- Slick carrousel Is the more powerful, responsive...good docs The official docs http://kenwheeler.github.io/slick/
2 angulars directives https://github.com/vasyabigi/angular-slick multiple items, infinite loop... Nice presentation but a jquery libs
Angular caroussel
Flex Slider https://github.com/thenikso/angular-flexslider http://flexslider.woothemes.com/thumbnail-controlnav.html
Used by woothemes /
thumbnails paginers..
Boostrap UI carousel A simple carousel good is simple requirement (not multiples images visible at once...) https://angular-ui.github.io/bootstrap/#/carousel
- Ng Gallery http://demo.jankuri.com/ngGallery/
- Angular Cycle Gallery http://angular-cycle-gallery.rademade.com/animation_example
https://github.com/oblador/angular-parallax more popular but no commit since 2014
https://github.com/allenRoyston/ng-parallax less popular but recent commits, simple implementation, inspiring demo
https://github.com/marcorei/angular-responsive-parallax use picture fill to serve different images different resolution
Set up a div before the image is loaded and charge image when available and if needed (visible from the scroll)
ng-lazy-image The more popular 240 stars and complex (600 lines...) https://github.com/afklm/ng-lazy-image
angular-lazy-image Less popular 66 stars but light weight 200 lines https://github.com/Pentiado/angular-lazy-img
angular-img-fallback // Allow to set 2 url, an url of the true image, and a fallback url of a placeholder in case of not reaching to load. https://github.com/dcohenb/angular-img-fallback
Vanilla js responsive loader https://github.com/aFarkas/lazysizes