Samples of pages we see used commonly within business applications. Gain inspiration from our best-practice work. Install these pages in your org to see how they work. Steal our work!!
- Account Hierarchy
- Complex Form
- Simple Sales Dashboard
- Photo Directory
- Master Detail View
- Mobile List
- Opportunity List
- Product Catalog
- Related Lists
- Service Request
- Simple List
- Task List
To use one of the sample pages in these folders, follow these steps:
Note: Some of these pages require a separate data source, or require installation of a design system. Look at the README for each page for further instructions.
- Copy the raw XML from the sample page you'd like to use.
- Go to Pages in Skuid - click Create Button
- Name your Skuid page.
- Click XML Options.
- Select Paste XML.
- Paste the copied XML into the text area.
- Click Create.
You will be directed to the App Composer, displaying your newly created sample page.
- To see your page in action, click Preview.
- Otherwise, modify to your heart's content and click Save to retain your changes.