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Circle implementations of Standard Library classes.

This page highlights Circle language features that aided in the Circle rewrite of three C++ Standard Library classes:

The implementations draw on lots of features unique to Circle, some even motivated by these STL components.

Features unique to Circle/C++:


  1. Member pack declarations
  2. Circle Imperative Arguments
  3. Deduced forwarding references
  4. N-dimensional Visit
  5. Builtins for overload resolution
  6. First-class tuple support

1. Member pack declarations.

Declare a pack of non-static data members with the member pack declaration syntax. Use ... before the declarator-id, as if you were writing a function or template parameter pack. This is compatible with the description in P1858R2 - Generalized pack declaration and usage.

Here are simple implementations of tuple, variant and mdspan, to help illustrate the technology in the fully-conformant implementations of the same classes.

Basic tuple.

tuple1.cxx - Compiler Explorer

#include <iostream>

template<typename... Types>
struct tuple {
  [[no_unique_address]] Types ...m;

int main() {
  // Declare and use the aggregate initializer.
  tuple<int, double, char> A {
    5, 3.14, 'X'
  std::cout<< "A:\n";
  std::cout<< "  "<< decltype(A).member_decl_strings<< ": "<< A.m<< "\n" ...;

  // It even works with CTAD! Deduced through the parameter pack.
  tuple B {
    6ll, 1.618f, true
  std::cout<< "B:\n";
  std::cout<< "  "<< decltype(B).member_decl_strings<< ": "<< B.m<< "\n" ...;
$ circle tuple1.cxx && ./tuple1
  int m0: 5
  double m1: 3.14
  char m2: X
  long long m0: 6
  float m1: 1.618
  bool m2: 1

The basic tuple becomes a one-liner. Access the data members of objects by naming the member pack. This yields a pack expression, which must be expanded with .... As a bonus, class template argument deduction even works through member pack declarations. We attempt aggregate initialization of B with a long long, float and bool, and the class template is indeed specialized with those arguments.

When the member pack is instantiated, concrete member declarations get names with the ordinal of the expansion postfixed to the pack's name. Eg, m expands to members m0, m1, m2 and so on. These are useful for the purpose of reflection. Member traits like member_names and member_decl_strings return member names and declarations as constant character arrays, and use these substituted names.

Basic variant.

variant1.cxx - Compiler Explorer

#include <iostream>
#include <utility>

template<typename... Types>
struct variant {
  union {
    Types ...m;
  uint8_t _index = 0;

  // Default initialize the 0th element.
  variant() : m...[0]() { }

  // Initialize the index indicated by I.
  template<size_t I, typename U>
  variant(std::in_place_index_t<I>, U&& u) : 
    m...[I](std::forward<U>(u)), _index(I) { }

  // Search for the index of the first type that matches T.
  template<typename T>
  static constexpr size_t index_of_type = T == Types ...?? int... : -1;

  // Count the number of types that match T.
  template<typename T>
  static constexpr size_t count_of_type = (0 + ... + (T == Types));

  // Initialize the type indicate by T.
  template<typename T, typename U, size_t I = index_of_type<T> >
  requires(1 == count_of_type<T>)
  variant(std::in_place_type_t<T>, U&& u) :
    m...[I](std::forward<U>(u)), _index(I) { }

  // Destroy the active variant member.
  ~variant() {
    _index == int... ...? m.~Types() : __builtin_unreachable();

// Visit the active variant member.
template<typename F, typename... Types>
decltype(auto) visit(F f, variant<Types...>& var) {
  return var._index == int... ...? f(var. ...m) : __builtin_unreachable();

int main() {
  using Var = variant<int, double, std::string>;
  auto print_element = [](auto x) {
    std::cout<< decltype(x).string<< ": "<< x<< "\n";

  // Default initialize element 0 (int 0).
  Var v1;
  visit(print_element, v1);

  // Initialize element 1 (double 6.67e-11)
  Var v2(std::in_place_index<1>, 6.67e-11);
  visit(print_element, v2);

  // Initialize the std::string element.
  Var v3(std::in_place_type<std::string>, "Hello variant");
  visit(print_element, v3);
$ circle variant1.cxx && ./variant1
int: 0
double: 6.67e-11
std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>>: Hello variant

To write a basic variant, make a member pack declaration inside an unnamed union. The pack subscript operator ...[I] provides direct access to specific instantiated data members. Use it inside the mem-initializer-list to name a member for subobject initialization.

The multi-conditional operator ...?: makes it easy to generate a cascade of ternary operators, which serve as a higher-level switch to bridge runtime values (like _index) with compile-time concerns (like a particular data member). The pseudo-destructor call in the variant's destructor, or the callable invocation in visit are both satisfied in one line with this operator.

Note that dependent name lookup of a member pack requires a disambiguation token ... just before the member name.

template<typename F, typename... Types>
decltype(auto) visit(F f, variant<Types...>& var) {
  return var._index == int... ...? f(var. ...m) : __builtin_unreachable();

The program is ill-formed if, during substitution, the compiler finds a member pack without a preceding ... token, or if it finds a non-member pack with the token. In other words, if you mess up disambiguation, the compiler will remind you on what to do.

Basic mdspan.

mdspan is a multi-dimensional span class, that can be specialized over any mixture of static and dynamic extents. Static extents take no storage, and are pinned to template parameters. The challenge of implementation is ensuring partially-static storage, so that only the dynamic extents take storage, while providing both dynamic and static access to this now-irregular collection of values.

template<size_t index, size_t Extent>
struct _storage_t {
  // static storage.
  constexpr _storage_t(size_t extent) noexcept { }
  static constexpr size_t extent = Extent;

template<size_t index>
struct _storage_t<index, dynamic_extent> {
  // dynamic storage.
  constexpr _storage_t(size_t extent) noexcept : extent(extent) { }
  size_t extent;

template<size_t... Extents>
struct extents {
  // Partial static storage.
  [[no_unique_address]] _storage_t<int..., Extents> ...m;

The heart of the Circle mdspan implementation is a [[no_unique_address]] member pack declaration of storage_t types. When the Extent template parameter equals dynamic_extent, then the extent is stored by the non-static data member extent. Otherwise, the extent is indicated by the static data member of the same name. _storage_t classes specialized on static extents are empty classes, and we arrange that they take no space in the extents class by using the [[no_unique_address]] attribute and by making their types unique, specializing the class templates with the index of the extent within its collection. Empty unique types marked [[no_unique_address]] alias to the same layout offset, effectively requiring no space.

extent1.cxx - Compiler Explorer

#include <type_traits>
#include <limits>
#include <iostream>

constexpr size_t dynamic_extent = size_t.max;

template<typename Type>
concept SizeType = std::is_convertible_v<Type, size_t>;

template<size_t index, size_t Extent>
struct _storage_t {
  // static storage.
  constexpr _storage_t(size_t extent) noexcept { }
  static constexpr size_t extent = Extent;

template<size_t index>
struct _storage_t<index, dynamic_extent> {
  // dynamic storage.
  constexpr _storage_t(size_t extent) noexcept : extent(extent) { }
  size_t extent;

template<size_t... Extents>
struct extents {
  // Partial static storage.
  [[no_unique_address]] _storage_t<int..., Extents> ...m;

  // Count the rank (number of Extents).
  static constexpr size_t rank() noexcept {
    return sizeof... Extents;

  // Count the dynamic rank (number of Extents equal to dynamic_equal).
  static constexpr size_t rank_dynamic() noexcept {
    return (0 + ... + (dynamic_extent == Extents));

  // Dynamic access to extents.
  constexpr size_t extent(size_t i) const noexcept {
    return i == int... ...? m.extent : 0;

  // Construct from one index per extent.
  template<SizeType... IndexTypes>
  requires(sizeof...(IndexTypes) == rank())
  constexpr extents(IndexTypes... exts) noexcept : m(exts)... { }

  // Map index I to index of dynamic extent J.
  template<size_t I>
  static constexpr size_t find_dynamic_index =
    (0 + ... + (dynamic_extent == Extents...[:I]));

  // Construct from one index per *dynamic extent*.
  template<SizeType... IndexTypes>
    sizeof...(IndexTypes) != rank() && 
    sizeof...(IndexTypes) == rank_dynamic()
  constexpr extents(IndexTypes... exts) noexcept : m(
    dynamic_extent == Extents ??
      exts...[find_dynamic_index<int...>] :
  )... { }

int main() {
  using Extents = extents<3, 4, dynamic_extent, dynamic_extent, 7>;

  // Initialize extents with one value per extent.
  Extents e1(3, 4, 5, 6, 7);

  // Initialize extents with one value per *dynamic extent*. The static extents
  // are inherited from the template arguments.
  Extents e2(5, 6);

  for(int i : Extents::rank())
    std::cout<< i<< ": "<< e1.extent(i)<< " - "<< e2.extent(i)<< "\n";

mdspan is challenging to implement because the division of extents into static and dynamic categories creates an irregularity when indexing. This is most acute in the constructor which takes a function parameter for each dynamic extent. The Circle implementation defines a variable template find_dynamic_index which counts the number of dynamic extents prior to some extent index I. This is a search operation, easily accomplished by using a pack slice inside a fold-expression.

  template<size_t I>
  static constexpr size_t find_dynamic_index =
    (0 + ... + (dynamic_extent == Extents...[:I]));

The slice ...[:I] effectively truncates the template parameter pack Extents to its first I elements. These are compared with dynamic_extent, and all the matches are summed.

  template<SizeType... IndexTypes>
    sizeof...(IndexTypes) != rank() && 
    sizeof...(IndexTypes) == rank_dynamic()
  constexpr extents(IndexTypes... exts) noexcept : m(
    dynamic_extent == Extents ??
      exts...[find_dynamic_index<int...>] :
  )... { }

The constructor's mem-initializer-list initializes each element of the member pack m. If the extent corresponding to a member is dynamic_extent, then find_dynamic_index<int...>, where int... yields the index of the current pack expansion, specifies a gather index into the function parameter pack exts. We're telling the compiler: if this is a dynamic extent, search for the function parameter specifying the extent, and gather and initialize from that; otherwise, initialize from the static extent in the Extents template parameter.

The constexpr conditional operator ??: serves as an important guard. Consider if we specialized extents<dynamic_extent, 3> and called the one-parameter dynamic extent constructor. When computing the subobject initializer for m1, we might specialize find_dynamic_index<1>, which would count the number of preceding dynamic_extent elements, which is 1 in this case. exts...[find_dynamic_index<int...>] would then attempt to read function parameter 1, which is out-of-range, because we only passed it one function parameter in all. However, the ??: operator only substitutes the middle operand when the left-hand operand true, and only subtitutes the right-hand operand when the left-hand operand is false. Usage of this operator, as well as its multi-conditional sibling ...??:, helps a program guard against substitution failure.

2. Circle Imperative Arguments.

Circle includes a simple domain-specific language for programmatically constructing template argument lists, function argument lists and initializer lists using common programming primitives like for loops, if statements and declarations. I don't know if it's Turing Complete, but you can write a Game of Life in a handful of lines, entirely within a template argument list.

Create an n-length set.

mdspan specifies a dextents alias template which typedefs a fully-dynamic extents object for a given rank:

template<size_t Rank>
using dextents = extents<dynamic_extent x Rank times here>;

The proposal suggests this exposition implementation:

  template<size_t Rank>
    using dextents = decltype(
      [] <size_t... Pack> (index_sequence<Pack...>) constexpr {
        return extents<
          [] (auto) constexpr { return dynamic_extent; } (
            integral_constant<size_t, Pack>{})...>{};

The reference implementation uses a more traditional TMP approach, with recursive template specialization.

But this should be easy. You shouldn't need nested lambdas in unevaluated contexts just to replicate an argument N times. This is one spot in which CIA makes programming easy:

template<size_t Rank>
using dextents = extents<for i : Rank => dynamic_extent>;

Inside the template-argument-list production, write an argument-for to loop the declaration i from 0 to Rank - 1. The => wide arrow indicates the body of the loop, which can be a type, non-type, template, universal template parameter, or another CIA construct like an if, for, declaration, or so on. We can literally write loops in argument lists, and deposit arguments with each step.

Tuple cat.

template< class... Tuples >
std::tuple<CTypes...> tuple_cat(Tuples&&... args);

std::tuple_cat is a generic function that concatenates all the tuple elements from all of its arguments. It's typically hard to implement!

tuple_cat1.cxx - Compiler Explorer

#include <tuple>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>

template<class... Tuples>
constexpr std::tuple<
  for typename Ti : Tuples => 
tuple_cat1(Tuples&&... tpls) {
  return { 
    for i, typename Ti : Tuples =>

int main() {
  using namespace std::string_literals;
  auto t1 = std::make_tuple(1, 2.2, "Three");
  auto t2 = std::make_tuple("Four"s, 5i16);
  auto t3 = std::make_tuple(6.6f, 7ull);

  auto cat1 = tuple_cat1(t1, t2, t3);

  std::cout<< decltype(cat1).tuple_elements.string<< ": "<< cat1.[:]<< "\n" ...;  
$ circle tuple_cat1.cxx && ./tuple_cat1
int: 1
double: 2.2
const char*: Three
std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>>: Four
short: 5
float: 6.6
unsigned long long: 7

But CIA makes it easy. There are two steps:

  1. Form the function return type by looping over all types in the Tuples template parameter pack, and expanding the trait tuple_elements on each one.
  2. Form the initializer-list for the return object by looping over all types in the template parameter pack, and declaring i to hold the corresponding index of the loop. (i and Ti are advanced together.) For each step, forward the current function parameter and insert its elements into the initializer-list.

We use CIA's argument-for syntax, which both declares an integer step index and a type alias for each element in the type parameter pack. Pack subscript tpls...[i] accesses each function parameter, and the trailing ... implicitly slices the tuple into its elements, and expands those elements into the list.

Circle supports tuple_elements (and variant_alternatives) as pack-yielding member traits. Under the hood the compiler queries tuple_size and probes the tuple_elements class template for each element index, and exposes all this information to the sure as an imperative pack. There's nothing to deduce, you just ask and expand it right into the argument list.

3. Deduced forwarding references.

There's an in depth discussion of deduced forwarding references here. In a word, deduced forwarding references fix a hole in C++'s support for function declarations and overload resolution. DFRs allow a function parameter to infer the reference and cv qualifiers of its argument while actively deducing the argument type. This differs from ordinary C++11 forwarding references which infer all three things.

As an example:

template<typename T, typename... Args>
void f(T&& u : std::tuple<Args...>);

T can deduced to any of eight possible types, allowing this one function to take the place of up to eight separate overloads:

template<typename... Args>
void f(std::tuple<Args...>& u);

template<typename... Args>
void f(const std::tuple<Args...>& u);

template<typename... Args>
void f(volatile std::tuple<Args...>& u);

template<typename... Args>
void f(const volatile std::tuple<Args...>& u);

template<typename... Args>
void f(std::tuple<Args...>&& u);

template<typename... Args>
void f(const std::tuple<Args...>&& u);

template<typename... Args>
void f(volatile std::tuple<Args...>&& u);

template<typename... Args>
void f(const volatile std::tuple<Args...>&& u);

This is directly applicable to generic containers like std::tuple, which specifies operations with four otherwise-identical overloads differing only in their cv-ref qualifiers.

template<size_t I, class Tuple, class...Types>
auto&& get(Tuple&& t : tuple<Types...>) noexcept {
  static_assert(I < sizeof...(Types));
  return std::forward<Tuple>(t).template _get<I>();

template<class T, class Tuple, class... Types>
auto&& get(Tuple&& t : tuple<Types...>) noexcept {
  static_assert(1 == (0 + ... + (T == Types)));
  constexpr size_t I = T == Types ...?? int... : -1;
  return std::forward<Tuple>(t).template _get<I>();

The Circle tuple implementation reduces the eight get overloads declared in the Standard to just two function definitions. This 4:1 replacement can be observed in many scenarios in the Standard Library, as well as user code. It plays nicely with P0847R7 - Deducing 'this', also implemented in Circle. That proposal exposes the implicit object argument as an explicit function parameter. You could already use a C++11 forwarding reference with that. But now you can use a deduced forwarding reference to further constrain it to the class type, getting around the "shadowing problem". See P2481R0 - Forwarding reference to specific type/template for further motivation of this mechanism.

4. N-dimensional visit.

The most troublesome function in the C++ variant specification is its std::visit function. Experience with variant inspired a Circle builtin for generating an n-dimensional visitor pattern. Michael Park documented the struggles of implementing even a one-dimensional visitor with ISO C++.


template <class Visitor, class... Variants>
constexpr decltype(auto) visit(Visitor&& vis, Variants&&... vars) {
  if((... || vars.valueless_by_exception()))
    throw bad_variant_access("variant visit has valueless index");

  return __visit<Variants.remove_reference.variant_size...>(
      std::forward<Variants>(vars).template get<indices>()...

The __visit builtin takes N template arguments, which indicate the extent of each dimension. The first function parameter is the callable. The subsequence N function parameters indicate the runtime values for each dimension. The compiler generates the N-dimensional switch.

The __visit builtin is also reflection-aware, allowing specialization over enums (where it visits all enumerators), and on specializations of integer_sequence, where it visits all template parameters.

5. Builtins for overload resolution.

My experience implementing variant inspired two extensions for exposing more of the compiler's overload resolution capabilities.

__preferred_copy_init takes an argument type and a set of target types, and finds the target type with the best viable copy initialization given the argument type. If there is no viable initialization, or there are ambiguous best viable conversions, the builtin yields -1.

This makes for an easy implementation of the variant converting constructor.


  template<typename T, int j = __preferred_copy_init(T, Types...)>
    -1 != j &&
    T.remove_cvref != variant && 
    T.template != std::in_place_type_t &&
    T.template != std::in_place_index_t && 
    std::is_constructible_v<Types...[j], T>
  constexpr variant(T&& arg) 
    noexcept(std::is_nothrow_constructible_v<Types...[j], T>) :
    m...[j](std::forward<T>(arg)), _index(j) { }

__preferred_assignment has the same parameterization as __preferred_copy_init, but finds the best viable assignment operator. This makes implementing the variant converting assignment very easy.

  template<class T, size_t j = __preferred_assignment(T&&, Types...)>
  requires(T.remove_cvref != variant && -1 != j &&
    std::is_constructible_v<Types...[j], T>)
  constexpr variant& operator=(T&& t) 
  noexcept(std::is_nothrow_assignable_v<Types...[j], T> &&
    std::is_nothrow_constructible_v<Types...[j], T>) {
    if(_index == j) {
      // If *this holds Tj, assigns std::forward<T>(t) to the value contained
      // in *this.
      m...[j] = std::forward<T>(t);
    } else if constexpr(std::is_nothrow_constructible_v<Types...[j], T> ||
      !std::is_nothrow_move_constructible_v<Types...[j]>) {
      // Otherwise, if is_nothrow_constructible_v<Tj, T> || 
      // !is_nothrow_move_constructible_v<Tj> is true, equivalent to
      // emplace<j>(Tj(std::forward<T>(t))).
      new(&m...[j]) Types...[j](std::forward<T>(t));
      _index = j;
    } else {
      // Otherwise, equivalent to emplace<j>(Tj(std::forward<T>(t))).
      Types...[j] temp(std::forward<T>(t));
      new(&m...[j]) Types...[j](std::move(temp));
      _index = j;
    return *this;

6. First-class tuple support.

As documented here, the operators .[I] and [begin:end:step] subscript and slice "structured types." What types are these?

  • Tuple-like types that specialize std::tuple_size yield their elements.
    • std::tuple
    • std::pair
    • std::array
    • circle::tuple
  • Builtin arrays yield their elements.
  • Other classes and structs yield their non-static public data members.

The sizeof. operator returns the number of elements in a structured type. For a tuple-like type, this returns std::tuple_size. For an array, it returns the number of elements in the first rank. For other class types, it returns the number of non-static data members.

The tuple_elements member trait probes std::tuple_elements and yields the contained types as a parameter pack.

access.cxx - Compiler Explorer

#include <tuple>
#include <array>
#include <iostream>

int main() {
  std::tuple<int, double, const char*> tup(
    100, 3.14, "Hello std::tuple"

  std::cout<< int...<<": "<< decltype(tup).tuple_elements.string<< "\n" ...;

  // Print out by subscript.
  std::cout<< "Print by subscript:\n";
  std::cout<< "  0: "<< tup.[0]<< "\n";
  std::cout<< "  1: "<< tup.[1]<< "\n";
  std::cout<< "  2: "<< tup.[2]<< "\n";

  // Print out by slice.
  std::cout<< "Print by slice - "<< sizeof. tup<< " elements:\n";
  std::cout<< "  "<< int...<< ": "<< tup.[:]<< "\n" ...;

  std::pair<const char*, long> pair(
    "A pair's string",
  std::cout<< "Works with pairs - "<< sizeof. pair<< " elements:\n";
  std::cout<< "  "<< int...<< ": "<< pair.[:]<< "\n" ...;

  int primes[] { 2, 3, 5, 7, 11 };
  std::cout<< "Works with builtin arrays - "<< sizeof. primes<< " elements:\n";
  std::cout<< "  "<< int...<< ": "<< primes.[:]<< "\n" ...;
$ circle access.cxx && ./access
0: int
1: double
2: const char*
Print by subscript:
  0: 100
  1: 3.14
  2: Hello std::tuple
Print by slice - 3 elements:
  0: 100
  1: 3.14
  2: Hello std::tuple
Works with pairs - 2 elements:
  0: A pair's string
  1: 42
Works with builtin arrays - 5 elements:
  0: 2
  1: 3
  2: 5
  3: 7
  4: 11

This sample shows the tuple subscript and slice operators on a variety of types. Because Circle imperatively will create a pack from a tuple's elements, you don't need indirection through an apply-like function for the purpose of argument deduction. Write your operation inline, and use a pack expansion at the end of the statement to transform each element.