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Changelog for v2.1

This is a minor release of Ecto that builds on the foundation established by Ecto 2.

Ecto 2.1 requires Elixir 1.3+.


Integration with Elixir 1.3 calendar types

Ecto now supports the following native types :date, :time, :naive_datetime and :utc_datetime that map to Elixir types Date, Time, NaiveDateTime and DateTime respectively. :naive_datetime has no timezone information, while :utc_datetime expects the data is stored in the database in the "Etc/UTC" timezone.

Ecto 2.1 also changed the defaults in Ecto.Schema.timestamps/0 to use :naive_datetime as type instead of Ecto.DateTime and to include microseconds by default. You can revert to the previous defaults by setting the following before your schema/2 call:

@timestamps_opts [type: Ecto.DateTime, usec: false]

The old Ecto types (Ecto.Date, Ecto.Time and Ecto.DateTime) are now deprecated.

Dynamic through associations

Ecto 2.1 allows developers to dynamically load through associations via the Ecto.assoc/2 function. For example, to get all authors for all comments for an existing list of posts, one can do:

posts = Repo.all from p in Post, where: is_nil(p.published_at)
Repo.all assoc(posts, [:comments, :author])

In fact, we now recommend developers to prefer dynamically loading through associations as they do not require adding fields to the schema.


Ecto 2.1 now supports upserts (insert or update instructions) on both Ecto.Repo.insert/2 and Ecto.Repo.insert_all/3 via the :on_conflict and :conflict_target options.

:on_conflict controls how the database behaves when the entry being inserted already matches an existing primary key, unique or exclusion constraint in the database. :on_conflict defaults to :raise but may be set to :nothing or a query that configures how to update the matching entries.

The :conflict_target option allows some databases to restrict which fields to check for conflicts, instead of leaving it up for database inference.


# Insert it once
{:ok, inserted} = MyRepo.insert(%Post{title: "inserted"})

# Insert with the same ID but do nothing on conflicts.
# Keep in mind that, although this returns :ok, the returned
# struct may not necessarily reflect the data in the database.
{:ok, upserted} = MyRepo.insert(%Post{id:, title: "updated"},
                                on_conflict: :nothing)

# Now let's insert with the same ID but use a query to update
# a column on conflicts.  As before, although this returns :ok,
# the returned struct may not necessarily reflect the data in
# the database. In fact, any operation done on `:on_conflict`
# won't be automatically mapped to the struct.

# In Postgres:
on_conflict = [set: [title: "updated"]]
{:ok, updated} = MyRepo.insert(%Post{id:, title: "updated"},
                               on_conflict: on_conflict, conflict_target: :id)

# In MySQL:
on_conflict = [set: [title: "updated"]]
{:ok, updated} = MyRepo.insert(%Post{id:, title: "updated"},
                               on_conflict: on_conflict)

Named subquery fields

Ecto 2.0 introduced subqueries and Ecto 2.1 brings the ability to use maps to name the expressions selected in a subquery, allowing developers to return tables with conflicting fields or with any other complex expression such as fragments or aggregates:

posts_with_private = from p in Post, select: %{title: p.title, public: not p.private}
from p in subquery(posts_with_private), where: ..., select: p

or_where and or_having

Ecto 2.1 adds or_where and or_having that allows developers to add new query filters using OR when combining with previous filters.

from(c in City, where: [state: "Sweden"], or_where: [state: "Brazil"])

It is also possible to interpolate the whole keyword list to dynamically filter the source using OR filters:

filters = [state: "Sweden", state: "Brazil"]
from(c in City, or_where: ^filters)

v2.1.0-rc.3 (2016-10-08)


  • Add Repo.load/2 for loading database values into a schema/struct
  • Validate primary key uniqueness at the repository level for assocs and embeds
  • Support passing :ownership_timeout when checking out a sandbox connection

Bug fix

  • Ensure @schema_prefix module attribute is respected when querying associations with Ecto.assoc/2
  • Do not run transactions for empty Ecto.Multi
  • Ensure validate_confirmation runs even if source field is missing

v2.1.0-rc.2 (2016-10-08)


  • Raise error when non-existing field is being validated

Bug fixes

  • Do not emit warnings when aliases are used in the schema
  • Correct use of "associated to" to "associated with" in error messages
  • Ensure preloader recurs through :through associations using the proper key configurations

v2.1.0-rc.1 (2016-09-28)

Bug fixes

  • Do not error when inserting an embed without or with non-default primary key
  • Ensure where and or_where statements use different cache keys
  • Support or_where in the query syntax

v2.1.0-rc.0 (2016-09-18)


  • Integrate with Elixir 1.3 calendar types
  • Dynamically load through associations in Ecto.assoc/2
  • Add the :on_conflict and :conflict_target options to insert/2 and insert_all/3 for upserts
  • Add or_where and or_having to Ecto.Query for adding further where and having clauses combined with an OR instead of an AND
  • Allow subquery fields to be named, adding support for complex expressions in subqueries as well as the ability to solve conflicts on duplicated fields
  • Support the :prefix option through the Ecto.Repo API
  • Embeds are no longer required to have a primary key field. Coupled with the new on_replace: :update (or on_replace: :delete) option, this allows embeds_one relationships to be updated (or deleted) even without a primary key. For embeds_many, :on_replace must be set to :delete in case updates are desired, forcing all current embeds to be deleted and replaced by new ones whenever a new list of embeds is set
  • Support ... to specify all previous bindings up to the next one in the query syntax. For example, where([p, ..., c], p.status == c.status) matches p to the first binding and c to the last one
  • Only check for nil values during comparison. This avoids unnecessary restrictions on the query syntax on places nil should have been allowed
  • Allow the ordering direction to be set when using expressions with Ecto.Query.distinct/3


  • Ecto.Date, Ecto.Time and Ecto.DateTime are deprecated
  • :datetime is deprecated as column type in Ecto.Migration, use :naive_datetime or :utc_datetime instead
  • Deprecate Ecto.Changeset.cast/4 in favor of Ecto.Changeset.cast/3 + Ecto.Changeset.validate_required/3

Previous versions

  • See the in the v2.0 branch