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Using cumulus etl and cumulus library to curate Bundle Resources from a FHIR API request #27

Answered by mikix
wfclark5 asked this question in Q&A
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Hello! Thanks for your kind words and interest!

Cumulus ETL works on piles of ndjson - it doesn't really care how you got them. So if you could format your FHIR pile as ndjson, you're good to go.

I deal with the single patient API a lot less than the bulk API, but I think it often provides you with actual Bundle objects, yeah? Cumulus isn't really set up to process those, so there'd have to be some splitting of a bundle into separate ndjson files per resource.

Maybe a reasonable feature request, but not something that we've needed yet. You ask about the code for this kind of thing - it might make sense as a "loader", like a BundleLoader or something. Or maybe it could just live as an opti…

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