diff --git a/.DS_Store b/.DS_Store
index f58f5483..3c9e5515 100644
Binary files a/.DS_Store and b/.DS_Store differ
diff --git "a/6.\347\210\254\350\231\253\351\241\271\347\233\256\346\272\220\347\240\201/.DS_Store" "b/6.\347\210\254\350\231\253\351\241\271\347\233\256\346\272\220\347\240\201/.DS_Store"
index 6dda80bb..cd569b7e 100644
Binary files "a/6.\347\210\254\350\231\253\351\241\271\347\233\256\346\272\220\347\240\201/.DS_Store" and "b/6.\347\210\254\350\231\253\351\241\271\347\233\256\346\272\220\347\240\201/.DS_Store" differ
diff --git "a/6.\347\210\254\350\231\253\351\241\271\347\233\256\346\272\220\347\240\201/11.\346\267\230\345\256\235/Search.py" "b/6.\347\210\254\350\231\253\351\241\271\347\233\256\346\272\220\347\240\201/11.\346\267\230\345\256\235/Search.py"
deleted file mode 100644
index cfb7a837..00000000
--- "a/6.\347\210\254\350\231\253\351\241\271\347\233\256\346\272\220\347\240\201/11.\346\267\230\345\256\235/Search.py"
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,270 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
-# 程序:search.py
-# 版本:1
-# 作者:ly
-# 日期:编写日期2016/11/23
-# 语言:Python 2.7.x
-# 操作:python search.py 关键词 存储文件名 (排序呢方式)1或者2
-# 功能:
-import requests
-import time,sys,json,os
-import xlsxwriter
-from sys import argv
-from selenium import webdriver
-from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
-from lxml import etree#
-import re
-# 中文编码设置
-Type = sys.getfilesystemencoding()
-url_list = []
-#def main(work,key,num,mkname):
-def main(work,key,num,mkname,start_price,end_price):
- #print type(num),num
- if num == '1':
- url = '''https://s.m.taobao.com/search?event_submit_do_new_search_auction=1\
- &_input_charset=utf-8&topSearch=1&atype=b&searchfrom=1&action=home%3Aredirect_app_action&\
- from=1&q='''+key+'''&sst=1&n=40&buying=buyitnow&m=api4h5&abtest=10&wlsort=10&page=1'''
- elif num == '3':
- url = '''https://s.m.taobao.com/search?event_submit_do_new_search_auction=1\
- &_input_charset=utf-8&topSearch=1&atype=b&searchfrom=1&action=home%3Aredirect_app_action&\
- from=1&q=''' + key + '''&sst=1&n=40&buying=buyitnow&m=api4h5&abtest=3\
- &wlsort=3&style=list&closeModues=nav%2Cselecthot%2Conesearch&\
- start_price='''+str(start_price)+'''&end_price='''+str(end_price)+'''&page=1\
- '''
- else :#num == '2':
- url = '''https://s.m.taobao.com/search?event_submit_do_new_search_auction=1\
- &_input_charset=utf-8&topSearch=1&atype=b&searchfrom=1&action=home%3Aredirect_app_action&\
- from=1&q=''' + key + '''&sst=1&n=40&buying=buyitnow&m=api4h5&abtest=14&\
- wlsort=14&style=list&closeModues=nav%2Cselecthot%2Conesearch&sort=_sale&page=1
- '''
- #print url
- try:
- body = requests.get(url)
- body = body.text.encode('utf8')
- dic_body = eval(body)
- except Exception,e:
- print "请求出错,请将下列url放于浏览器中看是否可以打开"
- print url
- print e
- for i in range(40):
- print "当前正在采集第 ",i+1," 个"
- try:
- num_id = dic_body["listItem"][i]['item_id']
- except:
- num_id = ''
- try:
- act = dic_body["listItem"][i]['act'] # 付款数
- except:
- act = ''
- try:
- area = dic_body["listItem"][i]['area'] # 地区
- except:
- area = ''
- try:
- auctionURL = "https:"+dic_body["listItem"][i]['url'] # 商品url
- #print len(auctionURL)
- if(len(auctionURL)> 250):
- auctionURL_1 = auctionURL[:250]
- auctionURL_2 = auctionURL[250::]
- else:
- auctionURL_1 = auctionURL
- auctionURL_2 = ''
- #print auctionURL_1
- #print auctionURL_2
- except:
- auctionURL = ''
- auctionURL_1 = ''
- auctionURL_2 = ''
- try:
- name = dic_body["listItem"][i]['name'] # 商品名
- except:
- name = ''
- try:
- nick = dic_body["listItem"][i]['nick'] # 店铺名
- except :
- nick = ''
- try:
- originalPrice = dic_body["listItem"][i]['originalPrice'] # 原始价格
- except:
- originalPrice = ''
- try:
- price = dic_body["listItem"][i]['price'] # 当前价格
- except :
- price =''
- try:
- pic_path = dic_body["listItem"][i]['pic_path'] # 当前价格
- #print pic_path
- pic_path = pic_path.replace('60x60','210x210')
- pic_name = str(i+1)+'-'+nick
- img_download(pic_name,pic_path,mkname+'/pic')
- except Exception,e:
- print e
- pic_path = ''
- try:
- zkType = dic_body["listItem"][i]['zkType'] # 当前价格
- except:
- zkType = ''
- try:
- html_date = download_date(auctionURL_1)
- except:
- html_date = ''
- print html_date
- date = [ name, nick,act,price ,originalPrice,zkType,area,auctionURL_1 , auctionURL_2 ,pic_path,html_date,num_id]
- #print len(date)
- num = i+2
- install_table(date,work,num)
- # 商品名 店铺 付款人数 当前价格 原始价格 优惠类型 地区 商品url 图片url 详情数据#
- # name nick act price originalPrice zkType area auctionURL pic_path html_date
-def download_date(url):
- '''导入商品url,进行详情页面解析'''
- if(url.find("taobao")!= -1):
- print "检测为淘宝的页面"
- try:
- driver = webdriver.PhantomJS()
- print "正在获取详情页面,url为"
- #url ="https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=538287375253&abtest=10&rn=07abc745561bdfad6f726eb186dd990e&sid=46f938ba6d759f6e420440bf98b6caea"
- url = url
- print url
- driver.get(url)
- driver.implicitly_wait(40) #设置智能超时时间
- html = driver.page_source.encode('utf-8')
- driver.quit()
- except Exception,e:
- print "页面加载失败",e
- return 0
- try:
- print '正在解析页面'
- selector=etree.HTML(html, parser=etree.HTMLParser(encoding='utf-8'))
- context=selector.xpath('//ul[@class="attributes-list"]/li')
- list_date = u''
- for i in range(len(context)):
- a = etree.tostring(context[i], encoding="utf-8")#.encode('utf-8')
- b = a.split('>')
- end = b[1].split('<')[0]+';'
- list_date += end
- #print list_date.encode('utf8')
- return list_date
- except:
- print '页面解析失败'
- return 0
- #else if(url.find("tmall")):
- # print "检测为天猫页面,"
- # pass
-def install_table(date,work,i):
- '''导入数据列表存入表格中 '''
- str_list = ['B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M',"O"]
- #global worksheet1
- try:
- work.write('A'+str(i),int(i)-1)
- except Exception,e:
- print '无法写入'
- print e
- for now_str,now_date in zip(str_list,date):
- num = now_str+str(i)
- try:
- work.write(num,now_date)
- except Exception, e:
- print "无法写入"
- print e
-def img_download(id,url,mkname):
- '''导入图片url,文件夹名,以id为图片名'''
- try:
- print "主图下载中"
- #img = requests.get(url).context()
- name = id
- r = requests.get(url,timeout = 50)
- #name = int(time.time())
- f = open('./'+mkname+'/'+str(name)+'.jpg','wb')
- f.write(r.content)
- f.close()
- except :
- print "主图下载失败"
-def create_mkdir(name):
- '''创建文件夹'''
- try:
- print "开始创建文件夹 ",name
- os.mkdir(r'./'+name)
- os.mkdir(r'./'+name+"/pic")
- except Exception,e:
- print e
-def create_table(name):
- ''' 导入表格名字,在当前目录下创建该表格'''
- try:
- name = './'+name+'/'+name+'.xlsx'
- workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook(name)
- worksheet1 = workbook.add_worksheet()
- worksheet1.write('A1', 'ID')
- worksheet1.write('B1', u"商品名")
- worksheet1.write('C1', u'店铺')
- worksheet1.write('D1', u'付款人数')
- worksheet1.write('E1', u'当前价格')
- worksheet1.write('F1', u'原始价格')
- worksheet1.write('G1', u'优惠类型')
- worksheet1.write('H1', u'地区')
- worksheet1.write('I1', u'商品url_1')
- worksheet1.write('J1', u'商品url_2')
- worksheet1.write('K1', u'图片url')
- worksheet1.write('L1', u'date')
- worksheet1.write('M1', u'宝贝id')
- #workbook.close()
- print '表格构建完成,name',name
- return worksheet1,workbook
- except Exception,e:
- print e
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- #print argv
- try:
- key = argv[1]
- except:
- print '请指定关键词作为第一个参数'
- key = ''
- try:
- name = argv[2]
- except:
- print "请指定输出文件名问第二个参数"
- name = ''
- try:
- num = argv[3]
- #print num ,star_price , end_price
- except:
- print "请指定排序方式 1 为综合排序 2 为销量排序, 当前默认为综合排序"
- num = 1
- try:
- star_price = argv[4]
- end_price = argv[5]
- except:
- star_price = ''
- end_price = ''
- #key = u'皮裤男'
- print '启动采集,关键词为:',key," 存入: ", name,"排序为 ",num,star_price,end_price
- if ( key == '' or name == '' or num == ''):
- print '参数不正确'
- print "请按顺序输入参数 关键词 输出文件名 排序方式(1或者2)"
- print "例如:python Search.py 皮裤男 皮裤男1 2"
- else:
- create_mkdir(name)
- work,workbook = create_table(name)
- #time.sleep(100)
- print '开始采集请等待'
- #main(work,key,num,name)
- main(work,key,num,name,star_price,end_price)
- workbook.close()
- print '采集完成'
diff --git "a/6.\347\210\254\350\231\253\351\241\271\347\233\256\346\272\220\347\240\201/11.\346\267\230\345\256\235/Search0.py" "b/6.\347\210\254\350\231\253\351\241\271\347\233\256\346\272\220\347\240\201/11.\346\267\230\345\256\235/Search0.py"
deleted file mode 100644
index 03d3e8ee..00000000
--- "a/6.\347\210\254\350\231\253\351\241\271\347\233\256\346\272\220\347\240\201/11.\346\267\230\345\256\235/Search0.py"
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,270 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
-# 程序:search.py
-# 版本:1
-# 作者:ly
-# 日期:编写日期2016/11/23
-# 语言:Python 2.7.x
-# 操作:python search.py 关键词 存储文件名 (排序呢方式)1或者2
-# 功能:
-import requests
-import time,sys,json,os
-import xlsxwriter
-from sys import argv
-from selenium import webdriver
-from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
-from lxml import etree#
-import re
-# 中文编码设置
-Type = sys.getfilesystemencoding()
-url_list = []
-#def main(work,key,num,mkname):
-def main(work,key,num,mkname,start_price,end_price):
- #print type(num),num
- if num == '1':
- url = '''https://s.m.taobao.com/search?event_submit_do_new_search_auction=1\
- &_input_charset=utf-8&topSearch=1&atype=b&searchfrom=1&action=home%3Aredirect_app_action&\
- from=1&q='''+key+'''&sst=1&n=40&buying=buyitnow&m=api4h5&abtest=10&wlsort=10&page=1'''
- elif num == '3':
- url = '''https://s.m.taobao.com/search?event_submit_do_new_search_auction=1\
- &_input_charset=utf-8&topSearch=1&atype=b&searchfrom=1&action=home%3Aredirect_app_action&\
- from=1&q=''' + key + '''&sst=1&n=40&buying=buyitnow&m=api4h5&abtest=3\
- &wlsort=3&style=list&closeModues=nav%2Cselecthot%2Conesearch&\
- start_price='''+str(start_price)+'''&end_price='''+str(end_price)+'''&page=1\
- '''
- else :#num == '2':
- url = '''https://s.m.taobao.com/search?event_submit_do_new_search_auction=1\
- &_input_charset=utf-8&topSearch=1&atype=b&searchfrom=1&action=home%3Aredirect_app_action&\
- from=1&q=''' + key + '''&sst=1&n=40&buying=buyitnow&m=api4h5&abtest=14&\
- wlsort=14&style=list&closeModues=nav%2Cselecthot%2Conesearch&sort=_sale&page=1
- '''
- #print url
- try:
- body = requests.get(url)
- body = body.text.encode('utf8')
- dic_body = eval(body)
- except Exception,e:
- print "请求出错,请将下列url放于浏览器中看是否可以打开"
- print url
- print e
- for i in range(40):
- print "当前正在采集第 ",i+1," 个"
- try:
- num_id = dic_body["listItem"][i]['item_id']
- except:
- num_id = ''
- try:
- act = dic_body["listItem"][i]['act'] # 付款数
- except:
- act = ''
- try:
- area = dic_body["listItem"][i]['area'] # 地区
- except:
- area = ''
- try:
- auctionURL = "https:"+dic_body["listItem"][i]['url'] # 商品url
- #print len(auctionURL)
- if(len(auctionURL)> 250):
- auctionURL_1 = auctionURL[:250]
- auctionURL_2 = auctionURL[250::]
- else:
- auctionURL_1 = auctionURL
- auctionURL_2 = ''
- #print auctionURL_1
- #print auctionURL_2
- except:
- auctionURL = ''
- auctionURL_1 = ''
- auctionURL_2 = ''
- try:
- name = dic_body["listItem"][i]['name'] # 商品名
- except:
- name = ''
- try:
- nick = dic_body["listItem"][i]['nick'] # 店铺名
- except :
- nick = ''
- try:
- originalPrice = dic_body["listItem"][i]['originalPrice'] # 原始价格
- except:
- originalPrice = ''
- try:
- price = dic_body["listItem"][i]['price'] # 当前价格
- except :
- price =''
- try:
- pic_path = dic_body["listItem"][i]['pic_path'] # 当前价格
- #print pic_path
- pic_path = pic_path.replace('60x60','210x210')
- pic_name = str(i+1)+'-'+nick
- img_download(pic_name,pic_path,mkname+'/pic')
- except Exception,e:
- print e
- pic_path = ''
- try:
- zkType = dic_body["listItem"][i]['zkType'] # 当前价格
- except:
- zkType = ''
- try:
- html_date = download_date(auctionURL_1)
- except:
- html_date = ''
- print html_date
- date = [ name, nick,act,price ,originalPrice,zkType,area,auctionURL_1 , auctionURL_2 ,pic_path,html_date,num_id]
- #print len(date)
- num = i+2
- install_table(date,work,num)
- # 商品名 店铺 付款人数 当前价格 原始价格 优惠类型 地区 商品url 图片url 详情数据#
- # name nick act price originalPrice zkType area auctionURL pic_path html_date
-def download_date(url):
- '''导入商品url,进行详情页面解析'''
- if(url.find("taobao")!= -1):
- print "检测为淘宝的页面"
- try:
- driver = webdriver.PhantomJS()
- print "正在获取详情页面,url为"
- #url ="https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=538287375253&abtest=10&rn=07abc745561bdfad6f726eb186dd990e&sid=46f938ba6d759f6e420440bf98b6caea"
- url = url
- print url
- driver.get(url)
- browser.implicitly_wait(40) #设置智能超时时间
- html = driver.page_source.encode('utf-8')
- driver.quit()
- except,Exception,e:
- print "页面加载失败",e
- return 0
- try:
- print '正在解析页面'
- selector=etree.HTML(html, parser=etree.HTMLParser(encoding='utf-8'))
- context=selector.xpath('//ul[@class="attributes-list"]/li')
- list_date = u''
- for i in range(len(context)):
- a = etree.tostring(context[i], encoding="utf-8")#.encode('utf-8')
- b = a.split('>')
- end = b[1].split('<')[0]+';'
- list_date += end
- #print list_date.encode('utf8')
- return list_date
- except:
- print '页面解析失败'
- return 0
- #else if(url.find("tmall")):
- # print "检测为天猫页面,"
- # pass
-def install_table(date,work,i):
- '''导入数据列表存入表格中 '''
- str_list = ['B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M',"O"]
- #global worksheet1
- try:
- work.write('A'+str(i),int(i)-1)
- except Exception,e:
- print '无法写入'
- print e
- for now_str,now_date in zip(str_list,date):
- num = now_str+str(i)
- try:
- work.write(num,now_date)
- except Exception, e:
- print "无法写入"
- print e
-def img_download(id,url,mkname):
- '''导入图片url,文件夹名,以id为图片名'''
- try:
- print "主图下载中"
- #img = requests.get(url).context()
- name = id
- r = requests.get(url,timeout = 50)
- #name = int(time.time())
- f = open('./'+mkname+'/'+str(name)+'.jpg','wb')
- f.write(r.content)
- f.close()
- except :
- print "主图下载失败"
-def create_mkdir(name):
- '''创建文件夹'''
- try:
- print "开始创建文件夹 ",name
- os.mkdir(r'./'+name)
- os.mkdir(r'./'+name+"/pic")
- except Exception,e:
- print e
-def create_table(name):
- ''' 导入表格名字,在当前目录下创建该表格'''
- try:
- name = './'+name+'/'+name+'.xlsx'
- workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook(name)
- worksheet1 = workbook.add_worksheet()
- worksheet1.write('A1', 'ID')
- worksheet1.write('B1', u"商品名")
- worksheet1.write('C1', u'店铺')
- worksheet1.write('D1', u'付款人数')
- worksheet1.write('E1', u'当前价格')
- worksheet1.write('F1', u'原始价格')
- worksheet1.write('G1', u'优惠类型')
- worksheet1.write('H1', u'地区')
- worksheet1.write('I1', u'商品url_1')
- worksheet1.write('J1', u'商品url_2')
- worksheet1.write('K1', u'图片url')
- worksheet1.write('L1', u'date')
- worksheet1.write('M1', u'宝贝id')
- #workbook.close()
- print '表格构建完成,name',name
- return worksheet1,workbook
- except Exception,e:
- print e
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- #print argv
- try:
- key = argv[1]
- except:
- print '请指定关键词作为第一个参数'
- key = ''
- try:
- name = argv[2]
- except:
- print "请指定输出文件名问第二个参数"
- name = ''
- try:
- num = argv[3]
- #print num ,star_price , end_price
- except:
- print "请指定排序方式 1 为综合排序 2 为销量排序, 当前默认为综合排序"
- num = 1
- try:
- star_price = argv[4]
- end_price = argv[5]
- except:
- star_price = ''
- end_price = ''
- #key = u'皮裤男'
- print '启动采集,关键词为:',key," 存入: ", name,"排序为 ",num,star_price,end_price
- if ( key == '' or name == '' or num == ''):
- print '参数不正确'
- print "请按顺序输入参数 关键词 输出文件名 排序方式(1或者2)"
- print "例如:python Search.py 皮裤男 皮裤男1 2"
- else:
- create_mkdir(name)
- work,workbook = create_table(name)
- #time.sleep(100)
- print '开始采集请等待'
- #main(work,key,num,name)
- main(work,key,num,name,star_price,end_price)
- workbook.close()
- print '采集完成'
diff --git "a/6.\347\210\254\350\231\253\351\241\271\347\233\256\346\272\220\347\240\201/11.\346\267\230\345\256\235/ghostdriver.log" "b/6.\347\210\254\350\231\253\351\241\271\347\233\256\346\272\220\347\240\201/11.\346\267\230\345\256\235/ghostdriver.log"
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29b..00000000
diff --git "a/6.\347\210\254\350\231\253\351\241\271\347\233\256\346\272\220\347\240\201/11.\346\267\230\345\256\235/list.txt" "b/6.\347\210\254\350\231\253\351\241\271\347\233\256\346\272\220\347\240\201/11.\346\267\230\345\256\235/list.txt"
deleted file mode 100644
index 58a88c19..00000000
--- "a/6.\347\210\254\350\231\253\351\241\271\347\233\256\346\272\220\347\240\201/11.\346\267\230\345\256\235/list.txt"
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
diff --git "a/6.\347\210\254\350\231\253\351\241\271\347\233\256\346\272\220\347\240\201/11.\346\267\230\345\256\235/screenshot.py" "b/6.\347\210\254\350\231\253\351\241\271\347\233\256\346\272\220\347\240\201/11.\346\267\230\345\256\235/screenshot.py"
deleted file mode 100644
index c0334fdf..00000000
--- "a/6.\347\210\254\350\231\253\351\241\271\347\233\256\346\272\220\347\240\201/11.\346\267\230\345\256\235/screenshot.py"
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
-# name: read_list.py
-# 版本:1
-# 作者:ly
-# 日期:编写日期2016/12/31
-# 语言:Python 2.7.x
-# 操作:python read_list.py
-# 功能:读取文件列表,将淘宝商品信息截图存放
-# 文件的格式要求为一行一个商品url
-from selenium import webdriver
-from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
-import time,sys,os
-from selenium.webdriver.common.desired_capabilities import DesiredCapabilities
-dcap = dict(DesiredCapabilities.PHANTOMJS)
-dcap["phantomjs.page.settings.userAgent"] = (
- "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 5.1.1; Nexus 6 Build/LYZ28E) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/48.0.2564.23 Mobile Safari/537.36"
-# 中文编码设置
-Type = sys.getfilesystemencoding()
-#driver = webdriver.PhantomJS()
-#driver = webdriver.Chrome()
-driver = webdriver.PhantomJS(desired_capabilities=dcap)
-import fileinput
-def image_joint(image_list,opt,end_name):#opt= vertical ,horizontal 选择水平显示拼接的图像,或者垂直拼接
- image_num=len(image_list)
- image_size=image_list[0].size
- height=image_size[1]
- width=image_size[0]
- if opt=='vertical':
- new_img=Image.new('RGB',(width,image_num*height),255)
- else:
- new_img=Image.new('RGB',(image_num*width,height),255)
- x=y=0
- count=0
- for img in image_list:
- new_img.paste(img,(x,y))
- count+=1
- if opt=='horizontal':
- x+=width
- else : y+=height
- new_img.show()
- new_img.save(end_name)
- #return new_img
-list_url = []
-i = 0
-for line in fileinput.input("list.txt"):
- #print line
- url = line.replace('\n','').replace('\r','')
- print '请求发起中,请等待'
- #driver.get("https://h5.m.taobao.com/awp/core/detail.htm?id=538287375253&abtest=25&rn=51380cce73c6e338c4f512e1d592ddb7&sid=a706d7e5bb79cfe64053bad190a02f4c")
- driver.get(url)
- time.sleep(3)
- if(url.find('taobao') != -1):
- #可找到taobao则 返回值不为-1
- print driver.title.encode('utf-8')
- try:
- #需求修改,无需进行淘宝详情页面的截图采集
- #print '页面加载完成,进行截图保存'
- #print '触发淘宝页面商品参数页面点击事件'
- #elem = driver.find_element_by_xpath('//*[@data-reactid="."]').click()
- #print '事件完成'
- #name = ''+time.ctime().replace(' ','-')+'.png'
- #driver.save_screenshot(name)
- pass
- except Exception,e:
- print e
- try:
- print '加载中'
- elem = driver.find_element_by_xpath('//*[@data-reactid="."]').click()
- # 后期加载需要模拟滑轮进行控制
- js1 = 'return document.body.scrollHeight'
- #js2 = 'window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight)'
- old_scroll_height = 0
- num = 300
- max_num = driver.execute_script(js1)
- add_num = max_num / 10
- while(max_num > num ):
- num += add_num
- js2 = 'window.scrollTo(0, '+str(num)+')'
- driver.execute_script(js2)
- time.sleep(2)
- print num,'/',max_num
- time.sleep(5)
- #name = ''+time.ctime().replace(' ','-')+'.png'
- #driver.save_screenshot(name)
- #time.sleep(15)
- print '事件完成,进行截图保存'
- name = ''+time.ctime().replace(' ','-')+'.png'
- driver.save_screenshot(name)
- except Exception,e:
- print e
- if(url.find('tmall') != -1):
- #可找到tmall则 返回值不为-1
- try:
- print '检测为天猫页面,进行商品页面截图'
- print driver.title.encode('utf8')
- name = ''+time.ctime().replace(' ','-')+'.png'
- driver.save_screenshot(name)
- img_name_1 = name
- # try:
- # print "检测是否有弹窗"
- # #print '触发天猫页面点击事件'
- # elem = driver.find_element_by_xpath('//i[@class="btn-close"]').click()
- # #name = ''+time.ctime().replace(' ','-')+'.png'
- # #driver.save_screenshot(name)
- # print '弹窗结束'
- # except Exception,e:
- # pass
- #print e
- try:
- elem = driver.find_element_by_xpath('//a[@class="desc"]').click()
- time.sleep(3)
- # 后期加载需要模拟滑轮进行控制
- js1 = 'return document.body.scrollHeight'
- #js2 = 'window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight)'
- old_scroll_height = 0
- num = 300
- max_num = driver.execute_script(js1)
- add_num = max_num / 10
- while(max_num > num):
- num += add_num
- js2 = 'window.scrollTo(0, '+str(num)+')'
- driver.execute_script(js2)
- time.sleep(2)
- print num,'/',max_num
- time.sleep(5)
- name = ''+time.ctime().replace(' ','-')+'.png'
- driver.save_screenshot(name)
- img_name_2 = name
- print '事件完成'
- except Exception,e:
- print
- except Exception,e:
- print e
- try:
- print "图片合成"
- print img_name_1
- print img_name_2
- opt = 'vertical'
- image_list = [img,img1]
- end_name = ''
- image_joint(image_list,opt,end_name)
- print '合成完成'
- except Exception,e:
- print '合成失败'
- print e
- #print '进行截图保存'
- #name = ''+time.ctime().replace(' ','-')+'.png'
- #driver.save_screenshot(name)
- #print driver.page_source.encode('utf8')
- print 'end'
- time.sleep(10)
- #time.sleep(10)
- #i += 1
- #if i > 1:
- # driver.close()
- # driver.quit()
diff --git "a/6.\347\210\254\350\231\253\351\241\271\347\233\256\346\272\220\347\240\201/11.\346\267\230\345\256\235/selenium_phantomjs_sousuo.py" "b/6.\347\210\254\350\231\253\351\241\271\347\233\256\346\272\220\347\240\201/11.\346\267\230\345\256\235/selenium_phantomjs_sousuo.py"
deleted file mode 100644
index 703f7515..00000000
--- "a/6.\347\210\254\350\231\253\351\241\271\347\233\256\346\272\220\347\240\201/11.\346\267\230\345\256\235/selenium_phantomjs_sousuo.py"
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
-# 程序:selenium_so.py
-# 版本:0.1
-# 作者:ly
-# 日期:编写日期2016/11/23
-# 语言:Python 2.7.x
-# 操作:python selenuium.py
-# 功能:结合crontab定时启动每天自动登录so网站,刷银牌用
-from selenium import webdriver
-from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
-import time,sys
-# 中文编码设置
-Type = sys.getfilesystemencoding()
-driver = webdriver.PhantomJS()
-#driver = webdriver.Chrome()
-print 'beging_0'
-# http://lbsyun.baidu.com/index.php?title=webapi/high-acc-ip
-print 'beging_1'
- elem = driver.find_element_by_xpath('//input[@class="J_autocomplete"]').click()
-except Exception,e:
- print e
- #J_autocomplete
-name = ''+time.ctime().replace(' ','-')+'.png'
-print 'beging_2'
- elem = driver.find_element_by_xpath('//input[@class="J_autocomplete"]')#.click()
- elem.send_keys(u"皮裤女")
- elem.send_keys(Keys.RETURN)
-except Exception,e:
- print e
-print 'beging_3'
-#print 'beging_2'
-#elem = driver.find_element_by_xpath('//*[@class="desc_page_box normal"]').click()
-#elem = driver.find_element_by_xpath('//*[@data-reactid="."]').click()
-#elem = driver.find_element_by_xpath('//*[@data-reactid="."]').click()
-#elem.send_keys("**")desc_page_box normal
-#print 'beging_3'
-# js1 = 'return document.body.scrollHeight'
-# js2 = 'window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight)'
-# old_scroll_height = 0
-# while(driver.execute_script(js1) > old_scroll_height):
-# old_scroll_height = driver.execute_script(js1)
-# driver.execute_script(js2)
-# time.sleep(3)
-# name = ''+time.ctime().replace(' ','-')+'.png'
-# driver.save_screenshot(name)
-print driver.page_source.encode('utf-8')
-name = ''+time.ctime().replace(' ','-')+'.png'
-#f = open(name_html.encode('utf-8'),'w')
-#print driver.page_source.encode('utf8')
-print 'end'
diff --git "a/6.\347\210\254\350\231\253\351\241\271\347\233\256\346\272\220\347\240\201/11.\346\267\230\345\256\235/taobao.html" "b/6.\347\210\254\350\231\253\351\241\271\347\233\256\346\272\220\347\240\201/11.\346\267\230\345\256\235/taobao.html"
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e342f30..00000000
--- "a/6.\347\210\254\350\231\253\351\241\271\347\233\256\346\272\220\347\240\201/11.\346\267\230\345\256\235/taobao.html"
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
- 搜索宝贝
diff --git "a/6.\347\210\254\350\231\253\351\241\271\347\233\256\346\272\220\347\240\201/11.\346\267\230\345\256\235/taobao1.html" "b/6.\347\210\254\350\231\253\351\241\271\347\233\256\346\272\220\347\240\201/11.\346\267\230\345\256\235/taobao1.html"
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c62e506..00000000
--- "a/6.\347\210\254\350\231\253\351\241\271\347\233\256\346\272\220\347\240\201/11.\346\267\230\345\256\235/taobao1.html"
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1779 +0,0 @@
- 您可以通过键盘快捷键选择操作或进行站点导航。
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- 秋冬季加绒皮裤女薄款紧身黑色高腰加厚亚光小脚PU打底裤外穿裤子
高档韩国PU料,皮面不掉不裂。仿小羊皮纹理细腻,哑光质感爆表。质地柔软,弹力舒适,立体剪裁,规范走线,精良车工。绒版采选优质细密超柔绒料,一体成型,绝不脱层。保暖度优秀,提升亲肤触感,拒绝臃肿,温暖服帖,玲珑翘臀,更显腿长腿瘦。 秒杀闺蜜,赞到没朋友!╮(╯▽╰)╭
配送上海 至 河南郑州
快递 免运费
- - 尺寸
- -
› 尺码助手
- - 颜色分类
- -
- - 数量
- -
- ƛ
- ƚ件
- (库存17268件)
- - 请选择:
- -
- 尺寸
- 颜色分类
- 确定
- - 裤长: 长裤
- - 货号: 019
- - 厚薄: 加绒
- - 材质: 皮
- - 颜色分类: 薄款(无绒) 小绒(薄绒) 大绒(超柔绒)
- - 品牌: 韩尚
- - 尺寸: S M L XL
- - 上市年份季节: 2016年秋季
- - 适用年龄: 25-29周岁
- - 安全提示:
- -
- 淘宝不会以订单有问题,让您提供任何银行卡、密码、手机验证码!遇此情况请终止通话或举报到淘宝网 常见骗术
- 推荐安全软件:
- 阿里钱盾
- UC浏览器
- 腾讯电脑管家
- 360网盾
- - 内容申明:
- - 淘宝为第三方交易平台及互联网信息服务提供者,淘宝(含网站、客户端等)所展示的商品/服务的标题、价格、详情等信息内容系由店铺经营者发布,其真实性、准确性和合法性均由店铺经营者负责。淘宝提醒用户购买商品/服务前注意谨慎核实。如用户对商品/服务的标题、价格、详情等任何信息有任何疑问的,请在购买前通过阿里旺旺与店铺经营者沟通确认;淘宝存在海量店铺,如用户发现店铺内有任何违法/侵权信息,请立即向淘宝举报并提供有效线索。
- -
- 1
- -
- 2
- -
- 3
- -
- 4
- -
- 5
diff --git "a/6.\347\210\254\350\231\253\351\241\271\347\233\256\346\272\220\347\240\201/11.\346\267\230\345\256\235/taobao_xiangqin.py" "b/6.\347\210\254\350\231\253\351\241\271\347\233\256\346\272\220\347\240\201/11.\346\267\230\345\256\235/taobao_xiangqin.py"
deleted file mode 100644
index 8058f1cb..00000000
--- "a/6.\347\210\254\350\231\253\351\241\271\347\233\256\346\272\220\347\240\201/11.\346\267\230\345\256\235/taobao_xiangqin.py"
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
-# 程序:selenium_so.py
-# 版本:0.1
-# 作者:ly
-# 日期:编写日期2016/12/31
-# 语言:Python 2.7.x
-# 操作:python selenuium.py
-# 功能:
-from selenium import webdriver
-from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
-import time,sys
-from lxml import etree#
-import re
-# 中文编码设置
-Type = sys.getfilesystemencoding()
-driver = webdriver.PhantomJS()
-print 'beging_0'
-#url ="https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=538287375253&abtest=10&rn=07abc745561bdfad6f726eb186dd990e&sid=46f938ba6d759f6e420440bf98b6caea"
-url ='https://detail.m.tmall.com/item.htm?id=535592571726&abtest=10&rn=07abc745561bdfad6f726eb186dd990e&sid=46f938ba6d759f6e420440bf98b6caea'
-elem = driver.find_element_by_xpath('//a[@class="desc"]').click()
-print '3'
-html = driver.page_source.encode('utf-8')
-print html
-# selector=etree.HTML(html, parser=etree.HTMLParser(encoding='utf-8'))
-# context=selector.xpath('//ul[@class="attributes-list"]/li')
-# list_date = u''
-# for i in range(len(context)):
-# a = etree.tostring(context[i], encoding="utf-8")#.encode('utf-8')
-# b = a.split('>')
-# end = b[1].split('<')[0]+';'
-# list_date += end
-# print list_date.encode('utf8')
-print 'end'
diff --git "a/6.\347\210\254\350\231\253\351\241\271\347\233\256\346\272\220\347\240\201/11.\346\267\230\345\256\235/test.py" "b/6.\347\210\254\350\231\253\351\241\271\347\233\256\346\272\220\347\240\201/11.\346\267\230\345\256\235/test.py"
deleted file mode 100644
index 599c2bd2..00000000
--- "a/6.\347\210\254\350\231\253\351\241\271\347\233\256\346\272\220\347\240\201/11.\346\267\230\345\256\235/test.py"
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-import Image
-from PIL import Image
-def image_joint(image_list,opt):#opt= vertical ,horizontal 选择水平显示拼接的图像,或者垂直拼接
- image_num=len(image_list)
- image_size=image_list[0].size
- height=image_size[1]
- width=image_size[0]
- if opt=='vertical':
- new_img=Image.new('RGB',(width,image_num*height),255)
- else:
- new_img=Image.new('RGB',(image_num*width,height),255)
- x=y=0
- count=0
- for img in image_list:
- new_img.paste(img,(x,y))
- count+=1
- if opt=='horizontal':
- x+=width
- else : y+=height
- new_img.show()
- new_img.save('1.png')
- return new_img
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- opt = 'vertical'
- img=Image.open('Sun-Jan--1-14:52:21-2017.png')
- img1=Image.open('Sun-Jan--1-14:52:21-2017.png')
- image_list = [img,img1]
- print "begin"
- image_joint(image_list,opt)
diff --git "a/6.\347\210\254\350\231\253\351\241\271\347\233\256\346\272\220\347\240\201/11.\346\267\230\345\256\235/tmail.html" "b/6.\347\210\254\350\231\253\351\241\271\347\233\256\346\272\220\347\240\201/11.\346\267\230\345\256\235/tmail.html"
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f4d8e79..00000000
--- "a/6.\347\210\254\350\231\253\351\241\271\347\233\256\346\272\220\347\240\201/11.\346\267\230\345\256\235/tmail.html"
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,705 +0,0 @@
- 秋冬季PU皮裤女外穿蕾丝高腰加绒加厚打底裤紧身显瘦小脚长裤子 - 天猫Tmall.com
- 收藏
diff --git "a/6.\347\210\254\350\231\253\351\241\271\347\233\256\346\272\220\347\240\201/12.\351\230\277\350\277\252/1.png" "b/6.\347\210\254\350\231\253\351\241\271\347\233\256\346\272\220\347\240\201/12.\351\230\277\350\277\252/1.png"
deleted file mode 100644
index 0414c4a1..00000000
Binary files "a/6.\347\210\254\350\231\253\351\241\271\347\233\256\346\272\220\347\240\201/12.\351\230\277\350\277\252/1.png" and /dev/null differ
diff --git "a/6.\347\210\254\350\231\253\351\241\271\347\233\256\346\272\220\347\240\201/12.\351\230\277\350\277\252/adi_login.py" "b/6.\347\210\254\350\231\253\351\241\271\347\233\256\346\272\220\347\240\201/12.\351\230\277\350\277\252/adi_login.py"
deleted file mode 100644
index ec640635..00000000
--- "a/6.\347\210\254\350\231\253\351\241\271\347\233\256\346\272\220\347\240\201/12.\351\230\277\350\277\252/adi_login.py"
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
-# 程序:selenium_so.py
-# 版本:0.1
-# 作者:ly
-# 日期:编写日期2016/11/23
-# 语言:Python 2.7.x
-# 操作:python selenuium.py
-# 功能:结合crontab定时启动每天自动登录so网站,刷银牌用
-from selenium import webdriver
-from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
-import time,sys
-# 中文编码设置
-Type = sys.getfilesystemencoding()
-#driver = webdriver.PhantomJS()
-driver = webdriver.Chrome()
-print 'beging_0'
-print 'beging_1'
-name = ''+time.ctime().replace(' ','-')+'.png'
-print 'beging_3'
- elem = driver.find_element_by_id('email')#.click()
- elem.send_keys('luyishisi')
-except Exception,e:
- print e
- elem = driver.find_element_by_id('pass')#.click()
- elem.send_keys('luyi123')
-except Exception,e:
- print e
-name = ''+time.ctime().replace(' ','-')+'.png'
- #J_autocomplete
-print 'beging_3'
-#print 'beging_2'
-#elem = driver.find_element_by_xpath('//*[@class="desc_page_box normal"]').click()
-#elem = driver.find_element_by_xpath('//*[@data-reactid="."]').click()
-#elem = driver.find_element_by_xpath('//*[@data-reactid="."]').click()
-#elem.send_keys("**")desc_page_box normal
-#print 'beging_3'
-# js1 = 'return document.body.scrollHeight'
-# js2 = 'window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight)'
-# old_scroll_height = 0
-# while(driver.execute_script(js1) > old_scroll_height):
-# old_scroll_height = driver.execute_script(js1)
-# driver.execute_script(js2)
-# time.sleep(3)
-# name = ''+time.ctime().replace(' ','-')+'.png'
-# driver.save_screenshot(name)
-#print driver.page_source.encode('utf-8')
-name = ''+time.ctime().replace(' ','-')+'.png'
-#f = open(name_html.encode('utf-8'),'w')
-#print driver.page_source.encode('utf8')
-print 'end'
diff --git "a/6.\347\210\254\350\231\253\351\241\271\347\233\256\346\272\220\347\240\201/12.\351\230\277\350\277\252/ghostdriver.log" "b/6.\347\210\254\350\231\253\351\241\271\347\233\256\346\272\220\347\240\201/12.\351\230\277\350\277\252/ghostdriver.log"
deleted file mode 100644
index a2950a7a..00000000
Binary files "a/6.\347\210\254\350\231\253\351\241\271\347\233\256\346\272\220\347\240\201/12.\351\230\277\350\277\252/ghostdriver.log" and /dev/null differ