- Build the PhysX SDK in the required config (e.g. vc14win64/vc15win64 debug/profile/checked/release)
- Build corresponding build config of the demo (./source/compiler/vc15win64-PhysX_4.0/KaplaDemo.sln). The post-build step will copy across the required DLLs from the PhysX build.
- Run the demo
Per-demo help screens can be displayed by pressing F1. Possible command line args are displayed on the console.
The demo requires a minimum spec of a Kepler class NVIDIA GPU although best performance is achieved with a Maxwell or Pascal GPU, e.g. GTX970 or above.
The Win32 build may intermittently boot to a black screen. If this occurs, exit the demo and try again. This is caused by the 32-bit GL library failing to allocate a large buffer. This issue does not occur on 64-bit builds.
This depot contains external third party open source software, copyright belonging to their respective owners:
- OpenGL Extension Wrangler Library
- glext
- glut
- FrameBufferObject by Aaron Lefohn, Robert Strzodka, and Adam Moerschell