index 2096924..b176948 100755
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 Package: CAMERA
-Version: 1.13.2
-Date: 2012-05-25
+Version: 1.13.3
+Date: 2012-05-29
 Title: Collection of annotation related methods for mass spectrometry data 
 Author: Carsten Kuhl, Ralf Tautenhahn, Steffen Neumann {ckuhl|sneumann}@ipb-halle.de, rtautenh@scripps.edu
 Maintainer: Carsten Kuhl <ckuhl@ipb-halle.de>
-Depends: R (>= 2.1.0), methods, xcms (>= 1.13.5)
+Depends: R (>= 2.1.0), methods, xcms (>= 1.13.5), Biobase
 Imports: methods, xcms, RBGL, graph, graphics, grDevices, stats, utils, Hmisc, igraph
 Suggests: faahKO, RUnit
 Enhances: Rmpi, snow
index 8a880a7..eaf5c33 100755
@@ -12,6 +12,9 @@ importFrom("stats", "cor.test")
 importFrom("utils", "flush.console", "object.size", "read.table")
+importClassesFrom(Biobase, "Versioned")
+importFrom(Biobase, validMsg)
@@ -29,3 +32,10 @@ exportMethods("calcPC",
+              "readLists",
+              "setDefaultParams",
+              "setParams",
+              "generateRules")
diff --git a/R/00xsAnnotate.R b/R/00xsAnnotate.R
index 3cdbce9..febed59 100644
--- a/R/00xsAnnotate.R
+++ b/R/00xsAnnotate.R
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ setClass("xsAnnotate",
+         contains=c("Versioned"),
                     groupInfo= matrix(ncol=0,nrow=0),
                     pspectra = list(),
@@ -25,9 +26,10 @@ setClass("xsAnnotate",
-                    annoID=matrix(ncol=3,nrow=0),
-                    annoGrp=matrix(ncol=4,nrow=0),
-                    isoID=matrix(ncol=4,nrow=0),
+                    annoID=matrix(ncol=4, nrow=0),
+                    annoGrp=matrix(ncol=4, nrow=0),
+                    isoID=matrix(ncol=4, nrow=0),
-                    runParallel=NULL)
+                    runParallel=NULL,
+                    new("Versioned", versions=c(CAMERA="1.13.333")))
diff --git a/R/fct_findAdducts.R b/R/fct_findAdducts.R
index ee85e4f..fbdf479 100644
--- a/R/fct_findAdducts.R
+++ b/R/fct_findAdducts.R
@@ -14,35 +14,39 @@ annotateGrpMPI <- function(params){
-annotateGrp <- function(ipeak, imz, rules, mzabs, devppm, isotopes, quasimolion) {
+annotateGrp <- function(ipeak, imz, rules, mzabs, devppm, isotopes, quasimolion, rules.idx) {
   #m/z vector for group i with peakindex ipeak
   mz     <- imz[ipeak];
-  na_ini <- which(!is.na(mz))
+  naIdx <- which(!is.na(mz))
-  if(length(na.omit(mz[na_ini])) < 1){
+  #Spectrum have only annotated isotope peaks, without monoisotopic peak
+  #Give error or warning?
+  if(length(na.omit(mz[naIdx])) < 1){
-  ML <- massDiffMatrix(mz[na_ini], rules);
+  ML <- massDiffMatrix(mz[naIdx], rules[rules.idx,]);
-  hypothese <- createHypothese(ML,rules,devppm,mzabs,na_ini);
+  hypothese <- createHypothese(ML, rules[rules.idx, ], devppm, mzabs, naIdx);
-  #Erstelle Hypothesen
+  #create hypotheses
   if(is.null(nrow(hypothese)) || nrow(hypothese) < 2 ){
-  #Entferne Hypothesen, welche gegen Isotopenladungen verstossen!
+  #remove hypotheses, which violates via isotope annotation discovered ion charge 
   if(length(isotopes) > 0){
-      hypothese <- check_isotopes(hypothese, isotopes, ipeak);
+    hypothese <- checkIsotopes(hypothese, isotopes, ipeak);
   if(nrow(hypothese) < 2){
-  };
+  }
-  #Test auf Quasi-Molekülionen
+  #Test if hypothese grps include mandatory ions
+  #Filter Rules #2
   if(length(quasimolion) > 0){
-    hypothese <- check_quasimolion(hypothese, quasimolion);
+    hypothese <- checkQuasimolion(hypothese, quasimolion);
   if(nrow(hypothese) < 2){
@@ -50,41 +54,52 @@ annotateGrp <- function(ipeak, imz, rules, mzabs, devppm, isotopes, quasimolion)
   #Entferne Hypothesen, welche gegen OID-Score&Kausalität verstossen!
-  hypothese <- check_oid_causality(hypothese, rules);
+  hypothese <- checkOidCausality(hypothese, rules[rules.idx, ]);
   if(nrow(hypothese) < 2){
   #Prüfe IPS-Score
-  hypothese <- check_ips(hypothese)
+  hypothese <- checkIps(hypothese)
   if(nrow(hypothese) < 2){
-    return(NULL);
-  };
+    return(NULL)
+  }
+  #We have hypotheses and want to add neutral losses
+  if("typ" %in% colnames(rules)){
+    hypothese <- addFragments(hypothese, rules, mz)
+    hypothese <- resolveFragmentConnections(hypothese)
+  }
-createHypothese <- function(ML,rules,devppm,mzabs,na_ini){
+createHypothese <- function(ML, rules, devppm, mzabs, naIdx){
   ML.nrow <- nrow(ML);
   ML.vec <- as.vector(ML);
-  max.value <- max(round(ML,0));
-  hashmap <- vector(mode="list",length=max.value);
+  max.value <- max(round(ML, 0));
+  hashmap <- vector(mode="list", length=max.value);
   for(i in 1:length(ML)){
     val <- trunc(ML[i],0);
       hashmap[[val]] <- c(hashmap[[val]],i);
-  hypothese <- matrix(NA,ncol=9,nrow=0);
-  colnames(hypothese) <- c("massID", "ruleID", "nmol", "charge", "mass", "oidscore", "ips", "massgrp", "check");
+  if("ips" %in% colnames(rules)){
+    score <- "ips"
+  }else{
+    score <- "score"
+  }
+  hypothese <- matrix(NA,ncol=8,nrow=0);
+  colnames(hypothese) <- c("massID", "ruleID", "nmol", "charge", "mass", "score", "massgrp", "check");
   massgrp <- 1;
-  for(i in 1:length(hashmap)){
+  for(i in seq(along=hashmap)){
     candidates <- ML.vec[hashmap[[i]]];
     candidates.index <- hashmap[[i]];
     if(i != 1 && !is.null(hashmap[[i-1]]) && min(candidates) < i+(2*devppm*i+mzabs)){
@@ -94,11 +109,13 @@ createHypothese <- function(ML,rules,devppm,mzabs,na_ini){
         candidates.index <- c(candidates.index,hashmap[[i-1]][index]);
     if(length(candidates) < 2){
     tol <- max(2*devppm*mean(candidates, na.rm=TRUE))+ mzabs;
-    result <- cutree(hclust(dist(candidates)),h=tol);
+    result <- cutree(hclust(dist(candidates)), h=tol);
     index <- which(table(result) >= 2);
     if(length(index) == 0){
@@ -113,89 +130,128 @@ createHypothese <- function(ML,rules,devppm,mzabs,na_ini){
             mass <- ML.nrow;
             adduct <- adduct -1;
-          hypothese <- rbind(hypothese, c(na_ini[mass], adduct, rules[adduct, "nmol"], rules[adduct, "charge"], mean(candidates[m[[ii]]]), rules[adduct, "oidscore"], rules[adduct,"ips"],massgrp ,1));
+          hypothese <- rbind(hypothese, c(naIdx[mass], adduct, rules[adduct, "nmol"], rules[adduct, "charge"], mean(candidates[m[[ii]]]),  rules[adduct,score],massgrp ,1));
+        }
+        if(length(unique(hypothese[which(hypothese[, "massgrp"] == massgrp), "massID"])) == 1){
+          ##only one mass annotated
+          hypothese <- hypothese[-(which(hypothese[,"massgrp"]==massgrp)),,drop=FALSE]
+        }else{
+          massgrp <- massgrp +1;
-        massgrp <- massgrp +1;
-create_hypothese <- function(m, index, ML, rules, na_ini){
-  a <- m[index];
-  # a2 <- lapply(a, sort);
-  b <- a[which(duplicated(a) == FALSE)];
-  b_length <- sapply(b, length);
-  b_ini    <- 1:length(b);
-  b2       <- b[order(b_length)];
-  b_ini    <- b_ini[order(b_length)];
-  add      <- 1;
-  ini_new  <- c();
-  b2_length <- sapply(b2,length);
-  b.index <- vector("numeric",length=max(b_length)-1);
+resolveFragmentConnections <- function(hypothese){
+  #Order hypothese after mass
+  hypothese <- hypothese[order(hypothese[, "mass"], decreasing=TRUE), ]
-  for( i in 2:max(b_length) - 1){
-    b.index[i-1] <- which( b2_length > i)[1];
-  }
-  b.index[max(b_length)-1] <- which(b2_length >= max(b_length)-1)[1]
-  # time <- proc.time()
-  while(length(b2) > 0){
-    ind <- b.index[length(b2[[1]])-1];
-    ini <- which(sapply(b2[ind:length(b2)], function(x) {all((b2[[1]]) %in% x)}) == TRUE);
-    if(length(ini) >= 1){
-      ini_new <- append(ini_new, add);
-      b2  <- b2[-1];
-      add <- add+1;
-    }else{
-      b2 <- b2[-1];
-      add<-add+1;
+  for(massgrp in unique(hypothese[, "massgrp"])){
+    index <- which(hypothese[, "massgrp"] == massgrp & !is.na(hypothese[, "parent"]))
+    if(length(index) > 0) {
+      index2 <- which(hypothese[, "massID"] %in% hypothese[index, "massID"] & hypothese[, "massgrp"] != massgrp)
+      if(length(index2) > 0){
+        massgrp2del <- which(hypothese[, "massgrp"] %in% unique(hypothese[index2, "massgrp"]))
+        hypothese <- hypothese[-massgrp2del, ]
+      }
-  # proc.time() - time
-  if(length(ini_new > 0)){
-    ini_new <- b_ini[ini_new];
-    b <- b[-ini_new];
+  return(hypothese)
+addFragments <- function(hypothese, rules, mz){
+  #check every hypothese grp
+  fragments <- rules[which(rules[, "typ"] == "F"), , drop=FALSE]
+  hypothese <- cbind(hypothese, NA);
+  colnames(hypothese)[ncol(hypothese)] <- "parent"
+  if(nrow(fragments) < 1){
+    #no fragment exists in rules
+    return(hypothese)
-  nrow_b   <- length(b);
-  ncol_b   <- sapply(b, length)
-  nrow_ML  <- nrow(ML);
-  ncol_ML  <- ncol(ML);
-  ML.v     <- as.vector(ML);
-  hypomass <- sapply(b, function(x) {mean(ML.v[x])})
-  hypo     <- matrix(NA,ncol=8);
-  colnames(hypo) <- c("massID","ruleID","nmol","charge","mass","oidscore","ips","massgrp");
+  orderMZ <- cbind(order(mz),order(order(mz)))
+  sortMZ <- cbind(mz,1:length(mz))
+  sortMZ <- sortMZ[order(sortMZ[,1]),]
-  for(row in 1:nrow_b){
-    for(col in 1:ncol_b[row]){
-      adduct <- b[[row]][col] %/% nrow_ML + 1;
-      mass   <- b[[row]][col] %% nrow_ML;
-      if(mass == 0){
-        mass   <- nrow_ML;
-        adduct <- adduct - 1;
-      }
-      hypo   <- rbind(hypo, c(na_ini[mass], adduct, rules[adduct, "nmol"], rules[adduct, "charge"], hypomass[row], rules[adduct, "oidscore"], rules[adduct,"ips"], row));
+  for(massgrp in unique(hypothese[, "massgrp"])){
+    for(index in which(hypothese[, "ruleID"] %in% unique(fragments[, "parent"]) & 
+      hypothese[, "massgrp"] == massgrp)){
+      massID <- hypothese[index, "massID"]
+      ruleID <- hypothese[index, "ruleID"]
+      indexFrag <- which(fragments[, "parent"] == ruleID)
+      while(length(massID) > 0){
+        result <- fastMatch(sortMZ[1:orderMZ[massID[1],2],1], mz[massID[1]] + 
+          fragments[indexFrag, "massdiff"], tol=0.05)
+        invisible(sapply(1:orderMZ[massID[1],2], function(x){
+          if(!is.null(result[[x]])){
+            massID <<- c(massID, orderMZ[x,1]);        
+            indexFrags <- indexFrag[result[[x]]];
+            tmpRes <- cbind(orderMZ[x,1], as.numeric(rownames(fragments)[indexFrags]), fragments[indexFrags, c("nmol", "charge")],
+                                             hypothese[index, "mass"], fragments[indexFrags, c("score")],
+                                             massgrp, 1, massID[1], deparse.level=0)
+            colnames(tmpRes) <- colnames(hypothese)
+            hypothese <<- rbind(hypothese, tmpRes);
+          }
+        }))
+        massID <- massID[-1];
+      }    
-  hypo  <- hypo[-1,];
-  check <- 1;
-  hypothese <- matrix(NA, ncol=9);
-  colnames(hypothese) <- c("massID", "ruleID", "nmol", "charge", "mass", "oidscore", "ips", "massgrp", "check");
-  hypothese <- cbind(hypo, check);
-check_ips<- function(hypothese){
+getderivativeIons <- function(annoID, annoGrp, rules, npeaks){
+    derivativeIons <- vector("list", npeaks);
+    charge <- 0;
+    #check that we have annotations
+    if(nrow(annoID) < 1){
+      return(derivativeIons);
+    }
+    for(i in 1:nrow(annoID)){
+        peakid  <-  annoID[i, 1];
+        grpid   <-  annoID[i, 2];
+        ruleid  <-  annoID[i, 3];
+        parent  <-  annoID[i, 4];
+#         if(is.null(derivativeIons[[peakid]])){
+#           #Peak has no annotation
+#           if(charge == 0 | rules[ruleid, "charge"] == charge){
+#             derivativeIons[[peakid]][[1]] <- list(rule_id = ruleid, charge = rules[ruleid, "charge"], 
+#                                                   nmol= rules[ruleid, "nmol"], name=paste(rules[ruleid, "name"]), 
+#                                                   mass=annoGrp[which(annoGrp[, "id"] == grpid), 2],parent=parent)
+#             }
+#         }else{
+#           #Peak has already annotations
+          if(charge == 0 | rules[ruleid, "charge"] == charge){
+            mass <- annoGrp[which(annoGrp[, "id"] == grpid), 2];
+            if(is.na(parent)){
+              name <- paste(rules[ruleid, "name"]);
+            } else {
+              #look for name
+              name <- paste(rules[ruleid, "name"]);
+              for(ii in seq(along=derivativeIons[[parent]])){
+                if(derivativeIons[[parent]][[ii]]$mass == mass){
+                  break;
+                }                  
+              }
+            }
+            derivativeIons[[peakid]][[(length(derivativeIons[[peakid]])+1)]] <- 
+              list(rule_id = ruleid, charge=rules[ruleid, "charge"], 
+                   nmol=rules[ruleid, "nmol"], name=name, 
+                   mass=mass, 
+                   parent=parent)
+          }
+#         }
+        charge=0;
+    }
+  return(derivativeIons);
+checkIps <- function(hypothese){
   for(hyp in 1:nrow(hypothese)){
     if(length(which(hypothese[, "massgrp"] == hypothese[hyp, "massgrp"])) < 2){
       hypothese[hyp, "check"] = 0;
@@ -213,83 +269,87 @@ check_ips<- function(hypothese){
     if(length(id <- which(hypothese[, "massID"] == hypothese[hyp, "massID"] & hypothese[, "check"] != 0)) > 1){
       masses <- hypothese[id, "mass"]
       nmasses <- sapply(masses, function(x) { 
-                                  sum(hypothese[which(hypothese[, "mass"] == x), "ips"]) 
+                                  sum(hypothese[which(hypothese[, "mass"] == x), "score"]) 
       masses <- masses[-which(nmasses == max(nmasses))];
       if(length(masses) > 0){
-        hypothese[unlist(sapply(masses, function(x) {which(hypothese[,"mass"]==x)})),"check"]=0;
+        hypothese[unlist(sapply(masses, function(x) {which(hypothese[, "mass"]==x)})), "check"]=0;
-  hypothese <- hypothese[which(hypothese[, "check"]==TRUE), ];
-  if(is.null(nrow(hypothese))) {
-    hypothese <- matrix(hypothese, byrow=F, ncol=9)
-  }
-  colnames(hypothese)<-c("massID", "ruleID", "nmol", "charge", "mass", "oidscore", "ips","massgrp", "check")
+  hypothese <- hypothese[which(hypothese[, "check"]==TRUE), ,drop=FALSE];
+  #check if hypothese grps annotate at least two different peaks
+  hypothese <- checkHypothese(hypothese)
-check_oid_causality <- function(hypothese,rules){
-  for(hyp in 1:nrow(hypothese)){
-    #check nmol
-    if(hypothese[hyp, "nmol"] > 1){
-      #nmol > 1;
-      check_sure <- TRUE;
-      if(hypothese[hyp, "charge"] == 1){
-        #nmol > 1 and charge = 1; e.g. [2M+H]+, ensure [M+H] is there
-        if(length(which(hypothese[, "mass"] == hypothese[hyp, "mass"] & hypothese[, "oidscore"] == hypothese[hyp, "oidscore"])) > 1){
-          #same oidscore is there, could also be [3M+H]; otherwise could not check
-          for(prof in (hypothese[hyp, "nmol"] - 1):1){
-          #check if [M+H] is there, for a [3M+H], [2M+H] and [M+H] has to be there
-            indi <- which(hypothese[,"mass"] == hypothese[hyp,"mass"] & hypothese[,"oidscore"] == hypothese[hyp,"oidscore"] & hypothese[,"nmol"] == prof)
-            if(length(indi) == 0){
-              check_sure <- FALSE;
-              hypothese[hyp,"check"] <- 0;
-              next;
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      }else if(abs(hypothese[hyp, "charge"]) == hypothese[hyp, "nmol"]){
-        #nmol > 1 and charge = nmol; e.g. [2M+2H]2+
-        if(length(which(hypothese[, "mass"] == hypothese[hyp, "mass"] & hypothese[, "oidscore"] == hypothese[hyp, "oidscore"])) > 1){
-          for(prof in (hypothese[hyp,"nmol"]-1):1){
-            indi<-which(hypothese[,"mass"]==hypothese[hyp,"mass"] & hypothese[,"oidscore"]== hypothese[hyp,"oidscore"] & hypothese[,"nmol"]==prof)
-            if(length(indi) == 0){
-              check_sure <- FALSE;
-              hypothese[hyp,"check"] <- 0;#next;
-            }
-          }
+checkOidCausality <- function(hypothese,rules){
+  #check every hypothese grp
+  for(hyp in unique(hypothese[,"massgrp"])){
+    hyp.nmol <- which(hypothese[, "massgrp"] == hyp & hypothese[, "nmol"] > 1)
+    for(hyp.nmol.idx in hyp.nmol){
+      if(length(indi <- which(hypothese[, "mass"] == hypothese[hyp.nmol.idx, "mass"] & abs(hypothese[, "charge"]) == hypothese[, "nmol"])) > 1){
+        #check if [M+H] [2M+2H]... annotate the same molecule
+        massdiff <- rules[hypothese[indi, "ruleID"], "massdiff"] / rules[hypothese[indi, "ruleID"], "charge"]
+        if(length(indi_new <- which(duplicated(massdiff))) > 0){
+          hypothese[hyp.nmol.idx, "check"] <- 0;
-        if(length(indi <- which(hypothese[, "mass"] == hypothese[hyp, "mass"] & abs(hypothese[, "charge"]) == hypothese[, "nmol"])) > 1){
-          #check if [M+H] [2M+2H]... annotate the same molecule
-          massdiff <- rules[hypothese[indi,"ruleID"],"massdiff"] / rules[hypothese[indi,"ruleID"],"charge"]
-          if(length(indi_new <- which(duplicated(massdiff)))>0){
-            check_sure <- FALSE;
-            hypothese[hyp, "check"] <- 0;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      if(check_sure){
-        hypothese[hyp,"check"] <- 1;
-      }
-    }else{
-      if(hypothese[hyp,"charge"] > 1){
-              ##todo
-      }else{
-              #nothing to say
-  hypothese <- hypothese[which(hypothese[, "check"] == TRUE), ];
-  if(is.null(nrow(hypothese))) {
-    hypothese <- matrix(hypothese, byrow=F, ncol=9)
-  }
-  colnames(hypothese) <- c("massID", "ruleID", "nmol", "charge", "mass", "oidscore", "ips", "massgrp", "check")
+#     #check nmol
+#     if(hypothese[hyp, "nmol"] > 1){
+#       #nmol > 1;
+#       checkSure <- TRUE;
+#       if(hypothese[hyp, "charge"] == 1){
+#         #nmol > 1 and charge = 1; e.g. [2M+H]+, ensure [M+H] is there
+#         if(length(which(hypothese[, "mass"] == hypothese[hyp, "mass"] & hypothese[, "oidscore"] == hypothese[hyp, "oidscore"])) > 1){
+#           #same oidscore is there, could also be [3M+H]; otherwise could not check
+#           for(prof in (hypothese[hyp, "nmol"] - 1):1){
+#           #check if [M+H] is there, for a [3M+H], [2M+H] and [M+H] has to be there
+#             indi <- which(hypothese[,"mass"] == hypothese[hyp,"mass"] & hypothese[,"oidscore"] == hypothese[hyp,"oidscore"] & hypothese[,"nmol"] == prof)
+#             if(length(indi) == 0){
+#               checkSure <- FALSE;
+#               hypothese[hyp,"check"] <- 0;
+#               next;
+#             }
+#           }
+#         }
+#       }else if(abs(hypothese[hyp, "charge"]) == hypothese[hyp, "nmol"]){
+#         #nmol > 1 and charge = nmol; e.g. [2M+2H]2+
+#         if(length(which(hypothese[, "mass"] == hypothese[hyp, "mass"] & hypothese[, "oidscore"] == hypothese[hyp, "oidscore"])) > 1){
+#           for(prof in (hypothese[hyp,"nmol"]-1):1){
+#             indi<-which(hypothese[,"mass"]==hypothese[hyp,"mass"] & hypothese[,"oidscore"]== hypothese[hyp,"oidscore"] & hypothese[,"nmol"]==prof)
+#             if(length(indi) == 0){
+#               checkSure <- FALSE;
+#               hypothese[hyp,"check"] <- 0;#next;
+#             }
+#           }
+#         }
+#         if(length(indi <- which(hypothese[, "mass"] == hypothese[hyp, "mass"] & abs(hypothese[, "charge"]) == hypothese[, "nmol"])) > 1){
+#           #check if [M+H] [2M+2H]... annotate the same molecule
+#           massdiff <- rules[hypothese[indi, "ruleID"], "massdiff"] / rules[hypothese[indi, "ruleID"], "charge"]
+#           if(length(indi_new <- which(duplicated(massdiff))) > 0){
+#             checkSure <- FALSE;
+#             hypothese[hyp, "check"] <- 0;
+#           }
+#         }
+#       }
+#       if(checkSure){
+#         hypothese[hyp, "check"] <- 1;
+#       }
+#     }
+#   }
+  hypothese <- hypothese[which(hypothese[, "check"] == TRUE), ,drop=FALSE];
+  #check if hypothese grps annotate at least two different peaks
+  hypothese <- checkHypothese(hypothese)
-check_quasimolion <- function(hypothese, quasimolion){
+checkQuasimolion <- function(hypothese, quasimolion){
   hypomass <- unique(hypothese[, "mass"])
   for(mass in 1:length(hypomass)){
     if(!any(quasimolion %in% hypothese[which(hypothese[, "mass"] == hypomass[mass]), "ruleID"])){
@@ -299,15 +359,14 @@ check_quasimolion <- function(hypothese, quasimolion){
-  hypothese <- hypothese[which(hypothese[, "check"]==TRUE), ];
-  if(is.null(nrow(hypothese))) {
-    hypothese <- matrix(hypothese, byrow=F, ncol=9)
-  }
-  colnames(hypothese) <- c("massID", "ruleID", "nmol", "charge", "mass", "oidscore", "ips", "massgrp", "check")
+  hypothese <- hypothese[which(hypothese[, "check"]==TRUE), , drop=FALSE];
+  #check if hypothese grps annotate at least two different peaks
+  hypothese <- checkHypothese(hypothese)
-check_isotopes <- function(hypothese, isotopes, ipeak){
+checkIsotopes <- function(hypothese, isotopes, ipeak){
   for(hyp in 1:nrow(hypothese)){
     peakid <- ipeak[hypothese[hyp, 1]];
@@ -322,518 +381,27 @@ check_isotopes <- function(hypothese, isotopes, ipeak){
-  hypothese <- hypothese[which(hypothese[, "check"]==TRUE), ];
-  if(is.null(nrow(hypothese))){
-    hypothese <- matrix(hypothese, byrow=F, ncol=9)
-  } 
-  colnames(hypothese) <- c("massID", "ruleID", "nmol", "charge", "mass", "oidscore", "ips", "massgrp", "check")
+  hypothese <- hypothese[which(hypothese[, "check"]==TRUE), ,drop=FALSE];
+  #check if hypothese grps annotate at least two different peaks
+  hypothese <- checkHypothese(hypothese)
-calcRules2 <- function (maxcharge=3, mol=3, nion=1, nnloss=1, nnadd=1, nh=3, polarity=NULL){
-  ##Read Tabellen
-  ionlist <- system.file('lists/ions.csv', package = "CAMERA")[1]
-  if (!file.exists(ionlist)) stop('ions.csv not found.')
-  ionlist<-read.table(ionlist, header=TRUE, dec=".", sep=",", as.is=TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE);
-  neutralloss <- system.file('lists/neutralloss.csv', package = "CAMERA")[1]
-  if (!file.exists(neutralloss)) stop('neutralloss.csv not found.')
-  neutralloss <- read.table(neutralloss, header=TRUE, dec=".", sep=",", as.is=TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE);
-  neutraladdition <- system.file('lists/neutraladdition.csv', package = "CAMERA")[1]
-  if (!file.exists(neutraladdition)) stop('neutraladdition.csv not found.')
-  neutraladdition <- read.table(neutraladdition, header=TRUE, dec=".", sep=",", as.is=TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE);
-  ##End Read Tabellen
-  ##Create Rules
-  ruleset     <- matrix(nrow=0, ncol=8);
-  colnames(ruleset) <- c("name","nmol","charge","massdiff","typ","mandatory","score","parent")
-  tmpname   <- c();
-  tmpcharge <- 0;
-  tmpmass   <- 0;
-  tmpionparent<- NA;
-  massH <- 1.007276
-  ##Positive Rule set
-  if(polarity == "positive"){
-    charge <- "+"
-    chargeValue <- 1
-  }else if(polarity == "negative"){
-    charge <- "-"
-    chargeValue <- -1
-  }else{
-    stop("Unknown polarity mode in rule set creating! Debug!\n")
-  }
-  #Hydrogen part is hard coded
-  for(k in 1:mol){
-    if(k == 1){
-      #For M+H
-      str    <- "";
-      tmpips <- 0.5;
-      quasi  <- 1 
-    }else{
-      #For xM+H
-      str    <-  k;
-      tmpips <- 0;
-      quasi  <- 0 
-    }
-    for(xh in seq.int(nh)){
-      if(xh == 1){
-        ruleset <- rbind(ruleset, cbind(paste("[", str, "M", charge, "H]", charge, sep=""), k, chargeValue, 
-                                        massH*chargeValue, "A", 
-                                        quasi, tmpips+0.5, tmpionparent));
-       } else {
-        ruleset <- rbind(ruleset, cbind(paste("[", str, "M", charge, xh, "H]", xh, charge, sep=""), 
-                                        k,xh*chargeValue, massH*xh*chargeValue, "A", 0, 0.5, tmpionparent+1));
-      }
-    }
-    for(i in 1:nrow(ionlist)){
-      #Add change of kat- respectively anion against one hydrogen
-      if(ionlist[i, 2] > 0){
-        if(ionlist[i, 2] == 1){
-          sumcharge <- "";
-        }else{
-          sumcharge <- ionlist[i, 2];
-        }
-        ruleset <- rbind(ruleset, cbind(paste("[", str, "M", charge,"H+", ionlist[i,1], "-H]", sumcharge,
-                                               charge, sep=""), k, ionlist[i, 2]*chargeValue, 
-                                        ionlist[i, 3]+massH*(chargeValue-1),
-                                        "A", 0, 0.25, tmpionparent));  
-      }
-      #xM+H + additional Kation like Na or K      
-      if(ionlist[i,2] <= 0 & chargeValue > 0) {
-        #Ions with negative charge, when polarity is positive
-        next;
-      } else if(ionlist[i, 2] >= 0 & chargeValue < 0){
-        #Ions with positive charge, when polarity is negative
-        next;
-      }
-      #Add Rule to Ruleset
-      if(abs(ionlist[i, 2]) == 1){
-        ruleset <- rbind(ruleset, cbind(paste("[", str, "M", charge,"H+", ionlist[i,1], "]2", 
-                                              charge, sep=""), k, ionlist[i, 2]+1*chargeValue, 
-                                        ionlist[i, 3]+massH*chargeValue, "A", 0, 0.25, tmpionparent));
-      }else{
-        ruleset <- rbind(ruleset, cbind(paste("[", str, "M", charge,"H+", ionlist[i, 1], "]", 
-                                              ionlist[i, 2]+(1*chargeValue),
-                                        charge, sep=""), k, ionlist[i, 2]+1*chargeValue, 
-                                        ionlist[i, 3]+massH*chargeValue, "A" ,0, 0.25, tmpionparent));
-      }
-    }#End for loop nrow(ionlist)
-    ##Coeff - coefficient Matrix, for generating rules with
-    #combination of kat- or anionsexchange ions like [M-2H+Na] (M-H and change of H against Na)
-    coeff <- expand.grid(rep(list(0:nion), nrow(ionlist)))
-    if(chargeValue > 0){
-      index <- which(ionlist[, 2] <= 0);
-    }else{
-      index <- which(ionlist[, 2] >= 0);
-    }
-    if(length(index) > 0){
-      coeff[, index] <- 0;
-    }
-    coeff <- unique(coeff);
-    for(i in 1:nrow(coeff)){
-      if(sum(coeff[i, 1:nrow(ionlist)]) > 2 | sum(coeff[i, 1:nrow(ionlist)]) < 1){
-        next;
-      }
-      tmpname   <- paste("[",str,"M",sep="");
-      tmpcharge <- 0;
-      tmpmass   <- 0;
-      for(ii in 1:(ncol(coeff))){
-        if(coeff[i,ii] > 0){
-          if(coeff[i,ii] > 1){
-            tmpname <- paste(tmpname, "+", coeff[i, ii], ionlist[ii, 1], sep="");
-          }else{
-            tmpname <- paste(tmpname, "+", ionlist[ii, 1], sep="");
-          }
-          tmpcharge <- tmpcharge + coeff[i, ii] * ionlist[ii, 2];
-          tmpmass   <- tmpmass + coeff[i, ii] * ionlist[ii, 3];
-        }
-      }
-      if(abs(tmpcharge) > 1){
-        tmpname <- paste(tmpname, "]", tmpcharge, charge, sep="")
-      }else{
-        tmpname <- paste(tmpname, "]", charge, sep="")
-      }
-      if(tmpcharge > maxcharge){
-        next;
-      }
-      if(sum(coeff[i, ]) == 1 && k == 1){
-        ruleset <- rbind(ruleset, cbind(tmpname, k, tmpcharge, tmpmass, "A", 1, 0.75, tmpionparent));
-      }else{
-        ruleset <- rbind(ruleset, cbind(tmpname, k, tmpcharge, tmpmass, "A", 0, 0.25, tmpionparent));
-      }
-    }#end for loop nrow(coeff)
-  }#end for loop k
-  # Create neutral addition to M+H from list
-  for(i in 1:nrow(neutraladdition)){
-    #Add neutral ion to only M+H
-    ruleset <- rbind(ruleset, cbind(paste("[M", charge, "H+", neutraladdition[i, 1], "]", charge, sep="") , 1, chargeValue, 
-                                    neutraladdition[i, 2]+(massH*chargeValue), "A", 0, 0.25, 1));
+checkHypothese <- function(hypothese){
+  if(is.null(nrow(hypothese))){
+    hypothese <- matrix(hypothese, byrow=F, ncol=8)
+  } 
+  colnames(hypothese) <- c("massID", "ruleID", "nmol", "charge", "mass", "score", "massgrp", "check")
+  for(i in unique(hypothese[,"massgrp"])){
+   if(length(unique(hypothese[which(hypothese[, "massgrp"] == i), "massID"])) == 1){
+    ##only one mass annotated
+    hypothese <- hypothese[-(which(hypothese[,"massgrp"]==i)), , drop=FALSE]
+   } 
-  ## Add neutral loss from list to ruleset
-  for(i in 1:nrow(neutralloss)){
-    ruleset <- rbind(ruleset, cbind(paste("-", neutralloss[i, 1], sep=""), 1, 0, 
-                                    -neutralloss[i, 2], "F", 0, 0.25, 1));
-    #Eliminate rules with charge > maxcharge
-    if(length(index <- which(ruleset[, "charge"] > maxcharge)) > 0){
-      ruleset <- ruleset[-index, ];
-    }
-  }    
-  return(ruleset);
-calcRules <- function (maxcharge=3,mol=3,nion=2,nnloss=1,nnadd=1,nh=2,polarity=NULL){
-    #Allocate variables
-    name     <- c();
-    nmol     <- c();
-    charge   <- c();
-    massdiff <- c();
-    oidscore <- c();
-    quasi    <- c();
-    ips      <- c();
-    fragment <- c();
-    ##Read Tabellen
-    ionlist <- system.file('lists/ions.csv', package = "CAMERA")[1]
-    if (!file.exists(ionlist)) stop('ions.csv not found.')
-    ionlist<-read.table(ionlist, header=TRUE, dec=".", sep=",",
-                        as.is=TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE);
-    neutralloss <- system.file('lists/neutralloss.csv', package = "CAMERA")[1]
-    if (!file.exists(neutralloss)) stop('neutralloss.csv not found.')
-    neutralloss <- read.table(neutralloss, header=TRUE, dec=".", sep=",",
-                              as.is=TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE);
-    neutraladdition <- system.file('lists/neutraladdition.csv', package = "CAMERA")[1]
-    if (!file.exists(neutraladdition)) stop('neutraladdition.csv not found.')
-    neutraladdition <- read.table(neutraladdition,
-                                  header=TRUE, dec=".", sep=",",
-                                  as.is=TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE);
-    ##End Read Tabellen
-    ##temp variables
-    tmpname   <- c();
-    tmpnmol   <- c();
-    tmpcharge <- 0;
-    tmpmass   <- 0;
-    tmpips    <- 0;
-    tmpfragment <- c();
-    #Molekülionen
-    if(polarity=="positive"){
-        #Hydrogen, hard coded
-        for(k in 1:mol){
-          # k - number of molecules (kM+X)
-          if(k == 1){
-            str    <- "";
-            tmpips <- 1.0;
-          }else{
-            str    <-  k;
-            tmpips <- 0.5;
-          };
-          name     <- append(name, paste("[", str, "M+H]+", sep=""));
-          charge   <- append(charge, 1);
-          massdiff <- append(massdiff, 1.007276);
-          nmol     <- append(nmol, k);
-          if(k == 1) {
-            quasi  <- append(quasi, 1);
-          } else { 
-            quasi  <- append(quasi, 0);
-          };
-          oidscore <- append(oidscore, 1);
-          ips      <- append(ips, tmpips)
-          name     <- append(name, paste("[", str, "M+2H]2+", sep=""));
-          charge   <- append(charge, 2);
-          massdiff <- append(massdiff, 2.014552);
-          nmol     <- append(nmol, k);
-          quasi    <- append(quasi, 0);
-          oidscore <- append(oidscore, 2);
-          ips      <- append(ips, tmpips)
-          name     <- append(name,paste("[",str,"M+3H]3+",sep=""));
-            charge<-append(charge,3);
-            massdiff<-append(massdiff,3.021828);
-            nmol<-append(nmol,k);
-            quasi<-append(quasi,0);
-            oidscore<-append(oidscore,3);
-            ips<-append(ips,tmpips)
-            oid<-3;
-            for(i in 1:nrow(ionlist)){
-                if(ionlist[i,2]<=0) {next;}
-                if(ionlist[i,2]==1){
-                    name<-append(name,paste("[",str,"M+H+",ionlist[i,1],"]2+",sep=""));
-                }else{
-                    name<-append(name,paste("[",str,"M+H+",ionlist[i,1],"]",ionlist[i,2]+1,"+",sep=""));
-                }
-                charge <- append(charge,ionlist[i,2]+1);
-                massdiff <- append(massdiff,ionlist[i,3]+1.007276);
-                nmol <- append(nmol,k);
-                quasi <- append(quasi,0);
-                oidscore <- append(oidscore,oid+i);
-                if(tmpips>0.75){
-                    ips<-append(ips,0.5)
-                }else{
-                    ips<-append(ips,tmpips);
-                }#Austausch
-            }
-            oid<-oid+nrow(ionlist);
-            coeff<-expand.grid(rep(list(0:nion),nrow(ionlist)))
-            if(length(list<-which(ionlist[,2]<=0))>0){
-                coeff[,list]<-0;
-            }
-            coeff<-unique(coeff);
-            coeff<-cbind(coeff,rep(0,nrow(coeff)));
-            coeff<-coeff[-1,]
-            tmp<-NULL;
-            for(i in 1:nrow(ionlist)){
-                if(ionlist[i,2]<=0)next;
-                #Austausch erstmal nur einen pro Ion
-                tmp<-rbind(tmp,t(apply(coeff,1,function(x) {x[i]<-x[i]+1;x[nrow(ionlist)+1]<-1;x})));
-            }
-            coeff<-unique(rbind(coeff,tmp));
-            for(i in 1:nrow(coeff)){
-                tmpname<-paste("[",str,"M",sep="");
-                tmpcharge<-0;tmpmass<-0;
-                for(ii in 1:(ncol(coeff)-1)){
-                    if(coeff[i,ii]>0){
-                        if(coeff[i,ii]>1){
-                            tmpname<-paste(tmpname,"+",coeff[i,ii],ionlist[ii,1],sep="");
-                        }else{
-                            tmpname<-paste(tmpname,"+",ionlist[ii,1],sep="");
-                        }
-                        tmpcharge<-tmpcharge+coeff[i,ii]*ionlist[ii,2];
-                        tmpmass<-tmpmass+coeff[i,ii]*ionlist[ii,3]
-                    }
-                }
-                if(coeff[i,ncol(coeff)]>0){
-                    #Austausch hat stattgefunden, einfach bsp 1
-                    tmpname<-paste(tmpname,"-H",sep="");
-                    tmpcharge<-tmpcharge-1;
-                    tmpmass<-tmpmass-1.007276;
-                    tmpips<-0.25;
-                }
-                if(tmpcharge>1){
-                    tmpname<-paste(tmpname,"]",tmpcharge,"+",sep="")
-                }else{
-                    tmpname<-paste(tmpname,"]+",sep="")
-                }
-                name<-append(name,tmpname)
-                charge<-append(charge,tmpcharge)
-                massdiff<-append(massdiff,tmpmass)
-                nmol <- append(nmol,k);
-                oidscore<-append(oidscore,oid+i)
-                if(sum(coeff[i,])==1&& k==1){
-                    quasi <- append(quasi,1);
-                    ips <-append(ips,tmpips);
-                }else{
-                    quasi <- append(quasi,0);
-                    if(tmpips>0.75){
-                        ips <- append(ips,0.75);
-                    }else{
-                        ips <- append(ips,tmpips);
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        oid<-max(oidscore);
-        ##Erzeuge Neutral Addition
-        index<-which(quasi==1)
-        for(i in 1:nrow(neutraladdition)){
-            if(length(index2<-which(ionlist[,2]>0))>0){
-                for(ii in 1:length(index2)){
-                    if(ionlist[index2[ii],2] > 1){
-                        name    <-  append(name,paste("[M+",ionlist[index2[ii],1],"+",neutraladdition[i,1],"]",abs(ionlist[index2[ii],2]),"+",sep=""));
-                    }else{
-                        name    <-  append(name,paste("[M+",ionlist[index2[ii],1],"+",neutraladdition[i,1],"]+",sep=""));
-                    }
-                    charge <- append(charge,ionlist[index2[ii],2]);
-                    massdiff <- append(massdiff,neutraladdition[i,2]+ionlist[index2[ii],3]);
-                    nmol <- append(nmol,1);
-                    quasi <- append(quasi,0);
-                    oidscore    <-  append(oidscore,oid+1);oid<-oid+1;
-                    ips<-append(ips,0.5);
-                }
-            }
-            if(neutraladdition[i,1]=="NaCOOH"){next;}
-            name<-append(name,paste("[M+H+",neutraladdition[i,1],"]+",sep=""));
-            charge<-append(charge,+1);
-            massdiff<- append(massdiff,neutraladdition[i,2]+1.007276);
-            nmol<-append(nmol,1);
-            quasi<-append(quasi,0)
-            oidscore<-append(oidscore,oid+1);oid<-oid+1;
-            ips<-append(ips,0.5);
-        }
-        oid<-max(oidscore);
-        ##Erzeuge Neutral loss
-        index<-which(quasi==1)
-        for(i in 1:nrow(neutralloss)){
-            for(ii in 1:maxcharge){
-              if(ii > 1){
-                name<-append(name,paste("[M+",ii,"H-",neutralloss[i,1],"]",ii,"+",sep=""));
-              }else {name<-append(name,paste("[M+H-",neutralloss[i,1],"]+",sep=""));}
-              charge<-append(charge,ii);
-              massdiff<-  append(massdiff,-neutralloss[i,2]+1.007276*ii);
-              nmol<-append(nmol,1);
-              quasi<-append(quasi,0)
-              oidscore<-append(oidscore,oid+1);oid<-oid+1;
-              ips<-append(ips,0.25);
-            }
-        }
-        ruleset <- data.frame(name,nmol,charge,massdiff,oidscore,quasi,ips)
-        if(length(index<-which(ruleset[,"charge"]>maxcharge))>0){
-            ruleset<- ruleset[-index,];
-        }
-    }else if(polarity=="negative"){
-        #Wasserstoff, hard codiert
-        for(k in 1:mol){
-            if(k==1){str<-"";tmpips<-1.0;}else{str<-k;tmpips<-0.5};
-            name<-append(name,paste("[",str,"M-H]-",sep=""));
-            charge<-append(charge,-1);massdiff<-append(massdiff,-1.007276);nmol<-append(nmol,k);if(k==1){quasi<-append(quasi,1);}else{quasi<-append(quasi,0);};oidscore<-append(oidscore,1);ips<-append(ips,tmpips)
-            name<-append(name,paste("[",str,"M-2H]2-",sep=""));charge<-append(charge,-2);massdiff<-append(massdiff,-2.014552);nmol<-append(nmol,k);quasi<-append(quasi,0);oidscore<-append(oidscore,2);ips<-append(ips,tmpips)
-            name<-append(name,paste("[",str,"M-3H]3-",sep=""));charge<-append(charge,-3);massdiff<-append(massdiff,-3.021828);nmol<-append(nmol,k);quasi<-append(quasi,0);oidscore<-append(oidscore,3);ips<-append(ips,tmpips)
-            oid<-3;
-            for(i in 1:nrow(ionlist)){
-                if(ionlist[i,2]>=0){
-                    if(ionlist[i,2]>1) {next;}
-                    name<-append(name,paste("[",str,"M-2H+",ionlist[i,1],"]-",sep=""));
-                    charge <- append(charge,ionlist[i,2]-2);
-                    massdiff<- append(massdiff,ionlist[i,3]-(2*1.007276));
-                    nmol <- append(nmol,k);
-                    quasi <- append(quasi,0);
-                    oidscore<-append(oidscore,oid+i);
-                    ips<-append(ips,0.25);
-                    next;
-                }
-                if(ionlist[i,2]== -1){
-                    name<-append(name,paste("[",str,"M-H+",ionlist[i,1],"]2-",sep=""));
-                }else{
-                    name<-append(name,paste("[",str,"M-H+",ionlist[i,1],"]",ionlist[i,2]+1,"-",sep=""));
-                }
-                charge <- append(charge,ionlist[i,2]-1);
-                massdiff<- append(massdiff,ionlist[i,3]-1.007276);
-                nmol <- append(nmol,k);
-                quasi <- append(quasi,0);
-                oidscore<-append(oidscore,oid+i);
-                ips<-append(ips,tmpips);
-                #Austausch
-            }
-            oid<-oid+nrow(ionlist);
-            coeff<-expand.grid(rep(list(0:nion),nrow(ionlist)))
-            if(length(list<-which(ionlist[,2]>=0))>0){
-                coeff[,list]<-0;
-            }
-            coeff<-unique(coeff);
-            coeff<-cbind(coeff,rep(0,nrow(coeff)));
-            coeff<-coeff[-1,]
-            for(i in 1:nrow(coeff)){
-                tmpname<-paste("[",str,"M",sep="");
-                tmpcharge<-0;tmpmass<-0;
-                for(ii in 1:(ncol(coeff)-1)){
-                    if(coeff[i,ii]>0){
-                        if(coeff[i,ii]>1){
-                            tmpname<-paste(tmpname,"+",coeff[i,ii],ionlist[ii,1],sep="");
-                        }else{
-                            tmpname<-paste(tmpname,"+",ionlist[ii,1],sep="");
-                        }
-                        tmpcharge<-tmpcharge+coeff[i,ii]*ionlist[ii,2];
-                        tmpmass<-tmpmass+coeff[i,ii]*ionlist[ii,3]
-                    }
-                }
-                if(coeff[i,ncol(coeff)]>0){
-                    #Austausch hat stattgefunden, einfach bsp 1
-                    tmpname<-paste(tmpname,"-H",sep="");
-                    tmpcharge<-tmpcharge-1;
-                    tmpmass<-tmpmass-1.007276;
-                    tmpips<-0.5;
-                }
-                if(tmpcharge< -1){
-                    tmpname<-paste(tmpname,"]",abs(tmpcharge),"-",sep="")
-                }else{
-                    tmpname<-paste(tmpname,"]-",sep="")
-                }
-                name<-append(name,tmpname)
-                charge<-append(charge,tmpcharge)
-                massdiff<-append(massdiff,tmpmass)
-                nmol <-append(nmol,k);
-                oidscore<-append(oidscore,oid+i)
-                if(sum(coeff[i,])==1&& k==1){
-                    quasi   <-append(quasi,1);
-                }else{
-                    quasi <-append(quasi,0);
-                }
-                ips <-append(ips,tmpips);
-            }
-        }
-        oid<-max(oidscore);
-        ##Erzeuge Neutral Addition
-        index<-which(quasi==1)
-        for(i in 1:nrow(neutraladdition)){
-            if(length(index2<-which(ionlist[,2]<0))>0){
-                for(ii in 1:length(index2)){
-                    if(ionlist[index2[ii],2]< -1){
-                        name <- append(name,paste("[M+",ionlist[index2[ii],1],"+",neutraladdition[i,1],"]",abs(ionlist[index2[ii],2]),"-",sep=""));
-                    }else{
-                        name <- append(name,paste("[M+",ionlist[index2[ii],1],"+",neutraladdition[i,1],"]-",sep=""));
-                    }
-                    charge <- append(charge,ionlist[index2[ii],2]);
-                    massdiff<- append(massdiff,neutraladdition[i,2]+ionlist[index2[ii],3]);
-                    nmol <- append(nmol,1);
-                    quasi <- append(quasi,0);
-                    oidscore<-append(oidscore,oid+1);oid<-oid+1;
-                    ips<-append(ips,0.5);
-                }
-            }
-            name<-append(name,paste("[M-H+",neutraladdition[i,1],"]-",sep=""));
-            charge<-append(charge,-1);
-            massdiff<- append(massdiff,neutraladdition[i,2]-1.007276);
-            nmol<-append(nmol,1);
-            quasi<-append(quasi,0)
-            oidscore<-append(oidscore,oid+1);oid<-oid+1;
-            ips<-append(ips,0.5);
-        }
-         oid<-max(oidscore);
-        ##Erzeuge Neutral loss
-        index<-which(quasi==1)
-        for(i in 1:nrow(neutralloss)){
-            name<-append(name,paste("[M-H-",neutralloss[i,1],"]-",sep=""));
-            charge<-append(charge,-1);
-            massdiff<-  append(massdiff,-neutralloss[i,2]-1.007276);
-            nmol<-append(nmol,1);
-            quasi<-append(quasi,0)
-            oidscore<-append(oidscore,oid+1);oid<-oid+1;
-            ips<-append(ips,0.25);
-        }
-        ruleset <- data.frame(name,nmol,charge,massdiff,oidscore,quasi,ips)
-        if(length(index<-which(ruleset[,"charge"]< -maxcharge))>0){
-            ruleset<- ruleset[-index,];
-        }
-    }else stop("Unknown error")
+  return(hypothese)
 add_same_oidscore <-function(hypo,adducts,adducts_no_oid){
@@ -849,15 +417,18 @@ add_same_oidscore <-function(hypo,adducts,adducts_no_oid){
-massDiffMatrix <- function(m,adducts){
-nadd <- length(adducts[,"massdiff"])
-DM <- matrix(NA,length(m),nadd)
-for (i in 1:length(m))
-    for (j in 1:nadd)
-    DM[i,j] <- (abs(adducts[j,"charge"] * m[i]) - adducts[j,"massdiff"]) / adducts[j,"nmol"]    # ((z*m) - add) /n
+massDiffMatrix <- function(m, rules){
+  #m - m/z vector
+  #rules - annotation rules
+  nRules <- nrow(rules);
+  DM   <- matrix(NA, length(m), nRules)
+  for (i in seq_along(m)){
+    for (j in seq_len(nRules)){
+      DM[i, j] <- (abs(rules[j, "charge"] * m[i]) - rules[j, "massdiff"]) / rules[j, "nmol"]    # ((z*m) - add) /n
+    }
+  }
+  return(DM)
 massDiffMatrixNL <- function(m,neutralloss){
diff --git a/R/ruleSet.R b/R/ruleSet.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9fc457e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/ruleSet.R
@@ -0,0 +1,682 @@
+## private class to calculate (dynamic) rulesets
+         representation(ionlistfile="character",
+                        ionlist="data.frame", 
+                        neutrallossfile="character",
+                        neutralloss="data.frame", 
+                        neutraladditionfile="character",
+                        neutraladdition="data.frame",
+                        maxcharge="numeric",
+                        mol="numeric",
+                        nion="numeric",
+                        nnloss="numeric",
+                        nnadd="numeric",
+                        nh="numeric",
+                        polarity="character",
+                        rules="data.frame",
+                        lib.loc="character"),        
+         contains=c("Versioned"),
+         prototype=prototype(
+           ionlistfile="",
+           ionlist=data.frame(),
+           neutrallossfile="",
+           neutralloss=data.frame(),           
+           neutraladditionfile="",
+           neutraladdition=data.frame(),
+           maxcharge=numeric(),
+           mol=numeric(),
+           nion=numeric(),
+           nnloss=numeric(),
+           nnadd=numeric(),
+           nh=numeric(),
+           polarity=NULL,
+           rules=data.frame(),
+           lib.loc=NULL,
+           new("Versioned", versions=c(ruleSet="0.1.1"))),
+         validity=function(object) {
+           TRUE
+         })
+setGeneric("setDefaultLists", function(object, lib.loc=.libPaths()) standardGeneric("setDefaultLists"))
+setGeneric("readLists", function(object) standardGeneric("readLists"))
+setGeneric("setDefaultParams", function(object) standardGeneric("setDefaultParams"))
+setGeneric("setParams", function(object, maxcharge, mol, nion, nnloss, nnadd, nh, 
+                                 polarity, lib.loc) standardGeneric("setParams"))
+setGeneric("generateRules", function(object) standardGeneric("generateRules"))
+setGeneric("generateRules2", function(object) standardGeneric("generateRules2"))
+          signature="ruleSet",
+          function(object) {
+            cat("Backing files: ", object@ionlistfile, object@neutrallossfile, object@neutraladditionfile,"\n")
+            cat("Ion lists: ",
+                "  ", nrow(object@ionlist), " ions",
+                "  ", nrow(object@neutralloss), " neutral losses",
+                "  ", nrow(object@neutraladdition), " neutral additions",
+                "\n")
+            object
+          })
+          signature="ruleSet",
+          function(object, lib.loc=.libPaths()) {
+            ##Read Tabellen
+            object@ionlistfile <- system.file('lists/ions.csv', package = "CAMERA",
+                                              lib.loc=lib.loc)[1]
+            if (!file.exists(object@ionlistfile)) stop('ions.csv not found.')
+            object@neutrallossfile <- system.file('lists/neutralloss.csv', 
+                                                  package = "CAMERA", lib.loc=lib.loc)[1]
+            if (!file.exists(object@neutrallossfile)) stop('neutralloss.csv not found.')
+            object@neutraladditionfile <- system.file('lists/neutraladdition.csv', 
+                                                      package = "CAMERA", lib.loc=lib.loc)[1]
+            if (!file.exists(object@neutraladditionfile)) stop('neutraladdition.csv not found.')
+            object
+          })
+          signature="ruleSet",
+          function(object) {
+            object@ionlist <- read.table(object@ionlistfile, header=TRUE, dec=".", sep=",",
+                                         as.is=TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE);
+            object@neutralloss <- read.table(object@neutrallossfile, header=TRUE, dec=".", sep=",",
+                                             as.is=TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE);
+            object@neutraladdition <- read.table(object@neutraladditionfile,
+                                                 header=TRUE, dec=".", sep=",",
+                                                 as.is=TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE);            
+            object
+          })
+          signature="ruleSet",
+          function(object) {
+            object@maxcharge=3
+            object@mol=3
+            object@nion=2
+            object@nnloss=1
+            object@nnadd=1
+            object@nh=2
+            object@polarity="positive"
+            object
+          })
+          signature=c("ruleSet", "numeric","numeric","numeric","numeric","numeric",
+                      "numeric","character","character"), 
+          function (object, maxcharge=3, mol=3, nion=2, nnloss=1, nnadd=1, nh=2, 
+                    polarity=NULL, lib.loc=NULL) {
+            object@maxcharge=maxcharge 
+            object@mol=mol
+            object@nion=nion
+            object@nnloss=nnloss 
+            object@nnadd=nnadd 
+            object@nh=nh
+            object@polarity=polarity
+            object@lib.loc=lib.loc
+            object
+          })
+          signature="ruleSet", 
+          function (object) {
+            maxcharge=object@maxcharge
+            mol=object@mol
+            nion=object@nion
+            nnloss=object@nnloss
+            nnadd=object@nnadd 
+            nh=object@nh
+            polarity=object@polarity
+            ionlist=object@ionlist
+            neutralloss=object@neutralloss
+            neutraladdition=object@neutraladdition              
+            rules=object@rules
+            name<-c();
+            nmol<-c();
+            charge<-c();
+            massdiff<-c();
+            oidscore<-c();
+            quasi<-c();
+            ips<-c();
+            ##Erzeuge Regeln
+            tmpname   <- c();
+            tmpnmol   <- c();
+            tmpcharge <- 0;
+            tmpmass   <- 0;
+            tmpips    <- 0;
+            ## Molekülionen
+            if(polarity=="positive"){
+              ## Wasserstoff, hard codiert
+              for(k in 1:mol){
+                if(k == 1){
+                  str    <- "";
+                  tmpips <- 1.0;
+                }else{
+                  str    <-  k;
+                  tmpips <- 0.5;
+                };
+                name     <- append(name, paste("[", str, "M+H]+", sep=""));
+                charge   <- append(charge, 1);
+                massdiff <- append(massdiff, 1.007276);
+                nmol     <- append(nmol, k);
+                if(k == 1) {
+                  quasi  <- append(quasi, 1);
+                } else { 
+                  quasi  <- append(quasi, 0);
+                };
+                oidscore <- append(oidscore, 1);
+                ips      <- append(ips, tmpips)
+                name     <- append(name,paste("[",str,"M+2H]2+",sep=""));
+                charge<-append(charge,2);
+                massdiff<-append(massdiff,2.014552);
+                nmol<-append(nmol,k);quasi<-append(quasi,0);
+                oidscore<-append(oidscore,2);
+                ips<-append(ips,tmpips)
+                name<-append(name,paste("[",str,"M+3H]3+",sep=""));
+                charge<-append(charge,3);
+                massdiff<-append(massdiff,3.021828);
+                nmol<-append(nmol,k);
+                quasi<-append(quasi,0);
+                oidscore<-append(oidscore,3);
+                ips<-append(ips,tmpips)
+                oid<-3;
+                for(i in 1:nrow(ionlist)){
+                  if(ionlist[i,2]<=0) {next;}
+                  if(ionlist[i,2]==1){
+                    name<-append(name,paste("[",str,"M+H+",ionlist[i,1],"]2+",sep=""));
+                  }else{
+                    name<-append(name,paste("[",str,"M+H+",ionlist[i,1],"]",ionlist[i,2]+1,"+",sep=""));
+                  }
+                  charge <- append(charge,ionlist[i,2]+1);
+                  massdiff <- append(massdiff,ionlist[i,3]+1.007276);
+                  nmol <- append(nmol,k);
+                  quasi <- append(quasi,0);
+                  oidscore <- append(oidscore,oid+i);
+                  if(tmpips>0.75){
+                    ips<-append(ips,0.5)
+                  }else{
+                    ips<-append(ips,tmpips);
+                  }#Austausch
+                }
+                oid<-oid+nrow(ionlist);
+                coeff<-expand.grid(rep(list(0:nion),nrow(ionlist)))
+                if(length(list<-which(ionlist[,2]<=0))>0){
+                  coeff[,list]<-0;
+                }
+                coeff<-unique(coeff);
+                coeff<-cbind(coeff,rep(0,nrow(coeff)));
+                coeff<-coeff[-1,]
+                tmp<-NULL;
+                for(i in 1:nrow(ionlist)){
+                  if(ionlist[i,2]<=0)next;
+                  ## Austausch erstmal nur einen pro Ion
+                  tmp<-rbind(tmp,t(apply(coeff,1,function(x) {x[i]<-x[i]+1;x[nrow(ionlist)+1]<-1;x})));
+                }
+                coeff<-unique(rbind(coeff,tmp));
+                for(i in 1:nrow(coeff)){
+                  tmpname<-paste("[",str,"M",sep="");
+                  tmpcharge<-0;tmpmass<-0;
+                  for(ii in 1:(ncol(coeff)-1)){
+                    if(coeff[i,ii]>0){
+                      if(coeff[i,ii]>1){
+                        tmpname<-paste(tmpname,"+",coeff[i,ii],ionlist[ii,1],sep="");
+                      }else{
+                        tmpname<-paste(tmpname,"+",ionlist[ii,1],sep="");
+                      }
+                      tmpcharge<-tmpcharge+coeff[i,ii]*ionlist[ii,2];
+                      tmpmass<-tmpmass+coeff[i,ii]*ionlist[ii,3]
+                    }
+                  }
+                  if(coeff[i,ncol(coeff)]>0){
+                    ## Austausch hat stattgefunden, einfach bsp 1
+                    tmpname<-paste(tmpname,"-H",sep="");
+                    tmpcharge<-tmpcharge-1;
+                    tmpmass<-tmpmass-1.007276;
+                    tmpips<-0.25;
+                  }
+                  if(tmpcharge>1){
+                    tmpname<-paste(tmpname,"]",tmpcharge,"+",sep="")
+                  }else{
+                    tmpname<-paste(tmpname,"]+",sep="")
+                  }
+                  name<-append(name,tmpname)
+                  charge<-append(charge,tmpcharge)
+                  massdiff<-append(massdiff,tmpmass)
+                  nmol <- append(nmol,k);
+                  oidscore<-append(oidscore,oid+i)
+                  if(sum(coeff[i,])==1&& k==1){
+                    quasi <- append(quasi,1);
+                    ips <-append(ips,tmpips);
+                  }else{
+                    quasi <- append(quasi,0);
+                    if(tmpips>0.75){
+                      ips <- append(ips,0.75);
+                    }else{
+                      ips <- append(ips,tmpips);
+                    }
+                  }
+                }
+              }
+              oid<-max(oidscore);
+              ## Erzeuge Neutral Addition
+              index<-which(quasi==1)
+              for(i in 1:nrow(neutraladdition)){
+                if(length(index2<-which(ionlist[,2]>0))>0){
+                  for(ii in 1:length(index2)){
+                    if(ionlist[index2[ii],2] > 1){
+                      name    <-  append(name,paste("[M+",ionlist[index2[ii],1],"+",neutraladdition[i,1],"]",abs(ionlist[index2[ii],2]),"+",sep=""));
+                    }else{
+                      name    <-  append(name,paste("[M+",ionlist[index2[ii],1],"+",neutraladdition[i,1],"]+",sep=""));
+                    }
+                    charge <- append(charge,ionlist[index2[ii],2]);
+                    massdiff <- append(massdiff,neutraladdition[i,2]+ionlist[index2[ii],3]);
+                    nmol <- append(nmol,1);
+                    quasi <- append(quasi,0);
+                    oidscore    <-  append(oidscore,oid+1);oid<-oid+1;
+                    ips<-append(ips,0.5);
+                  }
+                }
+                if(neutraladdition[i,1]=="NaCOOH"){next;}
+                name<-append(name,paste("[M+H+",neutraladdition[i,1],"]+",sep=""));
+                charge<-append(charge,+1);
+                massdiff<- append(massdiff,neutraladdition[i,2]+1.007276);
+                nmol<-append(nmol,1);
+                quasi<-append(quasi,0)
+                oidscore<-append(oidscore,oid+1);oid<-oid+1;
+                ips<-append(ips,0.5);
+              }
+              oid<-max(oidscore);
+              ##Erzeuge Neutral loss
+              index<-which(quasi==1)
+              for(i in 1:nrow(neutralloss)){
+                for(ii in 1:maxcharge){
+                  if(ii > 1){
+                    name<-append(name,paste("[M+",ii,"H-",neutralloss[i,1],"]",ii,"+",sep=""));
+                  }else {name<-append(name,paste("[M+H-",neutralloss[i,1],"]+",sep=""));}
+                  charge<-append(charge,ii);
+                  massdiff<-  append(massdiff,-neutralloss[i,2]+1.007276*ii);
+                  nmol<-append(nmol,1);
+                  quasi<-append(quasi,0)
+                  oidscore<-append(oidscore,oid+1);oid<-oid+1;
+                  ips<-append(ips,0.25);
+                }
+              }
+              ruleset <- data.frame(name,nmol,charge,massdiff,oidscore,quasi,ips)
+              if(length(index<-which(ruleset[,"charge"]>maxcharge))>0){
+                ruleset<- ruleset[-index,];
+              }
+            }else if(polarity=="negative"){
+              ## Wasserstoff, hard codiert
+              for(k in 1:mol){
+                if(k==1){str<-"";tmpips<-1.0;}else{str<-k;tmpips<-0.5};
+                name<-append(name,paste("[",str,"M-H]-",sep=""));
+                charge<-append(charge,-1);massdiff<-append(massdiff,-1.007276);nmol<-append(nmol,k);if(k==1){quasi<-append(quasi,1);}else{quasi<-append(quasi,0);};oidscore<-append(oidscore,1);ips<-append(ips,tmpips)
+                name<-append(name,paste("[",str,"M-2H]2-",sep=""));charge<-append(charge,-2);massdiff<-append(massdiff,-2.014552);nmol<-append(nmol,k);quasi<-append(quasi,0);oidscore<-append(oidscore,2);ips<-append(ips,tmpips)
+                name<-append(name,paste("[",str,"M-3H]3-",sep=""));charge<-append(charge,-3);massdiff<-append(massdiff,-3.021828);nmol<-append(nmol,k);quasi<-append(quasi,0);oidscore<-append(oidscore,3);ips<-append(ips,tmpips)
+                oid<-3;
+                for(i in 1:nrow(ionlist)){
+                  if(ionlist[i,2]>=0){
+                    if(ionlist[i,2]>1) {next;}
+                    name<-append(name,paste("[",str,"M-2H+",ionlist[i,1],"]-",sep=""));
+                    charge <- append(charge,ionlist[i,2]-2);
+                    massdiff<- append(massdiff,ionlist[i,3]-(2*1.007276));
+                    nmol <- append(nmol,k);
+                    quasi <- append(quasi,0);
+                    oidscore<-append(oidscore,oid+i);
+                    ips<-append(ips,0.25);
+                    next;
+                  }
+                  if(ionlist[i,2]== -1){
+                    name<-append(name,paste("[",str,"M-H+",ionlist[i,1],"]2-",sep=""));
+                  }else{
+                    name<-append(name,paste("[",str,"M-H+",ionlist[i,1],"]",ionlist[i,2]+1,"-",sep=""));
+                  }
+                  charge <- append(charge,ionlist[i,2]-1);
+                  massdiff<- append(massdiff,ionlist[i,3]-1.007276);
+                  nmol <- append(nmol,k);
+                  quasi <- append(quasi,0);
+                  oidscore<-append(oidscore,oid+i);
+                  ips<-append(ips,tmpips);
+                                        #Austausch
+                }
+                oid<-oid+nrow(ionlist);
+                coeff<-expand.grid(rep(list(0:nion),nrow(ionlist)))
+                if(length(list<-which(ionlist[,2]>=0))>0){
+                  coeff[,list]<-0;
+                }
+                coeff<-unique(coeff);
+                coeff<-cbind(coeff,rep(0,nrow(coeff)));
+                coeff<-coeff[-1,]
+                for(i in 1:nrow(coeff)){
+                  tmpname<-paste("[",str,"M",sep="");
+                  tmpcharge<-0;tmpmass<-0;
+                  for(ii in 1:(ncol(coeff)-1)){
+                    if(coeff[i,ii]>0){
+                      if(coeff[i,ii]>1){
+                        tmpname<-paste(tmpname,"+",coeff[i,ii],ionlist[ii,1],sep="");
+                      }else{
+                        tmpname<-paste(tmpname,"+",ionlist[ii,1],sep="");
+                      }
+                      tmpcharge<-tmpcharge+coeff[i,ii]*ionlist[ii,2];
+                      tmpmass<-tmpmass+coeff[i,ii]*ionlist[ii,3]
+                    }
+                  }
+                  if(coeff[i,ncol(coeff)]>0){
+                                        #Austausch hat stattgefunden, einfach bsp 1
+                    tmpname<-paste(tmpname,"-H",sep="");
+                    tmpcharge<-tmpcharge-1;
+                    tmpmass<-tmpmass-1.007276;
+                    tmpips<-0.5;
+                  }
+                  if(tmpcharge< -1){
+                    tmpname<-paste(tmpname,"]",abs(tmpcharge),"-",sep="")
+                  }else{
+                    tmpname<-paste(tmpname,"]-",sep="")
+                  }
+                  name<-append(name,tmpname)
+                  charge<-append(charge,tmpcharge)
+                  massdiff<-append(massdiff,tmpmass)
+                  nmol <-append(nmol,k);
+                  oidscore<-append(oidscore,oid+i)
+                  if(sum(coeff[i,])==1&& k==1){
+                    quasi   <-append(quasi,1);
+                  }else{
+                    quasi <-append(quasi,0);
+                  }
+                  ips <-append(ips,tmpips);
+                }
+              }
+              oid<-max(oidscore);
+              ##Erzeuge Neutral Addition
+              index<-which(quasi==1)
+              for(i in 1:nrow(neutraladdition)){
+                if(length(index2<-which(ionlist[,2]<0))>0){
+                  for(ii in 1:length(index2)){
+                    if(ionlist[index2[ii],2]< -1){
+                      name <- append(name,paste("[M+",ionlist[index2[ii],1],"+",neutraladdition[i,1],"]",abs(ionlist[index2[ii],2]),"-",sep=""));
+                    }else{
+                      name <- append(name,paste("[M+",ionlist[index2[ii],1],"+",neutraladdition[i,1],"]-",sep=""));
+                    }
+                    charge <- append(charge,ionlist[index2[ii],2]);
+                    massdiff<- append(massdiff,neutraladdition[i,2]+ionlist[index2[ii],3]);
+                    nmol <- append(nmol,1);
+                    quasi <- append(quasi,0);
+                    oidscore<-append(oidscore,oid+1);oid<-oid+1;
+                    ips<-append(ips,0.5);
+                  }
+                }
+                name<-append(name,paste("[M-H+",neutraladdition[i,1],"]-",sep=""));
+                charge<-append(charge,-1);
+                massdiff<- append(massdiff,neutraladdition[i,2]-1.007276);
+                nmol<-append(nmol,1);
+                quasi<-append(quasi,0)
+                oidscore<-append(oidscore,oid+1);oid<-oid+1;
+                ips<-append(ips,0.5);
+              }
+              oid<-max(oidscore);
+              ##Erzeuge Neutral loss
+              index<-which(quasi==1)
+              for(i in 1:nrow(neutralloss)){
+                name<-append(name,paste("[M-H-",neutralloss[i,1],"]-",sep=""));
+                charge<-append(charge,-1);
+                massdiff<-  append(massdiff,-neutralloss[i,2]-1.007276);
+                quasi<-append(quasi,0)
+                oidscore<-append(oidscore,oid+1);oid<-oid+1;
+                ips<-append(ips,0.25);
+              }
+              ruleset <- data.frame(name,nmol,charge,massdiff,oidscore,quasi,ips)
+              if(length(index<-which(ruleset[,"charge"]< -maxcharge))>0){
+                ruleset<- ruleset[-index,];
+              }
+            }else stop("Unknown error")
+            ## Update object rules and return ruleset
+            object@rules=ruleset
+            object;
+          })
+setMethod("generateRules2", signature="ruleSet", function (object) {
+  maxcharge=object@maxcharge
+  mol=object@mol
+  nion=object@nion
+  nnloss=object@nnloss
+  nnadd=object@nnadd 
+  nh=object@nh
+  polarity=object@polarity
+  ionlist=object@ionlist
+  neutralloss=object@neutralloss
+  neutraladdition=object@neutraladdition              
+  rules=object@rules
+  ##Create Rules
+  ruleset     <- matrix(nrow=0, ncol=8);
+  colnames(ruleset) <- c("name", "nmol","charge", "massdiff", "typ","mandatory",
+                         "score", "parent")
+  tmpname   <- c();
+  tmpcharge <- 0;
+  tmpmass   <- 0;
+  tmpionparent <- NA;
+  massH <- 1.007276
+  ##Positive Rule set
+  if(polarity == "positive"){
+    charge <- "+"
+    chargeValue <- 1
+  }else if(polarity == "negative"){
+    charge <- "-"
+    chargeValue <- -1
+  }else{
+    stop("Unknown polarity mode in rule set generation! Debug!\n")
+  }
+  #Hydrogen part is hard coded
+  for(k in 1:mol) {
+    if(k == 1){
+      #For M+H
+      str    <- "";
+      tmpips <- 1.5;
+      quasi  <- 1 
+    }else{
+      #For xM+H
+      str    <-  k;
+      tmpips <- 0;
+      quasi  <- 0 
+    }
+    for(xh in seq.int(nh)){
+      if(xh == 1){
+        ruleset <- rbind(ruleset, cbind(paste("[", str, "M", charge, "H]", charge, sep=""), k, chargeValue, 
+                                        massH*chargeValue, "A", 
+                                        quasi, tmpips+0.5, tmpionparent));
+       } else {
+        ruleset <- rbind(ruleset, cbind(paste("[", str, "M", charge, xh, "H]", xh, charge, sep=""), 
+                                        k,xh*chargeValue, massH*xh*chargeValue, "A", 0, 0.5, tmpionparent+1));
+      }
+    }
+    for(i in 1:nrow(ionlist)){
+      #Add change of kat- respectively anion against one hydrogen
+      if(ionlist[i, 2] > 0 & charge == "-"){
+        if(ionlist[i, 2] == 1){
+          sumcharge <- "";
+        }else{
+          sumcharge <- ionlist[i, 2];
+        }
+        ruleset <- rbind(ruleset, cbind(paste("[", str, "M", charge,"H+", ionlist[i,1], "-H]", sumcharge,
+                                               charge, sep=""), k, ionlist[i, 2]*chargeValue, 
+                                        ionlist[i, 3]+massH*(chargeValue-1),
+                                        "A", 0, 0.25, tmpionparent));  
+      }
+      #xM+H + additional Kation like Na or K      
+      if(ionlist[i,2] <= 0 & chargeValue > 0) {
+        #Ions with negative charge, when polarity is positive
+        next;
+      } else if(ionlist[i, 2] >= 0 & chargeValue < 0){
+        #Ions with positive charge, when polarity is negative
+        next;
+      }
+      #Add Rule to Ruleset
+      if(abs(ionlist[i, 2]) == 1){
+        ruleset <- rbind(ruleset, cbind(paste("[", str, "M", charge,"H+", ionlist[i,1], "]2", 
+                                              charge, sep=""), k, ionlist[i, 2]+1*chargeValue, 
+                                        ionlist[i, 3]+massH*chargeValue, "A", 0, 0.25, tmpionparent));
+      }else{
+        ruleset <- rbind(ruleset, cbind(paste("[", str, "M", charge,"H+", ionlist[i, 1], "]", 
+                                              ionlist[i, 2]+(1*chargeValue),
+                                        charge, sep=""), k, ionlist[i, 2]+1*chargeValue, 
+                                        ionlist[i, 3]+massH*chargeValue, "A" ,0, 0.25, tmpionparent));
+      }
+    }#End for loop nrow(ionlist)
+    ##Coeff - coefficient Matrix, for generating rules with
+    #combination of kat- or anionsexchange ions like [M-2H+Na] (M-H and change of H against Na)
+    coeff <- expand.grid(rep(list(0:nion), nrow(ionlist)))
+    if(chargeValue > 0){
+      index <- which(ionlist[, 2] <= 0);
+    }else{
+      index <- which(ionlist[, 2] >= 0);
+    }
+    if(length(index) > 0){
+      coeff[, index] <- 0;
+    }
+    tmp <- NULL;
+    for(i in 1:nrow(ionlist)){
+      if((chargeValue > 0 & ionlist[i, 2] <= 0) | (chargeValue < 0 & ionlist[i,2] >=0)){
+        next;
+      }
+      #Austausch erstmal nur einen pro Ion
+      tmp <- rbind(tmp, t(apply(coeff, 1, function(x) {
+                                            x[i] <- x[i]+1;
+                                            x[nrow(ionlist)+1] <- -1;
+                                            x }
+                   )));
+    }
+    coeff <- cbind(coeff, rep(0, nrow(coeff)));
+    colnames(coeff)[4] <- "Var4"
+    colnames(tmp)[4] <- "Var4"
+    coeff <- unique(rbind(coeff, tmp));
+    for(i in 1:nrow(coeff)){
+      if(sum(coeff[i, 1:nrow(ionlist)]) > 2 | sum(coeff[i, 1:nrow(ionlist)]) < 1){
+        next;
+      }
+      tmpname   <- paste("[",str,"M",sep="");
+      tmpcharge <- 0;
+      tmpmass   <- 0;
+      for(ii in 1:(ncol(coeff))){
+        if(coeff[i,ii] > 0){
+          if(coeff[i,ii] > 1){
+            tmpname <- paste(tmpname, "+", coeff[i, ii], ionlist[ii, 1], sep="");
+          }else{
+            tmpname <- paste(tmpname, "+", ionlist[ii, 1], sep="");
+          }
+          tmpcharge <- tmpcharge + coeff[i, ii] * ionlist[ii, 2];
+          tmpmass   <- tmpmass + coeff[i, ii] * ionlist[ii, 3];
+        } else if (coeff[i,ii] < 0){
+          tmpname <- paste(tmpname, "-H", sep="");
+          tmpcharge <- tmpcharge - 1;
+          tmpmass   <- tmpmass  - massH;
+        }
+      }
+      if(abs(tmpcharge) > 1){
+        tmpname <- paste(tmpname, "]", tmpcharge, charge, sep="")
+      }else{
+        tmpname <- paste(tmpname, "]", charge, sep="")
+      }
+      if(tmpcharge > maxcharge | tmpcharge == 0){
+        next;
+      }
+      if(sum(coeff[i, ]) == 1 && k == 1 && coeff[i, 4] >=0){
+        ruleset <- rbind(ruleset, cbind(tmpname, k, tmpcharge, tmpmass, "A", 1, 0.75, tmpionparent));
+      }else{
+        ruleset <- rbind(ruleset, cbind(tmpname, k, tmpcharge, tmpmass, "A", 0, 0.25, tmpionparent));
+      }
+    }#end for loop nrow(coeff)
+  }#end for loop k
+  # Create neutral addition to M+H from list
+  for(i in 1:nrow(neutraladdition)){
+    #Add neutral ion to only M+H
+    ruleset <- rbind(ruleset, cbind(paste("[M", charge, "H+", neutraladdition[i, 1], "]", charge, sep="") , 1, chargeValue, 
+                                    neutraladdition[i, 2]+(massH*chargeValue), "A", 0, 0.25, 1));
+  }
+  ## Add neutral loss from list to ruleset
+  for(i in 1:nrow(neutralloss)){
+    ruleset <- rbind(ruleset, cbind(paste("-", neutralloss[i, 1], sep=""), 1, 0, 
+                                    -neutralloss[i, 2], "F", 0, 0.25, 1));
+    #Eliminate rules with charge > maxcharge
+    if(length(index <- which(ruleset[, "charge"] > maxcharge)) > 0){
+      ruleset <- ruleset[-index, ];
+    }
+  }
+  ruleset <- as.data.frame(ruleset, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
+  class(ruleset$nmol) <- "numeric"
+  class(ruleset$charge) <- "numeric"
+  class(ruleset$massdiff) <- "numeric"
+  class(ruleset$mandatory) <- "numeric"
+  class(ruleset$score) <- "numeric"
+  class(ruleset$parent) <- "numeric"
+  object@rules=ruleset
+  object;
+  return(object);
+## calcRules() convenience method with the old
+## behaviour and signature
+calcRules <- function (maxcharge=3, mol=3, nion=2, nnloss=1,
+                       nnadd=1, nh=2, polarity=NULL, lib.loc = NULL, newFragments=FALSE){
+  r <- new("ruleSet")
+  r <- setDefaultLists(r, lib.loc=lib.loc)
+  r <- readLists(r)  
+  r <- setParams(r, maxcharge=maxcharge, mol=mol, nion=nion,
+                  nnloss=nnloss, nnadd=nnadd, nh=nh, polarity=polarity, lib.loc = lib.loc)  
+  if(newFragments){
+    r <- generateRules2(r)
+  }else{
+    r <- generateRules(r)
+  }
+  return(r@rules)
diff --git a/R/xsAnnotate.R b/R/xsAnnotate.R
index d1cc39f..66b4591 100644
--- a/R/xsAnnotate.R
+++ b/R/xsAnnotate.R
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ xsAnnotate <- function(xs=NULL, sample=NA, nSlaves=1, polarity=NULL){
-  colnames(object@annoID) <-  c("id","grp_id","rule_id");
+  colnames(object@annoID) <-  c("id","grpID","ruleID","parentID");
   colnames(object@annoGrp)<-  c("id","mass","ips","psgrp");
   colnames(object@isoID)  <-  c("mpeak","isopeak","iso","charge")
@@ -697,6 +697,7 @@ setGeneric("findAdducts", function(object, ppm=5, mzabs=0.015, multiplier=3, pol
                                    rules=NULL, max_peaks=100, psg_list=NULL) standardGeneric("findAdducts"));
 setMethod("findAdducts", "xsAnnotate", function(object, ppm=5, mzabs=0.015, multiplier=3, polarity=NULL, 
                                                 rules=NULL, max_peaks=100, psg_list=NULL){
+  newFragments <- FALSE;
   # Scaling ppm factor
   devppm <- ppm / 1000000;
@@ -704,7 +705,8 @@ setMethod("findAdducts", "xsAnnotate", function(object, ppm=5, mzabs=0.015, mult
   npeaks.global <- 0;
   # get mz values from peaklist
-  imz    <- object@groupInfo[,"mz"];
+  imz    <- object@groupInfo[, "mz"];
+  #TODO: Change intensity choosing?
   intval <- "maxo"; #max. intensity
   #number of pseudo-spectra
@@ -728,7 +730,7 @@ setMethod("findAdducts", "xsAnnotate", function(object, ppm=5, mzabs=0.015, mult
     cat("Generating peak matrix for peak annotation!\n");
-    mint     <- groupval(object@xcmsSet,value=intval)[,index,drop=FALSE];
+    mint     <- groupval(object@xcmsSet,value=intval)[, index, drop=FALSE];
     peakmat  <- object@xcmsSet@peaks;
     groupmat <- groups(object@xcmsSet);
@@ -747,10 +749,10 @@ setMethod("findAdducts", "xsAnnotate", function(object, ppm=5, mzabs=0.015, mult
   # other variables
   oidscore <- c();
   index    <- c();
-  annoID   <- matrix(ncol=3, nrow=0)
+  annoID   <- matrix(ncol=4, nrow=0)
   annoGrp  <- matrix(ncol=4, nrow=0)
-  colnames(annoID) <-  c("id", "grp_id", "rule_id");
-  colnames(annoGrp)<-  c("id", "mass", "ips", "psgrp");
+  colnames(annoID)  <-  colnames(object@annoID)
+  colnames(annoGrp) <-  colnames(object@annoGrp)
   ##Examine polarity and rule set
   if(!(object@polarity == "")){
@@ -760,7 +762,9 @@ setMethod("findAdducts", "xsAnnotate", function(object, ppm=5, mzabs=0.015, mult
         rules <- object@ruleset;
         cat("Ruleset could not read from object! Recalculate\n");
-        rules <- calcRules(maxcharge=3, mol=3, nion=2, nnloss=1, nnadd=1, nh=2, polarity=object@polarity);
+        rules <- calcRules(maxcharge=3, mol=3, nion=2, nnloss=1, nnadd=1, nh=2,
+                           polarity=object@polarity, 
+                           lib.loc= .libPaths(),newFragments=newFragments);
         object@ruleset <- rules;
@@ -772,15 +776,19 @@ setMethod("findAdducts", "xsAnnotate", function(object, ppm=5, mzabs=0.015, mult
       if(polarity %in% c("positive","negative")){
-          rules <- calcRules(maxcharge=3,mol=3,nion=2,nnloss=1,nnadd=1,nh=2,polarity=polarity);
+          rules <- calcRules(maxcharge=3, mol=3, nion=2, nnloss=1, nnadd=1, 
+                              nh=2, polarity=polarity, lib.loc= .libPaths(),
+                             newFragments=newFragments);
         }else{ cat("Found and use user-defined ruleset!");}
           object@polarity <- polarity;
       }else stop("polarity mode unknown, please choose between positive and negative.")
-    }else if(length(object@xcmsSet@polarity)>0){
+    }else if(length(object@xcmsSet@polarity) > 0){
       index <- which(sampclass(object@xcmsSet) == object@category)[1] + object@sample-1;
       if(object@xcmsSet@polarity[index] %in% c("positive","negative")){
-          rules<-calcRules(maxcharge=3,mol=3,nion=2,nnloss=1,nnadd=1,nh=2,polarity=object@xcmsSet@polarity[index]);
+          rules <- calcRules(maxcharge=3, mol=3, nion=2, nnloss=1, nnadd=1, 
+                             nh=2, polarity=object@xcmsSet@polarity[index], 
+                             lib.loc= .libPaths(), newFragments=newFragments);
         }else{ cat("Found and use user-defined ruleset!");}
         object@polarity <- polarity;
       }else stop("polarity mode in xcmsSet unknown, please define variable polarity.")
@@ -803,8 +811,13 @@ setMethod("findAdducts", "xsAnnotate", function(object, ppm=5, mzabs=0.015, mult
     runParallel <- 0;
-  quasimolion <- which(rules[, "quasi"]== 1)
+  if("quasi" %in% colnames(rules)){
+  #backup for old rule sets
+   quasimolion <- which(rules[, "quasi"]== 1) 
+  }else{
+   quasimolion <- which(rules[, "mandatory"]== 1)
+  }
   #Remove recognized isotopes from annotation m/z vector
   for(x in seq(along = isotopes)){
@@ -829,6 +842,7 @@ setMethod("findAdducts", "xsAnnotate", function(object, ppm=5, mzabs=0.015, mult
       lp <- -1;
       pspectra_list <- psg_list;
     argList <- list();
     cnt_peak <- 0;
@@ -866,7 +880,14 @@ setMethod("findAdducts", "xsAnnotate", function(object, ppm=5, mzabs=0.015, mult
                                         x=argList, fun=annotateGrpMPI, 
+    if("typ" %in% colnames(rules)){
+      rules.idx <- which(rules[, "typ"]== "A")
+      parent <- TRUE;
+    }else{
+      #backup for old rule sets
+      rules.idx <- 1:nrow(rules);
+      parent <- FALSE;
+    }
     for(ii in 1:length(result)){
       if(length(result[[ii]]) == 0){
@@ -881,15 +902,18 @@ setMethod("findAdducts", "xsAnnotate", function(object, ppm=5, mzabs=0.015, mult
         index <- argList[[ii]]$i[[iii]];
         ipeak <- object@pspectra[[index]];
         for(hyp in 1:nrow(hypothese)){
-          peakid <- ipeak[hypothese[hyp,"massID"]];
+          peakid <- as.numeric(ipeak[hypothese[hyp, "massID"]]);
           if(old_massgrp != hypothese[hyp,"massgrp"]) {
             massgrp <- massgrp+1;
             old_massgrp <- hypothese[hyp,"massgrp"];
-            annoGrp <- rbind(annoGrp, c(massgrp, hypothese[hyp, "mass"], 
-                        sum(hypothese[which(hypothese[, "massgrp"]==old_massgrp),
-                                       "ips"]), as.numeric(names(result[[ii]][iii])))) 
+            annoGrp <- rbind(annoGrp,c(massgrp,hypothese[hyp,"mass"],sum(hypothese[ which(hypothese[,"massgrp"]==old_massgrp),"score"]),i) ) 
+          }
+          if(parent){
+            annoID <- rbind(annoID, cbind(peakid, massgrp, hypothese[hyp,c("ruleID","parent")]))  
+          }else{
+            annoID <- rbind(annoID, cbind(peakid, massgrp, hypothese[hyp,c("ruleID")],NA))
-          annoID <- rbind(annoID, c(peakid,massgrp,hypothese[hyp, "ruleID"]))
@@ -912,7 +936,15 @@ setMethod("findAdducts", "xsAnnotate", function(object, ppm=5, mzabs=0.015, mult
       pspectra_list <- psg_list;
       sum_peaks <- sum(sapply(object@pspectra[psg_list],length));
+    if("typ" %in% colnames(rules)){
+      rules.idx <- which(rules[, "typ"]== "A")
+      parent <- TRUE;
+    }else{
+      #backup for old rule sets
+      rules.idx <- 1:nrow(rules);
+      parent <- FALSE;
+    }
     for(j in seq(along = pspectra_list)){
       i <- pspectra_list[j];
@@ -935,7 +967,8 @@ setMethod("findAdducts", "xsAnnotate", function(object, ppm=5, mzabs=0.015, mult
       #check if the pspec contains more than one peak 
       if(length(ipeak) > 1){
-        hypothese <- annotateGrp(ipeak, imz, rules, mzabs, devppm, isotopes, quasimolion);
+        hypothese <- annotateGrp(ipeak, imz, rules, mzabs, devppm, isotopes, quasimolion, rules.idx=rules.idx);
         #save results
@@ -945,14 +978,18 @@ setMethod("findAdducts", "xsAnnotate", function(object, ppm=5, mzabs=0.015, mult
         #combine annotation hypotheses to annotation groups for one compound mass
         for(hyp in 1:nrow(hypothese)){
-          peakid <- ipeak[hypothese[hyp, "massID"]];
+          peakid <- as.numeric(ipeak[hypothese[hyp, "massID"]]);
           if(old_massgrp != hypothese[hyp, "massgrp"]) {
             massgrp <- massgrp + 1;
             old_massgrp <- hypothese[hyp, "massgrp"];
-            annoGrp <- rbind( annoGrp, c(massgrp, hypothese[hyp, "mass"], 
-                                         sum(hypothese[ which(hypothese[,"massgrp"]==old_massgrp), "ips"]), i) ) 
+            annoGrp <- rbind(annoGrp, c(massgrp, hypothese[hyp, "mass"], 
+                                         sum(hypothese[ which(hypothese[, "massgrp"] == old_massgrp), "score"]), i) ) 
+          }
+          if(parent){
+            annoID <- rbind(annoID, c(peakid, massgrp, hypothese[hyp, "ruleID"], ipeak[hypothese[hyp, "parent"]]))
+          }else{
+            annoID <- rbind(annoID, c(peakid, massgrp, hypothese[hyp, "ruleID"], NA))
-          annoID <- rbind(annoID, c(peakid,massgrp,hypothese[hyp,"ruleID"]))
@@ -962,8 +999,8 @@ setMethod("findAdducts", "xsAnnotate", function(object, ppm=5, mzabs=0.015, mult
     object@derivativeIons <- derivativeIons;
-    object@annoID<-annoID;
-    object@annoGrp<-annoGrp;
+    object@annoID  <- annoID;
+    object@annoGrp <- annoGrp;
@@ -1164,7 +1201,7 @@ setMethod("getPeaklist", "xsAnnotate", function(object, intval="into") {
     start <- ncol(peaktable) - grpval.ncol +1;
     ende  <- start + grpval.ncol - 1; 
-    peaktable[,start:ende] <- grpval;
+    peaktable[, start:ende] <- grpval;
   #allocate variables for CAMERA output
diff --git a/inst/lists/ions.csv b/inst/lists/ions.csv
index c8a8eca..cf52be4 100644
--- a/inst/lists/ions.csv
+++ b/inst/lists/ions.csv
@@ -2,4 +2,3 @@ name, charge, molecular_mass
 Na, +1, 22.989218
 Cl, -1, 34.969402
 K,  +1, 38.963158
-NH4, +1, 18.033823
diff --git a/inst/lists/neutraladdition.csv b/inst/lists/neutraladdition.csv
index 9d50a2c..546d8ea 100644
--- a/inst/lists/neutraladdition.csv
+++ b/inst/lists/neutraladdition.csv
@@ -2,3 +2,4 @@ name, molecular mass
 NaCOOH, 67.98744
 HCOOH, 46.00547
 CF3COOH, 133.993
+NH3, 17.02655
diff --git a/inst/lists/neutralloss.csv b/inst/lists/neutralloss.csv
index a34fa1c..777853f 100644
--- a/inst/lists/neutralloss.csv
+++ b/inst/lists/neutralloss.csv
@@ -5,8 +5,13 @@ NH3, 17.02655
 H20, 18.0153
 CH4, 16.0313
 CO, 27.9949
+C2H4, 28.0313
 COCH2, 42.01057
 CO2, 43.9898
-C2H4, 28.0313
 HCOOH, 46.00547
+C4H8, 56.0626
+C3H2O3, 86.00039
+C5H8O4, 132.04226
+C6H10O4, 146.05791
 C6H10O5, 162.05282
+C6H8O6, 176.03209
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/man/ruleSet-class.Rd b/man/ruleSet-class.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..201d7f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/ruleSet-class.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+\title{Class \code{ruleSet}}
+  The class \code{ruleSet} is used to read lists of ions, adducts and
+  neutral losses, and compile the dynamic ruleSet from those.
+  This makes it possible to modify the default rules for certain
+  analytical settings.
+  \describe{
+    \item{\code{ionlistfile}:}{File of known charged ions, an example is
+      found in CAMERA/lists/ions.csv .}
+    \item{\code{neutrallossfile}:}{File of known neutral losses, an
+      example is found in CAMERA/lists/neutralloss.csv.}    
+    \item{\code{neutraladditionfile}:}{File of known adducts, an
+      example is found in CAMERA/lists/lists/neutraladdition.csv .}
+    \item{\code{ionlist}:}{Known charged ions.}
+    \item{\code{neutralloss}:}{Known neutral losses.}
+    \item{\code{neutraladdition}:}{Known adducts.}
+    \item{\code{maxcharge}:}{.}
+    \item{\code{mol	 }:}{.}
+    \item{\code{nion     }:}{.}
+    \item{\code{nnloss   }:}{.}
+    \item{\code{nnadd    }:}{.}
+    \item{\code{nh	 }:}{.}
+    \item{\code{polarity }:}{Polarity of the ruleSet.}    
+    \item{\code{rules}:}{data.frame of resulting mass differences, this
+  is the dynamic ruleSet.}   
+  }  
+  Class \code{"\linkS4class{Versioned}"}, directly.
+  Methods implemented for \code{ruleSet}
+  \describe{
+    \item{setDefaultLists	}{\code{signature(object = "ruleSet")}:
+     Set filenames for the lists shipped with CAMERA.}
+   \item{readLists	}{\code{signature(object = "ruleSet")}: Read and
+     parse the lists from the files.}
+    \item{setDefaultParams}{\code{signature(object = "ruleSet")}: Set
+  the default parameters for rule generation. }
+    \item{setParams       }{\code{signature(object = "ruleSet")}: Set
+  the parameters for rule generation.  }   
+   \item{generateRules	}{\code{signature(object = "ruleSet")}: Create
+  the rules in \code{ruleSet@rules} . }
+  }
+  Steffen Neumann and Carsten Kuhl
+        r <- new("ruleSet"); 
+        r2 <- setDefaultLists(r) ; 
+        r3 <- readLists(r2) ; 
+        r4 <- setDefaultParams(r3) ; 
+        r5 <- generateRules(r4)
+        dim(r5@rules)