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Releases: smastrom/notivue


15 May 10:40
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What's improved

  • Refactor useResizeObserver
  • Add Nuxt installation example in README
  • Improve comments in Receiver.ts
  • Update dev dependencies


30 Apr 22:14
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What's new

  • pauseOnTouch
    It is now possible to pause the stream if touching a notification (except the close button) using pauseOnTouch prop. Timeouts will resume if touching outside the stream or if dismissing a notification using the close button.

  • teleportTo
    It is now possible to define the element where the stream is teleported to using teleportTo prop. Defauls to body.

  • Pause/resume on visibility change
    Timeouts will pause once window/tab loses focus and vice versa.

What's improved

  • Timeout fixed increment (when hovering out) has been increased from 350 to 800ms.
  • Changed the flush timing for the incoming notification watcher from pre to sync. This will ensure that any notification is rendered in some extreme cases (e.g. multiple push() called in series in the same function).
  • Internal types


26 Apr 20:16
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First release

Notivue has been released on NPM!

Install it now:

pnpm add notivue