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This recipe implements Zipformer-MMI model.

See for detailed tutorials.

It uses CTC loss for warm-up and then switches to MMI loss during training.

For decoding, it uses HP (H is ctc_topo, P is token-level bi-gram) as decoding graph. Supported decoding methods are:

  • 1best. Extract the best path from the decoding lattice as the decoding result.
  • nbest. Extract n paths from the decoding lattice; the path with the highest score is the decoding result.
  • nbest-rescoring-LG. Extract n paths from the decoding lattice, rescore them with an word-level 3-gram LM, the path with the highest score is the decoding result.
  • nbest-rescoring-3-gram. Extract n paths from the decoding lattice, rescore them with an token-level 3-gram LM, the path with the highest score is the decoding result.
  • nbest-rescoring-4-gram. Extract n paths from the decoding lattice, rescore them with an token-level 4-gram LM, the path with the highest score is the decoding result.

Experimental results training on train-clean-100 (epoch-30-avg-10):

  • 1best. 6.43 & 17.44
  • nbest, nbest-scale=1.2, 6.43 & 17.45
  • nbest-rescoring-LG, nbest-scale=1.2, 5.87 & 16.35
  • nbest-rescoring-3-gram, nbest-scale=1.2, 6.19 & 16.57
  • nbest-rescoring-4-gram, nbest-scale=1.2, 5.87 & 16.07

Experimental results training on full librispeech (epoch-30-avg-10):

  • 1best. 2.54 & 5.65
  • nbest, nbest-scale=1.2, 2.54 & 5.66
  • nbest-rescoring-LG, nbest-scale=1.2, 2.49 & 5.42
  • nbest-rescoring-3-gram, nbest-scale=1.2, 2.52 & 5.62
  • nbest-rescoring-4-gram, nbest-scale=1.2, 2.5 & 5.51