- https://github.com/mgechev/angularjs-style-guide/blob/master/README-fr-fr.md
- https://github.com/trochette/Angular-Design-Patterns-Best-Practices
- https://www.airpair.com/angularjs/posts/top-10-mistakes-angularjs-developers-make
- https://google-styleguide.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/angularjs-google-style.html#moduledeps
Git commit for angular best practice - https://github.com/jmcunningham/angularjs-styleguide Complete opiniated angular guide
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QrDFcIiPjSLDn3EL15IJygNPiHORgU1_OOAqWjiDU5Y/edit#
- http://twofuckingdevelopers.com/2014/06/angularjs-best-practices-001-constants/
- http://twofuckingdevelopers.com/2014/07/angularjs-best-practices-002-scope-functions/
- http://thenittygritty.co/angularjs-pitfalls-using-scopes
- http://www.technofattie.com/2014/03/21/five-guidelines-for-avoiding-scope-soup-in-angular.html
http://toddmotto.com/rethinking-angular-js-controllers/ http://toddmotto.com/digging-into-angulars-controller-as-syntax/
Rules for the Controller going forward:
- Controllers should hold zero logic
- Controllers should bind references to Models only (and call methods returned from promises)
- Controllers only bring logic together
- Controller drives Model changes, and View changes. Keyword; drives, not creates/persists, it triggers them!
- Delegate updating of logic inside Factories, don't resolve data inside a Controller, only update the Controller's value with updated Factory logic, this avoids repeated code across Controllers as well as Factory tests made easier
- Use "Controller as" (read the article)
- Keep things simple, I prefer XXXXCtrl and XXXXFactory, I know exactly what the two do, we don't need fancy names for things
- Keep method/prop names consistent across shared methods, such as this.something = MyFactory.something; otherwise it becomes confusing
- Factories hold the Model, change, get, update, and persist the Model changes
- Think about the Factory as an Object that you need to persist, rather than persisting inside a Controller
- Talk to other Factories inside your Factory, keep them out the Controller (things like success/error handling)
- Try to avoid injecting $scope into Controllers, generally there are better ways to do what you need, such as avoiding $scope.$watch()
For dependency injection, it's a good pratice to use the array [$scope, $log, function($scope, $log
- http://odetocode.com/blogs/scott/archive/2014/08/11/thoughts-on-angular-controller-as-syntax.aspx
- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11605917/this-vs-scope-in-angularjs-controllers/14168699#14168699
http://henriquat.re/modularizing-angularjs/modularizing-angular-applications/modularizing-angular-applications.html Pollute global variable space
var mod = angular.module("foo", []);
mod.directive("directiveA", function() { /* ... */ });
mod.directive("directiveB", function() { /* ... */ });
mod.directive("directiveC", function() { /* ... */ });
chainable structure don't pollute global space
angular.module("foo", [])
.directive("directiveA", function() { /* ... */ })
.directive("directiveB", function() { /* ... */ })
.directive("directiveC", function() { /* ... */ });
If the definition of the module need to be updated in other file
Without redefining the depency array
Split module by functionallity rather than by type (inbox, composer....) rather than (services, controllers....)