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Sonata Gentelella Theme

A simple integration of Gentelella Alela! theme for SonataAdminBundle.

This bundle automatically defines a default configuration for sonata admin, so the installation is as simple as :

composer require sherlockode/sonata-gentelella-bundle

and in the app/AppKernel.php :

public function registerBundles()
    $bundles = [
        new Sherlockode\SonataGentelellaBundle\SherlockodeSonataGentelellaBundle(),

into app/config.yml

        layout: '@App/standard_layout.html.twig'

You need to extend the standard_layout.html.twig. If you do not have it, create one and edit it like this :

{% extends '@SherlockodeSonataGentelella/standard_layout.html.twig' %}

Most of the templates blocks are unchanged, but for the theme, we have been forced to move somes of them. So if you've overridden the sonata templates, there could be some glitches

All plugins are disable by default, to enable plugins, in the config.yml :

    fast_click: true
    nprogress: true
    chart: true
    echarts: true
    gauge: true
    bootstrap_progressbar: true
    skycons: true
    flot: true
    datejs: true
    jqvmap: true
    bootstrap_daterangerpicker: true
    calendar: true
    switchery: true
    starrr: true
    jquery_tag_input: true
    bootstrap_wysiwyg: true
    parsley: true
    cropper: true
    autosize: true
    jquery_autocomplete: true
    ion_rangeslider: true
    bootstrap_colorpicker: true
    jquery_inputmask: true
    jquery_knob: true
    dropzone: true
    validator: true
    jquery_smart_wizard: true
    pnotify: true
    jquery_sparklines: true
    morris: true
    animate: true
    easy_pie_chart: true
    echarts: true
    datatables: true

To see the demo (need all plugins)

    demo: true