLElement[JC] def previousSibling: Node +MathMLElement[JC] def querySelector(selectors: String): Element +MathMLElement[JC] def querySelectorAll(selectors: String): NodeList[Element] +MathMLElement[JC] def releasePointerCapture(pointerId: Double): Unit +MathMLElement[JC] def remove(): Unit +MathMLElement[JC] def removeAttribute(name: String): Unit +MathMLElement[JC] def removeAttributeNS(namespaceURI: String, localName: String): Unit +MathMLElement[JC] def removeAttributeNode(oldAttr: Attr): Attr +MathMLElement[JC] def removeChild(oldChild: Node): Node +MathMLElement[JC] def removeEventListener[T <: Event](`type`: String, listener: js.Function1[T, _], options: EventListenerOptions): Unit +MathMLElement[JC] def removeEventListener[T <: Event](`type`: String, listener: js.Function1[T, _], useCapture: Boolean?): Unit +MathMLElement[JC] def replaceChild(newChild: Node, oldChild: Node): Node +MathMLElement[JC] def replaceChildren(nodes: Node | String*): Unit +MathMLElement[JC] def replaceWith(nodes: Node | String*): Unit +MathMLElement[JC] def requestFullscreen(options: FullscreenOptions?): js.Promise[Unit] +MathMLElement[JC] def requestPointerLock(): Unit +MathMLElement[JC] def scrollHeight: Int +MathMLElement[JC] def scrollIntoView(top: Boolean?): Unit +MathMLElement[JC] var scrollLeft: Double +MathMLElement[JC] var scrollTop: Double +MathMLElement[JC] def scrollWidth: Int +MathMLElement[JC] def setAttribute(name: String, value: String): Unit +MathMLElement[JC] def setAttributeNS(namespaceURI: String, qualifiedName: String, value: String): Unit +MathMLElement[JC] def setAttributeNode(newAttr: Attr): Attr +MathMLElement[JC] def setAttributeNodeNS(newAttr: Attr): Attr +MathMLElement[JC] def setPointerCapture(pointerId: Double): Unit +MathMLElement[JC] def shadowRoot: ShadowRoot +MathMLElement[JC] def tagName: String +MathMLElement[JC] var textContent: String +MathMLElement[JC] var xmlbase: String MediaDeviceInfo[JT] val deviceId: String MediaDeviceInfo[JT] val groupId: String MediaDeviceInfo[JT] val kind: MediaDeviceKind diff --git a/dom/src/main/scala/org/scalajs/dom/MathMLElement.scala b/dom/src/main/scala/org/scalajs/dom/MathMLElement.scala index 394fd358..fb4395df 100644 --- a/dom/src/main/scala/org/scalajs/dom/MathMLElement.scala +++ b/dom/src/main/scala/org/scalajs/dom/MathMLElement.scala @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import scala.scalajs.js.annotation._ */ @js.native @JSGlobal -abstract class MathMLElement extends Element { +abstract class MathMLElement extends org.scalajs.dom.Element { var onclick: js.Function1[MouseEvent, _] = js.native var onmouseover: js.Function1[MouseEvent, _] = js.native var onmouseout: js.Function1[MouseEvent, _] = js.native From 256f5d16f577767bfc83c1b47f9ccdc53f24a7a4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Simon Parten Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 16:04:35 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 3/8] per feedback --- dom/src/main/scala/org/scalajs/dom/MathMLElement.scala | 4 ++-- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/dom/src/main/scala/org/scalajs/dom/MathMLElement.scala b/dom/src/main/scala/org/scalajs/dom/MathMLElement.scala index fb4395df..e6fda965 100644 --- a/dom/src/main/scala/org/scalajs/dom/MathMLElement.scala +++ b/dom/src/main/scala/org/scalajs/dom/MathMLElement.scala @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import scala.scalajs.js.annotation._ */ @js.native @JSGlobal -abstract class MathMLElement extends org.scalajs.dom.Element { +abstract class MathMLElement extends Element { var onclick: js.Function1[MouseEvent, _] = js.native var onmouseover: js.Function1[MouseEvent, _] = js.native var onmouseout: js.Function1[MouseEvent, _] = js.native @@ -22,5 +22,5 @@ abstract class MathMLElement extends org.scalajs.dom.Element { var onfocusout: js.Function1[FocusEvent, _] = js.native /** Corresponds to attribute xml:base on the given element. */ - var `xmlbase`: String = js.native + var xmlbase: String = js.native } From 210f412fc9e4035a301143db93171221b7e12926 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Simon Parten Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2024 20:48:09 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 4/8] add global attributes --- api-reports/2_12.txt | 13 ++++++++++++ api-reports/2_13.txt | 13 ++++++++++++ .../scala/org/scalajs/dom/MathMLElement.scala | 20 +++++++++++++++++++ 3 files changed, 46 insertions(+) diff --git a/api-reports/2_12.txt b/api-reports/2_12.txt index 70ec9450..45b5aac0 100644 --- a/api-reports/2_12.txt +++ b/api-reports/2_12.txt @@ -16501,13 +16501,16 @@ MathMLElement[JC] def addEventListener[T <: Event](`type`: String, listener: js. MathMLElement[JC] def after(nodes: Node | String*): Unit MathMLElement[JC] def append(nodes: Node | String*): Unit MathMLElement[JC] def appendChild(newChild: Node): Node +MathMLElement[JC] var arg: String MathMLElement[JC] def attachShadow(init: ShadowRootInit): ShadowRoot MathMLElement[JC] def attributes: NamedNodeMap +MathMLElement[JC] var autofocus: Boolean MathMLElement[JC] def baseURI: String MathMLElement[JC] def before(nodes: Node | String*): Unit MathMLElement[JC] def childElementCount: Int MathMLElement[JC] def childNodes: NodeList[Node] MathMLElement[JC] def children: HTMLCollection[Element] +MathMLElement[JC] var `class`: String MathMLElement[JC] var classList: DOMTokenList MathMLElement[JC] def clientHeight: Int MathMLElement[JC] def clientLeft: Int @@ -16517,7 +16520,9 @@ MathMLElement[JC] def cloneNode(deep: Boolean?): Node MathMLElement[JC] def closest(selector: String): Element MathMLElement[JC] def compareDocumentPosition(other: Node): Int MathMLElement[JC] def contains(otherNode: Node): Boolean +MathMLElement[JC] var dir: String MathMLElement[JC] def dispatchEvent(evt: Event): Boolean +MathMLElement[JC] var displaystyle: Boolean MathMLElement[JC] def firstChild: Node MathMLElement[JC] def firstElementChild: Element MathMLElement[JC] def getAttribute(name: String): String @@ -16540,6 +16545,7 @@ MathMLElement[JC] var innerText: String MathMLElement[JC] def insertAdjacentElement(position: String, element: Element): Element MathMLElement[JC] def insertAdjacentHTML(where: String, html: String): Unit MathMLElement[JC] def insertBefore(newChild: Node, refChild: Node): Node +MathMLElement[JC] var intent: String MathMLElement[JC] def isConnected: Boolean MathMLElement[JC] def isDefaultNamespace(namespaceURI: String): Boolean MathMLElement[JC] def isEqualNode(arg: Node): Boolean @@ -16551,12 +16557,16 @@ MathMLElement[JC] def localName: String MathMLElement[JC] def lookupNamespaceURI(prefix: String): String MathMLElement[JC] def lookupPrefix(namespaceURI: String): String MathMLElement[JC] def matches(selector: String): Boolean +MathMLElement[JC] var mathbackground: String +MathMLElement[JC] var mathcolor: String +MathMLElement[JC] var mathsize: String MathMLElement[JC] def namespaceURI: String MathMLElement[JC] def nextElementSibling: Element MathMLElement[JC] def nextSibling: Node MathMLElement[JC] def nodeName: String MathMLElement[JC] def nodeType: Int MathMLElement[JC] var nodeValue: String +MathMLElement[JC] var nonce: String MathMLElement[JC] def normalize(): Unit MathMLElement[JC] var onclick: js.Function1[MouseEvent, _] MathMLElement[JC] var oncompositionend: js.Function1[CompositionEvent, _] @@ -16597,6 +16607,7 @@ MathMLElement[JC] def replaceChildren(nodes: Node | String*): Unit MathMLElement[JC] def replaceWith(nodes: Node | String*): Unit MathMLElement[JC] def requestFullscreen(options: FullscreenOptions?): js.Promise[Unit] MathMLElement[JC] def requestPointerLock(): Unit +MathMLElement[JC] var scriptlevel: Int MathMLElement[JC] def scrollHeight: Int MathMLElement[JC] def scrollIntoView(top: Boolean?): Unit MathMLElement[JC] var scrollLeft: Double @@ -16608,6 +16619,8 @@ MathMLElement[JC] def setAttributeNode(newAttr: Attr): Attr MathMLElement[JC] def setAttributeNodeNS(newAttr: Attr): Attr MathMLElement[JC] def setPointerCapture(pointerId: Double): Unit MathMLElement[JC] def shadowRoot: ShadowRoot +MathMLElement[JC] var style: String +MathMLElement[JC] var tabindex: Int MathMLElement[JC] def tagName: String MathMLElement[JC] var textContent: String MathMLElement[JC] var xmlbase: String diff --git a/api-reports/2_13.txt b/api-reports/2_13.txt index 70ec9450..45b5aac0 100644 --- a/api-reports/2_13.txt +++ b/api-reports/2_13.txt @@ -16501,13 +16501,16 @@ MathMLElement[JC] def addEventListener[T <: Event](`type`: String, listener: js. MathMLElement[JC] def after(nodes: Node | String*): Unit MathMLElement[JC] def append(nodes: Node | String*): Unit MathMLElement[JC] def appendChild(newChild: Node): Node +MathMLElement[JC] var arg: String MathMLElement[JC] def attachShadow(init: ShadowRootInit): ShadowRoot MathMLElement[JC] def attributes: NamedNodeMap +MathMLElement[JC] var autofocus: Boolean MathMLElement[JC] def baseURI: String MathMLElement[JC] def before(nodes: Node | String*): Unit MathMLElement[JC] def childElementCount: Int MathMLElement[JC] def childNodes: NodeList[Node] MathMLElement[JC] def children: HTMLCollection[Element] +MathMLElement[JC] var `class`: String MathMLElement[JC] var classList: DOMTokenList MathMLElement[JC] def clientHeight: Int MathMLElement[JC] def clientLeft: Int @@ -16517,7 +16520,9 @@ MathMLElement[JC] def cloneNode(deep: Boolean?): Node MathMLElement[JC] def closest(selector: String): Element MathMLElement[JC] def compareDocumentPosition(other: Node): Int MathMLElement[JC] def contains(otherNode: Node): Boolean +MathMLElement[JC] var dir: String MathMLElement[JC] def dispatchEvent(evt: Event): Boolean +MathMLElement[JC] var displaystyle: Boolean MathMLElement[JC] def firstChild: Node MathMLElement[JC] def firstElementChild: Element MathMLElement[JC] def getAttribute(name: String): String @@ -16540,6 +16545,7 @@ MathMLElement[JC] var innerText: String MathMLElement[JC] def insertAdjacentElement(position: String, element: Element): Element MathMLElement[JC] def insertAdjacentHTML(where: String, html: String): Unit MathMLElement[JC] def insertBefore(newChild: Node, refChild: Node): Node +MathMLElement[JC] var intent: String MathMLElement[JC] def isConnected: Boolean MathMLElement[JC] def isDefaultNamespace(namespaceURI: String): Boolean MathMLElement[JC] def isEqualNode(arg: Node): Boolean @@ -16551,12 +16557,16 @@ MathMLElement[JC] def localName: String MathMLElement[JC] def lookupNamespaceURI(prefix: String): String MathMLElement[JC] def lookupPrefix(namespaceURI: String): String MathMLElement[JC] def matches(selector: String): Boolean +MathMLElement[JC] var mathbackground: String +MathMLElement[JC] var mathcolor: String +MathMLElement[JC] var mathsize: String MathMLElement[JC] def namespaceURI: String MathMLElement[JC] def nextElementSibling: Element MathMLElement[JC] def nextSibling: Node MathMLElement[JC] def nodeName: String MathMLElement[JC] def nodeType: Int MathMLElement[JC] var nodeValue: String +MathMLElement[JC] var nonce: String MathMLElement[JC] def normalize(): Unit MathMLElement[JC] var onclick: js.Function1[MouseEvent, _] MathMLElement[JC] var oncompositionend: js.Function1[CompositionEvent, _] @@ -16597,6 +16607,7 @@ MathMLElement[JC] def replaceChildren(nodes: Node | String*): Unit MathMLElement[JC] def replaceWith(nodes: Node | String*): Unit MathMLElement[JC] def requestFullscreen(options: FullscreenOptions?): js.Promise[Unit] MathMLElement[JC] def requestPointerLock(): Unit +MathMLElement[JC] var scriptlevel: Int MathMLElement[JC] def scrollHeight: Int MathMLElement[JC] def scrollIntoView(top: Boolean?): Unit MathMLElement[JC] var scrollLeft: Double @@ -16608,6 +16619,8 @@ MathMLElement[JC] def setAttributeNode(newAttr: Attr): Attr MathMLElement[JC] def setAttributeNodeNS(newAttr: Attr): Attr MathMLElement[JC] def setPointerCapture(pointerId: Double): Unit MathMLElement[JC] def shadowRoot: ShadowRoot +MathMLElement[JC] var style: String +MathMLElement[JC] var tabindex: Int MathMLElement[JC] def tagName: String MathMLElement[JC] var textContent: String MathMLElement[JC] var xmlbase: String diff --git a/dom/src/main/scala/org/scalajs/dom/MathMLElement.scala b/dom/src/main/scala/org/scalajs/dom/MathMLElement.scala index e6fda965..92d1dc5e 100644 --- a/dom/src/main/scala/org/scalajs/dom/MathMLElement.scala +++ b/dom/src/main/scala/org/scalajs/dom/MathMLElement.scala @@ -23,4 +23,24 @@ abstract class MathMLElement extends Element { /** Corresponds to attribute xml:base on the given element. */ var xmlbase: String = js.native + + /** */ + + var autofocus: Boolean = js.native + var `class`: String = js.native + var dir: String = js.native + var displaystyle: Boolean = js.native + var mathbackground: String = js.native + var mathcolor: String = js.native + var mathsize: String = js.native + var nonce: String = js.native + var scriptlevel: Int = js.native + var style: String = js.native + var tabindex: Int = js.native + + /** */ + + var intent: String = js.native + var arg: String = js.native + } From ce291986f71498477e7a986666c44f5f5372fec7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Simon Parten Date: Fri, 4 Oct 2024 17:05:18 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 5/8] Update dom/src/main/scala/org/scalajs/dom/MathMLElement.scala Co-authored-by: zetashift --- dom/src/main/scala/org/scalajs/dom/MathMLElement.scala | 1 - 1 file changed, 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/dom/src/main/scala/org/scalajs/dom/MathMLElement.scala b/dom/src/main/scala/org/scalajs/dom/MathMLElement.scala index 92d1dc5e..48d90e21 100644 --- a/dom/src/main/scala/org/scalajs/dom/MathMLElement.scala +++ b/dom/src/main/scala/org/scalajs/dom/MathMLElement.scala @@ -38,7 +38,6 @@ abstract class MathMLElement extends Element { var style: String = js.native var tabindex: Int = js.native - /** */ var intent: String = js.native var arg: String = js.native From c9d5ed085ec9e64d5aa8c2c4a7a25166a875c83a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Simon Parten Date: Fri, 4 Oct 2024 17:05:25 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 6/8] Update dom/src/main/scala/org/scalajs/dom/MathMLElement.scala Co-authored-by: zetashift --- dom/src/main/scala/org/scalajs/dom/MathMLElement.scala | 5 +---- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/dom/src/main/scala/org/scalajs/dom/MathMLElement.scala b/dom/src/main/scala/org/scalajs/dom/MathMLElement.scala index 48d90e21..ae81a938 100644 --- a/dom/src/main/scala/org/scalajs/dom/MathMLElement.scala +++ b/dom/src/main/scala/org/scalajs/dom/MathMLElement.scala @@ -3,10 +3,7 @@ package org.scalajs.dom import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.annotation._ -/** Represents a Scala.js facade for the MathML element. Documentation for MathML elements can be found at: - * - * - * All MathMl elements implement this interface. +/** The MathMLElement interface represents any MathML element. */ @js.native @JSGlobal From 3262687c68d6766bb3fe2278a0dbddcdfba9ea13 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Simon Parten Date: Fri, 4 Oct 2024 17:05:30 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 7/8] Update dom/src/main/scala/org/scalajs/dom/MathMLElement.scala Co-authored-by: zetashift --- dom/src/main/scala/org/scalajs/dom/MathMLElement.scala | 1 - 1 file changed, 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/dom/src/main/scala/org/scalajs/dom/MathMLElement.scala b/dom/src/main/scala/org/scalajs/dom/MathMLElement.scala index ae81a938..6756cfa2 100644 --- a/dom/src/main/scala/org/scalajs/dom/MathMLElement.scala +++ b/dom/src/main/scala/org/scalajs/dom/MathMLElement.scala @@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ abstract class MathMLElement extends Element { /** Corresponds to attribute xml:base on the given element. */ var xmlbase: String = js.native - /** */ var autofocus: Boolean = js.native var `class`: String = js.native From 6e3e18eb6e77530effa577cc6aa88a9637f17319 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Simon Parten Date: Fri, 4 Oct 2024 21:44:23 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 8/8] Fmt --- dom/src/main/scala/org/scalajs/dom/MathMLElement.scala | 5 +---- .../scala/org/scalajs/dom/tests/shared/BrowserTests.scala | 7 ++++--- 2 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) diff --git a/dom/src/main/scala/org/scalajs/dom/MathMLElement.scala b/dom/src/main/scala/org/scalajs/dom/MathMLElement.scala index 6756cfa2..35b18335 100644 --- a/dom/src/main/scala/org/scalajs/dom/MathMLElement.scala +++ b/dom/src/main/scala/org/scalajs/dom/MathMLElement.scala @@ -3,8 +3,7 @@ package org.scalajs.dom import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.annotation._ -/** The MathMLElement interface represents any MathML element. - */ +/** The MathMLElement interface represents any MathML element. */ @js.native @JSGlobal abstract class MathMLElement extends Element { @@ -21,7 +20,6 @@ abstract class MathMLElement extends Element { /** Corresponds to attribute xml:base on the given element. */ var xmlbase: String = js.native - var autofocus: Boolean = js.native var `class`: String = js.native var dir: String = js.native @@ -34,7 +32,6 @@ abstract class MathMLElement extends Element { var style: String = js.native var tabindex: Int = js.native - var intent: String = js.native var arg: String = js.native diff --git a/tests-shared/src/main/scala/org/scalajs/dom/tests/shared/BrowserTests.scala b/tests-shared/src/main/scala/org/scalajs/dom/tests/shared/BrowserTests.scala index 37fb639a..0c52fb08 100644 --- a/tests-shared/src/main/scala/org/scalajs/dom/tests/shared/BrowserTests.scala +++ b/tests-shared/src/main/scala/org/scalajs/dom/tests/shared/BrowserTests.scala @@ -137,8 +137,8 @@ trait BrowserTests extends WebCryptoApiTests { import org.scalajs.dom.{ImageData, ImageDataSettings, PredefinedColorSpace} import PredefinedColorSpace._ - val width:Int = 200 - val height:Int = 100 + val width: Int = 200 + val height: Int = 100 // new ImageData(width, height) val imgDat1: ImageData = new ImageData(width, height) @@ -164,7 +164,8 @@ trait BrowserTests extends WebCryptoApiTests { assertEquals(, width * height * 4) // new ImageData(dataArray, width, height, settings) - val defaultImageData: ImageData = new ImageData(, width, height, new ImageDataSettings { colorSpace = `display-p3` }) + val defaultImageData: ImageData = + new ImageData(, width, height, new ImageDataSettings { colorSpace = `display-p3` }) assertEquals(defaultImageData.width, width) assertEquals(defaultImageData.height, height) }