The best places to go for what's here is the changelog
This is an observation service loosly based on the Observation & Measurement specification and the CSIRO implementation. It makes significant deviations from both the original specification and the CSIRO implementation.
You can either run a local instance of the server or use a publically available demo.
This project makes heavy use of Google Cloud Platform (because it's inexpensive). To do so you will need a Google Cloud Platform project and a Firestore instance. You will also need go >=1.13 installed.
go run ./cmd/api -firestore-project=$GCP_PROJECT_ID
The public demo comes with no guarentees regarding data longevity. It is meant to explore not API not to record observations.
The public demo is available at:
API docs are available in swagger form: api docs
go test ./... -v --short
Integration tests require Google Firestore account in a Google Project. Make sure you have credentials setup.
export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/path/to/creds.json
go test ./... -v -project $MY_GCP_PROJECT
- Better validation errors observations
- Better validation and errors for filters
- Observation 404 errors
- Authboss authentication
- Authorization (Casbin)
- API docs and clients
- Digital object observations
- Publish to a message queue when observations are created
- SMTP mailer