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nv: URL Specification

scrod edited this page Jan 30, 2011 · 8 revisions

Starting in version 2.0B4, Notational Velocity allows searching for, selecting, and creating notes via a custom URL-handler.

Direct note-linking

  • nv://find/?NV=URI-escaped-base64-encoded-UUID
  • nv://find/?SN=URI-escaped-Simplenote-ID
  • nv://find/URI-escaped-title
  • nv://URI-escaped-title

The last two can also be used to perform general-purpose searches.



This will first perform a search for “bob dobbs”, selecting an existing note if one exists with that title, and then selecting the first note with either a matching Simplenote ID or a matching internal NV UUID. By including all three identifiers, URLs can be portable across computers and note-renaming.

h2. External note-creation

  • nv://make/?title=URI-escaped-title&html=URI-escaped-HTML-data&tags=URI-escaped-tag-string
  • nv://make/?title=URI-escaped-title&txt=URI-escaped-plain-text
  • nv://make/?txt=URI-escaped-plain-text

The tags and title parameters are optional. Omitting the title will create an automatically-titled note.



This will create a note titled “Name of note” with a body of “new bold note here”, and having the tags “some, tag, names”.