Note: adding a new example here? Make sure to add test
for it in
Make sure that the policy-tester
is built.
At the root of this repo, run the following:
make policy-tester
Set the POLICY
environment variables appropriately,
pointing to the example policy and image to test:
Then run the following to validate the image against the policy:
../policy-tester --policy "${POLICY}" --image "${IMAGE}"
Source: policies/custom-key-attestation-sbom-spdxjson.yaml
Assert that all images must have a signed SPDX SBOM (spdxjson) attestation using a custom key.
First, use your favorite tool to generate an SPDX SBOM.
For example purposes, you can use
Then attach it to your image using cosign attest
with the flag --type spdxjson
, signing it using the private key
located at keys/cosign.key
cosign attest --yes --type spdxjson \
--predicate sboms/example.spdx.json \
--key keys/cosign.key \
Source: policies/keyless-attestation-sbom-spdxjson.yaml
Assert that all images must have a "keyless" signed SPDX SBOM (spdxjson) attestation against the public Fulcio root.
First, use your favorite tool to generate an SPDX SBOM.
For example purposes, you can use
Then attach it to your image using cosign attest
with the flag --type spdxjson
, signing "keyless" against the public Fulcio root:
cosign attest --yes --type spdxjson \
--predicate sboms/example.spdx.json \
Source: policies/signed-by-aws-kms.yaml
Asserts that images have been signed by a specific AWS KMS key.
Create (or find) an AWS KMS key to sign your container images and note the ARN of the key.
$ aws kms create-key \
--description "Container signing key" \
--key-spec ECC_NIST_P256 \
--key-usage SIGN_VERIFY
"KeyMetadata": {
"AWSAccountId": "...."
"Arn": "arn:aws:kms:us-west-2:123456789012:key/1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab",
Next sign your container using the KMS key and cosign
cosign sign --key "awskms:///<< arn of kms key >>" "${IMAGE}"
Source: policies/signed-by-gcp-kms.yaml
Asserts that images have been signed by a specific GCP KMS key.
Create the GCP KMS keyring and key to sign your container images.
gcloud kms keyrings create ${KEY_RING} \
--location ${REGION}
gcloud kms keys create ${KEY_NAME} \
--keyring ${KEY_RING} \
--location ${REGION} \
--purpose asymmetric-signing \
--default-algorithm ec-sign-p256-sha256
Next sign your container using the KMS key and cosign
gcloud auth application-default login
cosign generate-key-pair \
--kms gcpkms://projects/${PROJECT_ID}/locations/${REGION}/keyRings/${KEY_RING}/cryptoKeys/${KEY_NAME}
cosign sign \
--key gcpkms://projects/${PROJECT_ID}/locations/${REGION}/keyRings/${KEY_RING}/cryptoKeys/${KEY_NAME} \
To satisfy the policy, ensure that the policy controller must have roles/cloudkms.viewer
and roles/cloudkms.verifier
IAM permissions on the relevant service account. Also,
the GKE cluster should have the
Source: policies/signed-by-github-actions.yaml
Asserts that images have been signed by a specific Github Actions workflow using keyless signing.
To satisfy this policy you must sign your container image from within a Github Actions workflow. Sigstore publishes a cosign installer action that makes this easy. Here is an example workflow for signing
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
contents: read
id-token: write # NB: needed for signing the images with GitHub OIDC Token
name: Install Cosign and sign image
- uses: actions/checkout@master
fetch-depth: 1
- name: Install Cosign
uses: sigstore/cosign-installer@main
- name: Sign the images with GitHub OIDC Token
run: cosign sign ${IMAGE}
To satisfy the policy, ensure that the path and branch of the workflow match the workflow URI in the policy.