BC: -40%
Caused by: 20% chance from a hit from Gornaud (young, regular or strong)
Cure: none
BC: -10%
DR: -1
Caused by: hit from various Iqhan Chaos creatures in colored robes and Chaos Beast
Inflicted by: Chaos Reaper
Cure: none
Note: the various Iqhan Chaos creatures, and the Chaos Reaper inflict Chaotic grip x5
AP: 1
AC: -30%
AD: 4
Raises Max HP +15
Caused by: drinking Blackwater Brew
AC: 60%
BC: -90%
DR: -1
Raises Max HP +35
Caused by: drinking Potion of blind rage, using Sword of Shadow's rage (50% chance with each kill)
AD: -3
Caused by: 20% chance from a hit from Allaceph (Young, Strong, Radiant, Ancient, or Tough), Vaeregh, Radiant guardian (boss monster), Toszylae (lich boss monster)
Cure: none
Note: inflicted by different multiples (x2, x3) and different numbers of rounds based on the monster
Constant effect
Attack cost (AP): 1
AD: 3
Caused by: drinking a potion of damage focus, or strong potion of damage focus (gives Focused Damage x2)
Constant effect
Attack cost (AP): 1
AC: 40%
Caused by: drinking a potion of accuracy focus, or strong potion of accuracy focus (gives Focused Accuracy x2)
Drains 1 HP every round
Caused by: hit from any venomous creature, drinking a weak poison
Inflicted by: Blackwater poisoned dagger (50% chance)
Cure: Weak poison antidote potion
Note: this effect can be stacked if inflicted in separate attacks
Drains 1 HP every round
Caused by: Strong Izthiel, Izthiel Guardian
Inflicted by: Barbed dagger (50% chance)
Cure: Ointment of bleeding wounds potion
Note: effect can be inflicted in multiples, and stacked if inflicted in separate attacks
AP: 1
AC: -50%
CC: -50%
Caused by: equipping any Blackwater item.
Cure: Unequipping all Blackwater items.
AC: -10%
AD: -1
Caused by: 70% chance from a hit from Plaguestrider (Tough, Wooly, Tough wooly, Nesting, Vile, Hardshell, Servant, Master), Plaguecrawler (regular, Black)
Note: effect can be inflicted in multiples
Every round: Drains 1 HP
Caused by: 50% chance from a hit from Plaguestrider (Wooly, Tough wooly, Nesting, Vile, Servant, Master),
20% chance from Plaguecrawler (regular, Black), Plaguestrider (Hardshell, Tough)
Note: effect can be inflicted in multiples
Drains 1HP every round
Caused by: on hit, 10% chance from Irdegh spawn, 50% chance from Piercing Irdegh or Venomous Irdegh
Note: Irdegh poison effect can be stacked if inflicted in separate attacks
Attack cost AP: 2
AD: -1
Move cost penalty +2 AP
Caused by: hit from any Wyrm creature or trainer, using Shadowfang (20% chance on hit, inflicted on self)
Cure: Restore fatigue potion
Attack cost AP: 5
Lowers max AP by 2
Move cost penalty +8 AP
Caused by: on hit, 20% chance from Arulir, 10% chance from Tough Maonit brute
Cure: none
Raises Max AP +2
Caused by: drinking minor potion of speed
Constant effect
DR: -1
Lowers max HP by 15
Lowers max AP by 3
Caused by: Toszylae (lich boss monster) infects you with it when you confront him after killing the Radiant Guardian
cure: After killing Toszylae, talk to Ulirfendor to progress the “I have it in me” quest, which will eventually lead to a cure.
Blessing effects and rounds do not stack, so don't buy more than 1 of each at a time unless you like throwing away your gold.
Restores 1 HP every round
Caused by: equipping Ring of Lesser Shadow (RoLS)
Effect does not stack if you equip 2 rings
Constant effect
AC: 5%
Caused by: equipping Elytharan redeemer (ElyR)
Constant effect (30 rounds)
AD: 1 Caused by: blessing can be purchased from Talion for 300 gold
Constant effect (45 rounds)
Restores 1 HP every round
Caused by: blessing can be purchased from Talion for 250 gold
Constant effect (30 rounds)
AC: 30%
Caused by: blessing can be purchased from Talion for 250 gold
Constant effect (20 rounds)
DR: 1
Raises max HP +30
Caused by: blessing can be purchased from Talion for 400 gold
Drinking a potion has a 100% chance of causing the condition, and the resistance skills have no effect on that.
All conditions (good or bad) are removed when resting in a bed (except for Blackwater Misery, Kazaul rotworms, Shadow Regeneration, and Bless).