- http://www.undefinednull.com/2014/02/11/mastering-the-scope-of-a-directive-in-angularjs/
- https://umur.io/angularjs-directives-using-isolated-scope-with-attributes/
- http://onehungrymind.com/angularjs-sticky-notes-pt-2-isolated-scope/
- No scope
- Child Scope
- Isolated scope
$scope.customerInfo inner directive variable will be binded to parent scope $scope.info. We say that $scope.customerInfo inner directive variable will be binded to what we passed to it in the directive definition
Will actually bind inner $scope.customerInfo to outer $scope.myparentInfo via the attribue info
- scope
- false (default) no inheritance, the parent scope and directive scope is the same
- true protypal inheritance like ng-include
- scope : {} Define a innner scope isolated from external scope
customerInfo: '=info' mean customerInfo inner scope variable
will be bound to info parent scope variable in a 2 ways data bindings. It mean is changed in the directive customerInfo will be also changed
scope: {
customerInfo: '=info'
If the name of the variable in the inner scope or outer scope is the same, we can use the shortcut
scope: {
customerInfo: '='
// In the html attribute color="color" need to be a model
To have a one way data binding (when the parent changed, the directive variable change, but not in the other way
scope: {
customerInfo: '@'
// In the html attribute name="{{name}}"
Needn to be an expression wrapped in {{}}
Method binding & // In the html attribute reverse="reverseName()"
Version using = operator : http://plnkr.co/edit/9fusO7XsunFkpXxXkgIJ?p=preview
Version using & operator : http://plnkr.co/edit/kzPRxAdG24Y7k0xFanZP?p=preview
Fiddle that show the difference between the 3 bindings
- Tips : it's possible to know which type of binding the directive has by reading the class applyied to the directive element "ng-isolate-scope" for example