Releases: smastrom/notivue
Releases · smastrom/notivue
What's new
It is now possible to pause the stream if touching a notification (except the close button) using pauseOnTouch prop. Timeouts will resume if touching outside the stream or if dismissing a notification using the close button. -
It is now possible to define the element where the stream is teleported to using teleportTo prop. Defauls tobody
. -
Pause/resume on visibility change
Timeouts will pause once window/tab loses focus and vice versa.
What's improved
- Timeout fixed increment (when hovering out) has been increased from 350 to 800ms.
- Changed the flush timing for the incoming notification watcher from
. This will ensure that any notification is rendered in some extreme cases (e.g. multiple push() called in series in the same function). - Internal types