Version 2.0.6-ci.14
- 2019-04-12 [email protected]
* scripts/lib.pc.sh; Before we can enable calm we need to make sure the system is ready for it.
* scripts/lib.common.sh; Removed the acli as 5.8.2 has an error on that. All on nuclei now.
* stage_workshop.sh; Re-enabled calm workshop (AOS and PC 5.8.2)
- No changes
- 2019-04-04 [email protected]
* scripts/lib.pc.sh; Added LCM upgrades using API calls and not files. Also added Karbon enable
- No changes
- 2019-03-21 [email protected]
* scripts/lib.pc.sh; Added a loop function for the waiting for Calm to be enabled before starting the LCM.
No changes
2019-03-20 [email protected]
* release.json; Changed all the 13 to 14 as a number
* scripts/lib.pc.sh; Added a loop function for the LCM part to follow the progress of teh API call. Also added an extra wait of 5 minutes so that the "Enable Application" is done before we start the LCM! Otherwise it will crash.
* script/lib/pe/sh; Added a line that if it's being called by we- something, it changes lib.common.sh to we-lib.common.sh
Copied for keeping the original the following files:
- scripts/lib.pc.org.sh
Created extra files for a server reporting system (centralised logging using curl)
- we_stage_workshop.sh; the new version of the staging workshop script. This one holds the lines for the centralised feedback
- we_push_centos_cl_disk.sh; small script to push the CentOS Image that is needed in the TS2019 workshops
- script/we-ts2019.sh; has a more debug info fired for the scripts run at PE and PC timeframe (nohup bash -x)
- script/we-lib.common.sh; contains extra functions for the call back to the server
Created files and their goal:
- logserver/logserver.py; Listener for the messagees from the scripts.
- usage: python3 logserver.py 3000 to start the logserver on port 3000 (used by the scripts for now)
- logserver/webserver.py; Webserver to show the messages of the different running scripts
- usage: python3 webserver to start the webserver which will default to port 5000 by default.
- logserver/logserver.py; Listener for the messagees from the scripts.