Huge Tiger Pike
The Shadowing Effect explained.
The storage owner
value is never changed inside the function.
This renders the changeOwner() function, utilized across several contracts, entirely unusable.
Furthermore, if a governance system is introduced later, transferring ownership to a DAO or governance contract would be impossible.
In AuctionFactory.changeOwner(),buyOrderFactory.changeOwner(),DebitaV3Aggregator.changeOwner() we encounter The Shadowing Effect, preventing us from updating the owner of these contracts
No response
No response
No response
Core contract behaviour is broken
In test/fork/BuyOrders/BuyOrder.t.sol
function testTryToChangeOwner() public {
address newOwner = 0xd8dA6BF26964aF9D7eEd9e03E53415D37aA96045;
address currentOwner = factory.owner();
// even currentOwner is unable to change owner
vm.expectRevert("Only owner");
// we can also call the method as a random user
// ownership of the contract has not changed
assertEq(currentOwner, factory.owner());
The same could be done for the other two contracts.
In all three contracts:
- function changeOwner(address owner) public {
+ function changeOwner(address _owner) public {
require(msg.sender == owner, "Only owner");
require(deployedTime + 6 hours > block.timestamp, "6 hours passed");
- owner = owner;
+ owner = _owner;
It is also advised to make ownership transfer a two-step process such as by using the Ownable2Step contract by Openzeppelin.