Releases: sheerlox/import-from-esm
Releases · sheerlox/import-from-esm
1.0.3 (2023-11-05)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- loading absolute path fails on windows (4a0fbd0)
⚙️ Continuous Integrations
- action: also run tests on macos & windows (df039b1)
- action: increase test workflow timeout (f08a25f)
- action: update actions/setup-node action to v4 (#29) (84c8f34)
- action: update github/codeql-action action to v2.22.5 (#30) (05ed346)
- action: update ossf/scorecard-action action to v2.3.1 (#28) (a03e669)
- action: update workflows (d1e7069)
- action: update workflows (111c720)
- action: whitelist npm signatures audit domain (3fbe0e5)
♻️ Chores
- add cross-env (f55d6db)
- deps: lock file maintenance (509865c)
- deps: lock file maintenance (#26) (97d9103)
- deps: update dependency knip to v2.37.0 (36967bc)
- deps: update dependency knip to v2.38.0 (cdb528a)
- deps: update dependency knip to v2.38.1 (4a240f2)
- deps: update dependency knip to v2.38.4 (6b4e63f)
- deps: update dependency knip to v2.38.5 (54f917b)
- deps: update dependency knip to v2.38.6 (4a1604c)
- deps: update dependency semantic-release to v22.0.6 (b78f3aa)
- fix knip config (2f74381)
1.0.2 (2023-10-21)
🛠 Builds
- configure and run knip (0f38051)
📚 Documentation
- add (13e24f9)
🚨 Tests
⚙️ Continuous Integrations
- action: enable ossf scorecard repo_token (390edd7)
- action: update actions/checkout action to v4.1.1 (#23) (fcdb52c)
- action: update actions/checkout digest to b4ffde6 (#24) (93c99ed)
- action: update github/codeql-action action to v2.22.2 (#17) (7d49e7f), closes #9
- action: update github/codeql-action action to v2.22.3 (#20) (3611086), closes #9
- action: update github/codeql-action action to v2.22.3 (#21) (45faedc)
- action: update github/codeql-action action to v2.22.4 (#25) (fe13382)
♻️ Chores
1.0.0 (2023-10-11)
⚠ Breaking changes
- now only returns the default export to match import-from behavior
⚙️ Continuous Integrations
- action: apply step-security recommended policies (5d8effa)
- action: fix test workflow running twice (6e7819a)
- action: set release workflow permissions as read-only (73403ee)
🗑 Reverts
- revert "feat!: export whole module instead of default export" (7879e2f)
0.1.1 (2023-10-11)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- fix exports subpath resolution (9c28bd1)
📚 Documentation
- readme: add badges & silent() usage note (568b320)
🚨 Tests
- add code coverage checks (9c283ce)
⚙️ Continuous Integrations
- action: add combined job for branch protection (25fd48b)
- action: add ossf scorecard workflow (00b9f08)
- action: apply step-security best practices (#11) (f5b3002)
- action: run linting checks in test workflow (058505a)
- action: setup semantic-release (68f69da)
- action: update actions/checkout action to v4 (#13) (c3ff261)
- action: update actions/checkout action to v4 (#8) (8b31bc2)
- action: update actions/upload-artifact action to v3.1.3 (#4) (6f797d1)
- action: update github/codeql-action action to v2.22.0 (#6) (dbe69dc)
- action: update github/codeql-action action to v2.22.1 (#14) (0820b88), closes #9
- action: update ossf/scorecard-action action to v2.2.0 (#7) (3493169)
- action: update ossf/scorecard-action action to v2.3.0 (#12) (163fc5c)
- action: use npm ci instead of npm install (28395b0)
- renovate: configure renovate (d57a8d5)
♻️ Chores
- add CODEOWNERS (a37ee1e)
- add security policy (bceefa8)
- deps: pin dependencies (#3) (775ec72)
- replace gitignore (a0d3545)
💎 Styles
- fix linting issues (0da803f)